I rode this once as a kid. It was surprisingly rough to me, and was incredibly boring, even as a kid i emember being disappointed. But its not horrible, especially for people looking for somthing mild.
I havent ridden in years (review for credit on ride) But it used to be my all time favorite as a youngin. Definitely a bit rough, but i loved the corkscrew.
Havent ridden in a while, but it did seem to deteriorate a decent ammount over time. Srill fun to ride, but may be a little rough
Its a classic, but im not a fan. Its rough and over rated in my opinion. Glad to say i rode it, but i wont ride it again.
Its a classic, but im not a fan. Its rough and over rated in my opinion. Glad to say i rode it, but i wont ride it again.
Intensität Headbanging
Its a fun coaster for what it is. Havent ridden it in a while but i used to enjoy it when i was local.
Nette Überraschung! Intensität
Rode this the first year it came out. It was fun to say i rode it but its not my cup of tea. It was smooth, and a unique ride though.
Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Enttäuschend!
Not a horrible coaster, but not one i ever really wanted to ride more than once. Its not comfortable.
Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Headbanging Intensität
A fun coaster with lots of little drops and unexpected turns. It can be a bit intense havent been on it in a while but it was always a go to ride.
Headbanging Unangenehm
Rode this once a lomg while ago. Not a fan and wont miss it honestly
First Drop Thematisierung Spaß Zu kurz
One of my favorite coaster to ride. Havent rode this in a few years now but id love to ride it again soon.
First Drop Kapazität Spaß Zu kurz
This is hands down my favorite coaster. I havent ridden this in some years now so im posting to get credit for it. But id love to go back one of these days. I remember riding this 5 or 6 times a day on loop. Haha
Airtimes Dauer
Rode this a long while ago now but wanted to mark for the creadit. Loved this when i rode it. I was much younger and remember crying on the lift hill haha.
First Drop Intensität Headbanging Thematisierung
I had the most fun on this ride at the park. I definitely dont understand how its rated lower than Twister, but oh well right? There is very little theming to this coaster, but id did have a decent (though a little short) ride time. If the coaster ran a little smoother if say it was too short of a run, but it is a bit headbangy so any longer would be too much. Oneof the better coasters at this park, but definitely still not amzing. I did ride twice today though.
Inversionen Spaß Intensität Kapazität Unangenehm
Not horrible. But also not amazing. Its a 'ride it once' type of ride. Theres only one cart so wait time can be rough. But its one of the smoother track rides at the park in my opinion.
Airtimes Thematisierung Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm
The theming is super fun and unique, be it cheesy. But boy is this ride ROUGH. Even for a wooden coaster, this ones bad. Its in serious need of TLC, or demolition in my opinion. Partner andI rode it once and left it pretty banged up. Head neck shoulders and back all hurt pretty significantly.