Komfort Intensität Ejectors
Even after months of having not ridden it, this is still one of the best coaster experiences ever. Intense speeds, spine crushing forces going into the spike and into the top hat, and the single best airtime moment I've experienced. Can't wait to get back on it!!
Airtimes Schoßbügel Layout Rütteln
It seems as if the new seats have gotten rid of the rattle, or at least lessened it! It's much more enjoyable now.
Inversionen Spaß Intensität Headbanging Rückhaltebügel
rough ride, but i'd be lying if i said i didn't have fun on it. hope it gets new restraints someday, could help out a LOT. really hurts on the 1st drop and just before the double loop, but its bearable for the rest of it.
Spaß Intensität Layout
Seriously one of the best coasters on the planet. No coaster will ever feel the same after marathoning this ride...no ride has the same forces this ride does, and probably never will.
First Drop Komfort Sanftheit Enttäuschend!
This ride, while disappointing, was still a great ride! The ride was smoother than Fury 325, but nowhere near as fun. Having ridden F325 before Leviathan, I came in with much higher expectations than I should have. However, it's still better than I305 in my opinion!
Schoßbügel Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit
Just like Dorney Park itself, Steel Force is a very underrated ride! The ride is very similar to Magnum at Cedar Point, but in some ways, it's better! It's smoother, feels faster, and has a better lap bar. Actually...the lap bar didn't even touch my lap! I really can't see why people don't like this ride or find it boring.
Nette Überraschung! Intensität Sanftheit
I honestly can't decide whether Talon or Raptor is a better ride! I got one ride in the back row, but even there, I got no headbanging, and there was even a pop of airtime. A POP OF AIRTIME ON AN INVERT!! Every inversion was well paced, and I was pleased with what I had ridden by the time I had stopped on the brake run. An extremely underrated ride that should be noticed more often.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Sanftheit
I know a lot of enthusiasts say that this ride is overrated, but I can't say that! The 2 rides I got on it both blew me away. The ride itself was easily the smoothest wooden coaster I've ever been on, and that's shocking considering it is over half a century old! Every airtime moment is unique. Sometimes, I was floating right in between the seat and the lap bar, creating a very odd sensation. Others, I was slammed up into the lap bar with no warning other than the sight of the hill in front of me. The fact that there's no seat belt amazed me as well! It just made the ride even better. It currently ranks as my #5 coaster, and for a good reason too!
First Drop Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel
Recently, I had a ride on Gatekeeper on a left inside seat. That ride, I experienced one of the worst rattles ever. The layout itself is cool, but that rattle was insane. This thankfully has only happened on 1 of my many rides on this ride, but it was enough to bring it down a bit.
Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit
This is the smoothest, most immersive coaster i've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. Everything from the Preshow, station, queue, and the whole ride experience is SO well done. It is certainly impressive that I couldn't even tell the difference between screen vs stars. Perfectly smooth spinning, a fun launch, and insanely comfortable restraints. NOTHING prepared me for the preshow--not even seeing it in a video beforehand. A one of a kind coaster that everyone can, and should, experience.
Tempo Intensität Sanftheit
This is my new favorite arrow looper! An incredibly smooth ride, 2nd from back on the Purple train. No headbanging at all, and very intense!!
Schoßbügel Sanftheit Ejectors
There is no reason for this ride to exist, yet somehow it does. With butter smooth track and intense transitions, Phantom's Revenge manages to give an intense, airtime filled ride that's easily re-rideable and a lot of fun! When I first rode it I was very disappointed. It was a morning ride on July 4th, and I had a headache; not exactly the best conditions. However, on my most recent trip to Kennywood, each ride just kept getting better and better. The first drop isn't the best, but the laterals impressed me every time. The forces on the dive into the valley into the turnaround are fantastic, causing a grey-out on every ride I had on it. Each airtime moment felt different, but they all gave very strong airtime. Due to the way the lap bar is designed, there was little to no pain experienced on the airtime hills; a definite pro in my book. While I do like painful airtime, I think its a good thing that I didn't have to brace for the pain. In the end I'm so glad my opinion on this ride has changed, as I used to see it as the most overrated coaster ever!
