Achterbahn Rezensionen
Kapazität Unangenehm Dead spots
This is my first spinning mouse coaster. It is very noisy and barely spins. The brakes are too powerful and the hills are kinda uncomfortable. The capacity sucks.
Kids can enjoy this. But the lateral kicks are uncomfortable.
Standort Headbanging Rückhaltebügel
It is a knock off Maurer skyloop coaster. The OTSR really hurts.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rückhaltebügel Kapazität
I was quite surprised by this. It has airtime pops with only a seat belt. It tracks very well despite having weird transitions. Very nice & fun ride.
Intensität Sanftheit Kapazität
I was touched by its smoothness. The first drop offers a pop of airtime in the back row. It's also outrageously intense, I got sustained grayout on the 2nd vertical loop. The corkscrews are just ok. It's an underrated knock-off coaster.
Abschuss Enttäuschend! Airtimes
This is my first impulse coaster. It only provides a little feeling of weightlessness although I rode it at the very back row.
Rütteln Unangenehm
Just a rough family coaster from the 90s
Inversionen Standort Dead spots Intensität
Not a bad coaster, but I find it forceless.
Airtimes Standort Ejectors Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm
It rattles like crazy and only operates with 1 train and slow operations, but that speed hill provides crazy ejector. Overall it is still a fun coaster.