• Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Irrelevant Dead spots

    At least the station is nicely themed, but the ride itself is pretty sluggish, even for a family coaster. It mostly just meanders around without doing much...

  • Lukas 42

    Standort Spaß Layout

    This powered coaster has a quite long and unusual layout with some unexpected moments, even with a slight burst of airtime. Setting above the lake is also pretty - overall, a nice family ride!

  • Lukas 42

    Komfort Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    Albeit not being very intense, this coaster is just enjoyable: it has a nice layout with some airtime moments besides the fun inversions and it runs quite smooth, but also the seats and restraints are comfortable - I don't have a problem with the B&M vests. Theming is (considering this coaster is at Heide Park) also well done, especially the trains look really cool. I really like the atmospheric soundtrack creating a slightly eerie atmosphere. After Colossos, this is my second favorite coaster at Heide Park!

  • Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Meisterwerk Intensität

    I absolutely adore this ride and could add many more pros to those three above! First of all, the theming of the area "Avalon" is really amazing, and this coaster has the most beautiful trains I've ever seen - how they shine in the sun, wow! Starting off with an impressing dive drop, the layout has everything from good coaster elements: some nice airtime, a helix with really high G-Forces and three inversions. This ride is quite intense, in the helix I experienced some mild greyouts, but in my opinion, it's still re-ridable due to its smoothness and overall high comfort. If you consider the development of this park from an indoor playground with a small kiddie coaster to a full-fledged amusement park with such a high-class-coaster like Fenix, this is really impressing - I am very curious what this park will look like in the future!

  • Lukas 42


    Standard wacky worm with the worst location ever - enjoy your view on the park's junkyard!

  • Lukas 42

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    This is way better than the other wild mice travelling around: The two big drops pack a great punch, the hairpin turns seem to be faster than other comparable rides and the ride runs relatively smooth. Additionally, there is even a small funhouse parcours in the queue, which would be a nice addition when queueing at coasters in general :-)

  • Lukas 42

    Spaß Sanftheit

    This ride was pretty smooth - and if the heavier riders sit on one side of the car, spinning can get really intense!

  • Lukas 42

    Intensität Unangenehm Irrelevant Layout

    The first drop, vertical loop and one particular helix are pretty intense, I even had a slight greyout. The rest of the layout has a quite slow pace, so it's quite dull and doesn't do anything for me, the barrel rolls are a little uncomfortable and besides that, the layout reminds a bit of the classic Wildcat/Zyklon coasters, which feels awkward with those wide trains and bulky restraints. Speaking of the vehicles, they are not really comfortable and appear quite chunky - and also the coaster itself doesn't look very nice.

  • Lukas 42

    Standort Spaß

    A short, but sweet Alpine Coaster without the automatic break system, so you can gain a decent pace if you want to!

  • Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Rütteln Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    In my opinion, waiting times of 20 Minutes or more are not worth for this coaster. The Swiss village looks very nice und the ride may be something special, but the actual experience is disappointing: it lacks in intensity and the actual "coaster section" is very short. Additionally, there is a decent rattle during the faster parts and the cars are a little uncomfortable, unless you share it with someone you really like ;-)

  • Lukas 42

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    A short, but sweet family coaster with a decent layout, nicely themed trains and overall it's fun for all ages. Especially the first drop is in the back of the train surprisingly whippy and for a ride with a minimum height of only 1 meter, there are some good forces. The soundtrack on the lifthill is also quite neat and due to the location in a dead end of the park, waiting times are mostly not very high.

  • Lukas 42

    Kapazität Komfort Dauer Thematisierung

    Among many enthusiasts, this B&M hyper coaster is seen as boring. I personally still really like it because it's a very long ride, seats and restraints are comfortable and due to the moderate intensity, it is simply enjoyable for everyone. After the block brakes, there are two stronger airtime moments, which are almost flojector - and the S-curve finale is a very elegant ending for such a coaster. Especially night rides during christmas season over an illuminated park are amazing! Another advantage is the impressing capacity, with three large trains and quick dispatches, so waiting time is mostly moderate for a coaster of this size. The only downside is that this coaster is one of the least themed rides at this park, the Mercedes Benz hall doesn't really match with the French section of the park. But overall, this is the second best coaster at Europa Park after Wodan!

