• Andy Aerts

    Abschuss Sanftheit Layout

    You can't say anything negatve about this coaster. The launch feels very good and the looping deserves a lot more attention. The interaction with Wodan is also very cool. It is also very smooth despite it being a 15 year old coaster. There are also some very intense moments like the corckscrew at the end. An icon for Europa-Park

  • Andy Aerts

    First Drop Thematisierung Meisterwerk

    This isn't just a coaster, it's an experience. The 3 preshows are really good and I would never skip it, especcialy the second one where you need to stand in rows and wait for the green light meanwhile the baron is talking to you and saying you need to be ready for the descent. The music is also very good and really hypes you up but also make it a bit mysterious. I also like the third show because you really have the feeling that you made a big mistake and it's not gonna end well. It feels like you are in the middle of a movie.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Intensität Layout

    A very intense wing coaster, the G-forces on this coaster are insane, mainly in the helix around Pixarus (wich looks incredible by the way). The first drop an zero g roll are also some very intense moments. The theming is also very good, everything just feels so magical and immersive. This coaster really brought Toverland to the next level.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Inversionen Nette Überraschung!

    This coaster deserves more attention, It just feels that nobody talks about this coaster anymore because it's at the same place as F.L.Y an Taron. The theming is just world class (which we are used to at Phantasialand). The first time I was at Phantasialand I just thought it was fun little B&M, but I was wrong. the inversions are very intense and the near miss if you sit in the front. A big surprise for me.

  • Andy Aerts

    First Drop Standort Intensität

    The best wooden coaster I have ever ridden. First of all the location, having interaction with 2 different coasters is something not a lot of coasters have. The theming in the queue is also very good and impressive. And the coaster itself isn't worse, the first drop is so intense, especcialy in the back. The layout also stays intense, my favorite moment is going trough the tunnel under the gate.

  • Andy Aerts

    Intensität Layout Dauer

    What an absolute banger of a wooden coaster. You just can't say anything bad about it. It just keeps going and going and just feels llike it's never gonna stop. I also find it very intense because of the duration. The layout also has no dead spot despite the lenght. Probably the best wooden coaster in the Benelux.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Dauer Layout

    Wow, what an experience. If you ride this coaster for the coaster itself, you will dissapointed. But the darkride scenes are really things you will only find in Efteling. You really have that feeling of being on see in the night. The queue is also probably the best one I have ever seen, the hallways look so good and the station is also beautiful. You also don't really get wet wich is good for people who don't like it.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm Layout

    The only coaster where I would rather stand in the queue then be on it. The queue looks very good, you really feel like you are in a school. But that coaster is just so bad. It's uncomfortable, rough and the layout is just boring. Never going on it again.

  • Andy Aerts

    Schoßbügel Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz

    One of the best triple launch coasters I have ridden. Especially the backwards launch (if you ride forwards) is very good. I also was quite surprised by how intense it was, especially backwards. The chose of your direction is also very unique and is something I have never seen before. It is maybe a bit too short. It feels like you still have all the speed when you are going into the breaks and I find the theming a bit lazy.

  • Andy Aerts

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Layout Headbanging

    What a surprise, if you vistit this park you only think of one thing and that is RTH. When I saw this I thought it was nothing special so I had low expectations. The queue looks good and when I sat down I expected to stop before the launch, but you get instantly launched and you really get pushed in your seat because of the strenght of the launch. The layout was also very good and my only problem was that you have some headbanging after the launch.

  • Andy Aerts

    Airtimes Spaß Intensität

    The racing on these coasters is so cool, being next to each other at the first drop is something I like very much. You also don't know who is gonna win until the very end wich makes it very exciting. The layout is also very intense and has some good airtime. My only complaint is that the dragon doesn't work anymore, it used to splash water and spit fire wich was very cool, I hope they fix this again.

  • Andy Aerts

    Airtimes Spaß Intensität

    The racing on these coasters is so cool, being next to each other at the first drop is something I like very much. You also don't know who is gonna win until the very end wich makes it very exciting. The layout is also very intense and has some good airtime. My only complaint is that the dragon doesn't work anymore, it used to splash water and spit fire wich was very cool, I hope they fix this again.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung!

    My favorite indoor coaster, the theming in the queue is so well done because you really feel like you are in France. It's also very unique, I have never seen a coaster based on a monument. The coaster layout is nothing special but everything around it makes it so much fun. The music also works perfectly with the things you see during the ride. For me this was the biggest surprise in Europa-Park.

  • Andy Aerts

    Standort Komfort Meisterwerk

    Such a unique rollercoaster, it feels like you are back in the 90's due to the music and the projection at the ceilling. And that train, when you are in the station and the train is coming in it just feels like it never stops because of the lengths of it. The seats are also pretty comfortable, the restraints don't even touch you. This really is a coaster for young an old.

