Thematisierung Enttäuschend! Irrelevant
Pointless replacement to beloved Bob.
First Drop Komfort Airtimes
Doesn't live up to its reputation. Floaters are rather boring - and most of them simply too slow. First drop is great, but after that, it basically becomes a snoozefest.
First Drop Thematisierung Zu kurz Dead spots Intensität
11/10 theming sadly can't compensate for the issues most dive coasters face: too short, everything post first drop is basically a dead spot.
First Drop Meisterwerk Ejectors Thematisierung
Still the best coaster I've ridden in my entire life. Tops every RMC in Europe if you ask me, especially the currently overhyped "untamed" in Holland which i've been on recently. UNBELIEVABLE EJECTORS that are LOOOONG, the 30degree switch in the middle of the ride is amazing, the bunny hops at the end bring it to a great conclusion. And the first drop is just out of this world. I fucking love this coaster, if only it weren't in this terrible park.
Nette Überraschung!
Best ride @ Efteling if you ask me. Decent intensity and speed.
Thematisierung Zu kurz Dead spots Intensität
Ridiculously short. Superbe theming, but that won't make up for the very mediocre ride experience.
Thematisierung Tempo Spaß Unangenehm
It's definitely not as painful as people make it out to be here. Fun ride, with one of the best soundtracks of all times.
Airtimes Inversionen Ejectors
It's a great coaster, no doubt. Nice ejectors, the barrel roll at the end is INCREDIBLE. However, #4 worldwide is definitely overhyped. Top 30: fine, but this is a little too optimistic. Also, while not taken into account, the theming is somewhere between weird and plain stupid. Departure sounds were copied from Black Mamba in GER.