  • Lukas 42

    First Drop Thematisierung Tempo Kapazität

    A short, but powerful ride that keeps its pace from the drop to the brakerun: The dive drop provides cool hangtime and the micro bunny is a surprising airtime moment in the hole - combined with some fog effects, this looks really cool. The rest of the short, but sweet layout is quite forceful and the final brakes come pretty abruptly. Theming is done very well, especially the queue line and station house with the Zero-G-Roll look fantastic. The ride even has an own Wildwest-movie style soundtrack by IMAScore, which is extremely catchy. Typically for a Mack Product, the seats and restraints are very comfy and the ride runs quite smooth - all together, a really great overall experience for this small park!

  • Lukas 42

    Komfort Hangtime Intensität Zuverlässigkeit

    First of all, the preshow before boarding is a really cool feature (now canceled due to COVID) and theming in the queue is nice. The ride itself is not intense, but still provides some fun: The backwards spike is especially in the back row really cool, the drop from the top hat provides some airtime and thanks to the comfortable blue-fire-style trains and lap bars, the comfort is pretty good. Unfortunately, pacing is very low, even when warmed up, there is strong hangtime in the inversions. The beginning with the switch track is quite impressing, when the whole train smoothly glides sidewards towards the launch track almost completely without a sound. Unfortunately, this coaster has a lot of downtime and operations are usually quite slow...

  • Lukas 42

    Kapazität Intensität Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm

    The catchy soundtrack "Project EuroMir" is an absolute highlight, so the slow lift kinda feels like a rave, but it also leads to a high capacity and a long duration of the ride (almost five minutes long). After the "Wild Mouse"-Style curves around the towers offering nice views, the actual coaster part is pretty intense, especially when facing backwards. Unfortunately, the cars are quite uncomfortable and the ride can get very rough, especially when warmed up - but in the Winter season, this Russian coaster runs a lot smoother than in summer. Additionally, the winter soundtrack is one of the coolest christmas songs ever!

  • Lukas 42

    First Drop Spaß Sanftheit

    Since this coaster recieved shiny new trains, the ride experience is now much smoother than before. Besides that, Alpina Bahn has never been a bad ride: The first drop is especially in the back surprisingly whippy, the big hill provides some nice little floater airtime and the rest of the classic layout is also great fun with good forces. Additionally, the overall appearance is impressive, there is even some light theming. To sum things up, I can strongly recommend Alpina Bahn - one of the largest and best travelling rollercoasters!

  • Lukas 42

    Nette Überraschung! Komfort Spaß

    Nice spinner for the whole family: smooth, comfortable and nicely themed station and cars. But with two people versus an empty row, the ride can get much more spin :)

  • Lukas 42

    Meisterwerk Intensität Layout Rückhaltebügel

    The best travelling coaster out there. First of all, the overall appearance of this coloss is stunning and it looks fantastic with those five loops resembling the Olympic rings. The only major downside of this coaster are the rather narrow trains and the weird restraints which are not really comfortable, but the ride itself is awesome: it's intense, forceful and really long. Aditionally, it runs pretty smooth! I love Olympia Looping and ride it everytime I get the chance to, who knows how long this beauty is still remaining to us? UPDATE August 2021: In Luxembourg, this ride was unfortunately surprisingly rough (even in second row), maybe it depends on the trains and if warmed up...

  • Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Intensität Hangtime Zu kurz Unangenehm

    Theming is surprisingly well done for this park (there are even some shock effects included) and the ride provides very much thrill on a really small footprint - my favourite moments are the heartline roll with excellent hangtime at the highest point of the ride and the following steep drop is especially in the back rows pretty intense. In the front, there is a nice airtime moment before the inversion. In fact, this coaster feels more than a thrilling flatride than a traditional rollercoaster, because there are no conventional turns. The lap bars are alright, but the shin guards can get quite uncomfortable, especially after several rides... Another downside is the shortness of the ride, after multiple laps it might get a little boring, but overall it's okay and I can recommend this ride for everybody looking for thrills! Plus, the high-pitched whistling noise of the LSM launch fits perfectly to the ride's name and theme :)

  • Lukas 42

    Standort Dead spots Layout

    Probably the quirkiest alpine coaster I have ever been on - nice location, but both cars and layout seemed a bit awkward to me...

  • Lukas 42

    Sanftheit Rückhaltebügel

    The ride experience turned out to be surprisingly smooth, but the harness is a real faff: additionally to the lap bar, you are secured by a seatbelt over the shoulder AND the lap bar must be secured by another belt. This system seems over-the-top for this (not really intense) coaster - I mean: some old Pinfaris with the same layout don't even have any restraints! And beware of the opening times of the outdoor area, outside of the summer season, it is often opened towards midday...

