• Nathanael S.

    Schoßbügel Sanftheit Reißt es ab! Airtimes Dead spots

    Goliath is a sorry waste of potential. It simply can't decide what it wants to do. The "impressive first drop" coughs up weak floater and doesn't even feel like it lasts too long cause it's so dang forceless. The speed is fun, for a little bit. You get "very" slight floater going into the turnaround. Then comes the best part, the singular floater hill. Up until now, I would be okay enough towards goliath if it kept giving weak floater. At least its fast and gives floater, right? But no. The midcourse kills any ounce of fun, screeching you to a halt. All that speed? gone. You liked that floater? too bad, you'll never get it again. The helix isn't fun, it's just raw forces with no reason. This ride isn't bad, but its such a waste, and as long as this exists, we'll never get a good hyper at magic mountain. Other rides of this height have some of the worlds best first drops, and layouts chock full of strong floater, not this weak stuff. Tear this thing down! Unfortunately, it's too smooth for sfmm to consider this. :(

  • Nathanael S.

    Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Intensität

    Viper is amazing... if you're tall enough. I get why everyone hates this ride, I really do. But I am tall enough, and for me it's awesome! Every inversion hits hard, and there's even a nice pop of ejector. Please just replace the trains, don't tear down viper. 🙏

  • Nathanael S.

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität Headbanging Unangenehm Dead spots

    He did indeed lose his shoes. One of the funniest moments of my life seeing shoes flying through the air. Couldn't stop laughing on the brake run. Back row gives crazy whip over the drop. 10/10.

  • Nathanael S.

    Airtimes Spaß Meisterwerk Kapazität

    Ghost rider is the best. Incredibly paced, strong laterals, excellent floatjector on the mid course break run drop, nice floater, just excellent in every way. Jumps from 9/10 to 9.5/10 at night.