Airtimes Schoßbügel Intensität
This ride is FANTASTIC! I feel like a lot of people either way overhyped or way underhyped this ride. This ride truly exceeded every expectation I had for it -- Except one. I expected the Helix to be more intense, but it was probably the most boring part of the ride on a ride FULL of fantastic elements! It's currently my 3rd favorite giga coaster, ahead of Leviathan and I305, but not nearly as good as Millennium Force or Fury 325
Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Rütteln Unangenehm
My 100th coaster! All 5 rides I got on Skyrush left me feeling absolutely pumped and feeling nothing in my legs. But that isn't a bad thing! If anything, I'd say the lap bar makes the ride even more intense than it already is. It ended up hurting so much that when I went to ride Sooperdooperlooper afterwards, my legs still hurt! I kind of surprised I liked it as much as I did. It is a very intense ride, and in some ways, could be compared to I305, a ride that I like, but not as much as others. However, I thought Skyrush did everything better; The airtime, the whippiness, and the drop were all superior to the same things on I305. I just thought like Skyrush was a better ride than I305 and most of the other rides I've ridden. However, I will say that the left side of the train is far smoother than the right side of the train, as it was rattly almost to the point that I couldn't enjoy it. Yet still, the layout itself made up for it!
Inversionen Spaß Intensität Rückhaltebügel
Why is this ride SO GOOD!! Definitely the best dive coaster I've ridden so far, every single element before the MCBR is great! I don't even think that the drop is the best part. In the back row, the last 3 inversions are super whippy, and the last immelmann reminded me of classic B&M! The stuff after the MCBR is okay, but still; the ride up until then is a fantastic ride.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Sanftheit
WOW, Easily the BEST B&M hyper I've ridden! Super Smooth with no rattle at all. Fantastic airtime, even in the middle!
Tempo Spaß Rückhaltebügel Rütteln
HOLY CRAP! Why does this ride get so much hate? I gave myself a little bit of room with the lap bar and I got STANDING AIRTIME on the first drop! Whoever says it's forceless or has no airtime is wrong. A first turn with a grey-out, a first drop with great ejector, 2 other ejector hills and a great floater hill, this ride keeps it's speed very well! There is a rattle, but it's honestly not the worst rattle in the world.
Airtimes Inversionen
SOOO UNDERRATED! Super fun ride with great inversions.
Abschuss Thematisierung
Super run down theming compared to the King's Island version.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Thematisierung
WOW! I went in expecting NOTHING from this ride...but the finale was super good and the game itself was really fun imo!
Airtimes First Drop Komfort Kapazität
AMAZING ride! The (2nd) best at the point, I noticed ZERO rattle (when not on a wheel seat), and the launches are great. Overall VERY intense! Capacity is MINOR con.
First Drop Rückhaltebügel Sanftheit Thematisierung Layout
Very fun! Better than Valravn IMO. Forceful, fun, front row is the best.
Airtimes Sanftheit Rückhaltebügel
This ride is Very smooth for its age (non-wheel seat) and it should be noticed more. Fun, fast, the airtime is great, my only complaint is the PTC trains and the capacity (somewhat). They sometimes only run one train.
Schoßbügel Abschuss Spaß Layout
Way too short, but extremely fun and intense. Lap bars are comfy too!
Airtimes First Drop Komfort Kapazität
When I went, they were only running one train, which is why I put capacity as a con. However, the ride itself is amazing! Each airtime hill is fun and awesome in their own way, and the best elements on the ride are for sure the airtime hill inside the structure, and all of the inversions are amazing! I miss this ride so much. If there one ride that I would even give a chance of beating Steel Vengeance, it would be this one (but of course I won't)!
Airtimes Tempo Sanftheit
Honestly, I can't praise this ride enough. I got a trimless 1st ride of the day once and it was easily the best I've seen it running. Every element was great, and the ending was even better than I remember! Every single element on this ride is so great and airtime filled. Make sure you leave the lap bar where the ride ops put it, or else the ride won't be as good as you want it to be! However, after a front row ride, I can easily say that back is FAR better than the front.
bonus points for being named ZACH's zoomer.
Rütteln Headbanging Rückhaltebügel
Probably one of the worst coasters I've ever ridden, if not THE worst.