  • Lukas 42

    Spaß Layout Dauer Rütteln Thematisierung Unangenehm

    I think this ride is not nearly as bad as many people make it. Yes, it has little to no theming, slow operations, unsightly looking trains and the ride is really rough (especially in the last row), but in the middle row of each car, it's quite bearable. I like the classic layout of this ride, combined with the rustic ride it's quite thrilling and especially a night ride is a very intense experience you'll never forget and I can strongly recommend. Actually, I had most fun of the day during my recent visit at Halloween Horror Festival riding this coaster!

  • Lukas 42

    First Drop Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz Thematisierung Kapazität

    The ride itself provides a smooth, and fun flying experience even for the youngest - in the last row, the first drop is quite fun. Unfortunately, lines are often quite long due to the single train and there is barely any theming - the station looks a little worn out and the ride itself seems like a travelling coaster. But for the target audience, it is alright!

  • Lukas 42

    Thematisierung Spaß

    A nice hybrid between a family coaster and a dark ride. While the preshow gets a bit annoying after multiple rides (the changed preshow after 6:30 PM during Halloween season is funnier), theming is very well done: there are many references to other rides at Movie Park Germany and several small details to discover. My favorite part of the ride is the scene with the tornado. With three trains, operations were quite good. As mentioned above, during "Halloween Horror Festival", the ride is changed for people over 16 years with another setting, more intense effects and some splatter scenes - I can also recommend this version of the ride. All together, this ride is a real winner for Movie Park Germany!

  • Lukas 42

    Intensität Sanftheit Layout

    I could add many more pros to the ones mentioned above becaus this ride is incredibly good: First of all, the overall apperance is beautiful with the small castle and the lake. The queue is also really nice, it even has a small preshow room. The trains look awesome and they are really comfortable with the vest restraints. The layout leaves nothing to desire, there is a whippy first drop, some very intense turns (I even noticed a slight greyout in one of them), great airtime and three inversions - the one through the castle above the station is a really fantastic interaction with the station building. Additionally, the pacing and smoothness is superb, so this is one of my favourite coasters and I would love to see many more of these new generation Vekomas in Europe.

  • Lukas 42

    Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Spaß Zu kurz

    A great and intense launch, some forceful turns and a nice airtime hill here and there. Due to its short track lenth, this ride is not outstanding, but still quite good!

  • Lukas 42

    Airtimes Sanftheit Dauer

    We queued 90 minutes for this coaster, but it was worth it. Our ride was in the last row at late afternoon and albeit not being very intense, this coaster is just enjoyable: it is smoother than many steel coasters, there are some nice artime moments and it is a quite long ride. Additionally, this coaster looks stunning due to its huge size, the fire-spitting monster is a nice gimmick and I also really like the epic soundtrack of this ride. A small con are the safety belts, which slow down the dispatches and feel unnecessary. Overall, there are better wooden coasters out there (Wodan for example), but it is still a great ride.

  • Lukas 42

    Schoßbügel Spaß Hangtime Thematisierung

    My first ride on this beast was backwards - when doing this, you can't realize the layout because it's impossible to see what's coming next. I personally prefer the forwards ride - it is still a really enjoyable and fun coaster with many banked drops and some inversion cramped into a really compact layout. Capacity was not a big deal, because it was never more than 20 minutes waiting time while other rides had longer lines (Dreamcatcher, I'm looking at you!) The seats and lap bars of Gerstlauer Infinity Coasters are always nice and comfortable, so some inversions had really great hangtime moments. Another highlight is the top hat, which has a suprisingly strong airtime moment, especially when warmed up. The theming has some good approaches (some rockwork in the queue and some medieval weapons in the station house) - but there could have been done more... It's the best coaster in this park and definitely worth some rides - both forwards and backwards!

  • Lukas 42

    Standort Komfort Layout

    This coaster has an unusual, sprawling layout through the woods, the open cars with just a small lap bar are roomy and comfortable and considering its age, the ride still runs pretty smooth. Most of the layout is rather tame and has wide curves, but in the rear of the train, there is even a small airtime moment near the end of the layout. To sum things up, this nice ride provides great fun for every age.

  • Lukas 42

    Rütteln Unangenehm

    One of the worst of its kind - this one rattles and jolts in every direction and is not fun at all!