  • Andy Aerts

    Inversionen Intensität Sanftheit Thematisierung

    This coaster is the definition of 7/10. I really like the inversions, mainly the loopings. If you sit in the front you really get pushed trough them. The coaster is also smooth wich was a big surprise for me because I thought it was an old Vekoma, I didn't know they retracked it a couple years ago. Also a thing I was surprised by was that there was no theming. Efteling is known for making everything look magical and here it just feels like a Six Flags park. If they add theming and a story it would only be better.

  • Andy Aerts

    Hangtime Dauer Headbanging

    A pretty underrated coaster if you ask me, before Fury was in Bobbejaanland everyone was positive about it but since Fury arrived nobody seems to like it anymore. The looping is iconic and going slow trough the heartline rolls is very fun. The headbanging is a serieus problem tho, mainly in the looping and the first spiral. But if you brace yourself it's not that bad.

  • Andy Aerts

    Airtimes Spaß Kapazität

    A wooden coaster perfect for the whole family, wich fits Plopsaland perfectly. It's not as big and as tall as other GCI's nearby (Troy, Wodan,...) but I don't think that is a problem. The layout has some fun moments and also some good airtime. You will be waiting a long time because the capacity sucks. But other than that I don't have anything negative to say.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln

    This coaster is so iconic. The towers are an eyecatcher and the spacestation in the queue is really cool. And let's not forget that absolute BANGER of a soundtrack, everyone was just vibing in the queue and in the lifthill. I absolutely love it. The layout is okay, spinning around the towers offers some nice views and the rest is actually pretty intense. The final turns have some very intense G-forces wich I like. The only major problem is the rattle wich I think is not as big of a problem and only makes it more iconic.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Layout

    I think this coaster is pretty cool, the layout is surprising with some intense moments. The theming is good. The indoor scenes look good, especially the chain lift. The theming during the main part is also good, but defitinely not Disney level. You can see that you are in a big empty building with some screens and I think they could have done it far better.

  • Andy Aerts

    Nette Überraschung! Komfort Dauer Layout

    As a darkride this ride is an absolute masterpiece, the sets are beautiful and I totally didn't expect the city part. Flying over the hall was gorgeous. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful. But it just didn't feel like a coaster when it was supposed to. The layout is too thame and has no speed at all

  • Andy Aerts

    Kapazität Spaß Intensität Irrelevant

    The outside looks impressive, the bird looking over the whole area is pretty cool. The coaster is okay with some cool effects and the soundtrack is an absolute banger. The big problem for me is that it looks outdated. Efteling is known for it's magical attractions with beautiful theming and I know that they can do far better than this.

  • Andy Aerts

    Spaß Layout Dauer Dead spots

    The best coaster in Bellewaerde, the layout is unique and family friendly. I really like the boomerang part, it makes it stand out from other family coasters. My only issue is that some parts are a little tame and don't really do anything. I think it could have been a bit intenser.

  • Andy Aerts

    First Drop Spaß

    This perfectly fits Toverland, a coaster that the whole family can enjoy. The on-ride audio fits perfectly and the first drop is pretty intense. The layout is a bit short tho, but that is really the only problem I noticed.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Standort Rütteln

    What a great themed watercoaster, the station looks amazing and Greek area has a nice realm. I also think the location fits perfectly, on one side you have interaction with Pegasus and at the other side you have a Greek village. The only major problem is the rattle, maybe if they retrack it with better technology it would be better. Overral a good family watercoaster.

  • Andy Aerts

    Abschuss Spaß Unangenehm

    You can see that this is the first motorcycle coaster, the launch has some good force and the layout has some fun moments, especially the last hills before the breaks. I find the seats to be a bit uncomfortable, I am not a big fan of these kinds of coasters

  • Andy Aerts

    Nette Überraschung! Layout Kapazität

    I expected a classic wild mouse with some good theming, but it was far more than that. The elevator in the beginning was a good surprise and the layout had some fun drops and hairpins. The capacity is low so you can be waiting a while. I also find the animatronics in the queue creepy and outdated. But besides that the queue looks pretty good.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Spaß Kapazität

    A very good coaster for Wiegand, it has a good speed (if you have no one in front of you). The theming during the ride and in the queue is very good. But I wouldn't want to wait more 30 minutes for this and since this ride has a low capacity I frequently skip it.

  • Andy Aerts

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Enttäuschend!

    Didn't know this was in Phantasialand until my first visit. The theming is world class and the it's very smooth. But I expected more and that's why I was pretty disappointed after riding it. It doesnt really have anything special in the layout and I am not a big fan of going backwards.

  • Andy Aerts

    Nette Überraschung! Dauer Kapazität

    This one is a guilty pleasure for me, this is probably one of the better VR coasters. Apart from the capacity the layout is long and the quality of the VR is good. I don't get why everyone seems to hate it. I think the reason for this is is that it doesn't fit Phantasialand and I get why everyone wants something else on that location.

  • Andy Aerts

    Nette Überraschung! Layout Unangenehm

    I didn't except much from this ride but there are some very good moments on this. The elevator was a surprise and the first drop was good. The rest of the layout is okay and I like the surprise at the end. It still is a Maurer spinning coaster meaning the coaches are uncomfortable for taller people. But overall a nice surprice.