• Robert A.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Dauer

    Loses its speed faster than any other coaster ever

  • Robert A.

    My 100th roller coaster

  • Robert A.

    My 200th roller coaster

  • Robert A.

    Schoßbügel Tempo Spaß

    My 300th roller coaster. Very enjoyable from start to finish and super easy to reride

  • Robert A.

    My 400th roller coaster

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Tempo Sanftheit

    The POVs of this thing look deceptively intense but remember this is still a modern family coaster from Vekoma. It is utterly devoid of any force ever, but if you are able to look past its surprisingly tame experience, it's an excellent ride with fast pacing (which felt better towards the back) and great theming. It is unbelievably smooth too and DOES NOT slow down - it keeps ALL of its speed throughout the entire ride which was highly impressive.

  • Robert A.

    Rückhaltebügel Hangtime Dead spots

    I love how loose the shoulder restraint is and the ungodly gap between you and the bar as a result. Combine this with slowing down significantly during the loop and you feel yourself coming up multiple inches from your seat which is highly entertaining. The rest of the ride is absolutely nothing special and completely forceless, but that loop hangtime is something to remember.

  • Robert A.

    Tempo Spaß Meisterwerk

    One of the funniest coasters ever

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Thematisierung Komfort Intensität

    It's nice to get back on this after almost a decade. The first half is fantastic with it's loops, but unfortunately fizzles out a bit from the tunnel as the rolls afterwards are taken a little too slowly to be notable.

  • Robert A.

    Thematisierung Dead spots Intensität

    Perfect ride for whenever you want to feel absolutely no emotions and look at asphalt pathing for two minutes

  • Robert A.


    The low turns were great and that sideways hill was fun too, but nothing else really stood out. It's nice to have done another new Vekoma as well as Fønix, but this really didn't leave much impression on me and I remain a little skeptical of this ride type. Lech - you're next.

  • Robert A.

    Dauer Thematisierung Irrelevant

    What's a mine train without its theming? Nothing.

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes First Drop

    Stall was a little underwhelming as well as the wave turn but it was running slow due to winter (but I don't think the ride speeding up will improve the stall). Definitely prefer back over front. Everything from the roll into the structure to the final inversion is BT far my favourite part of the ride with strong airtime and a whippy twisted hill.

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Tempo Meisterwerk

    A front row night ride on this is an ascension into heaven

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Meisterwerk Intensität


  • Robert A.

    First Drop Rütteln Zu kurz Schoßbügel

    That first lift and drop sequence is TERRIFYING, but the restraint that pushes heavily onto your stomach is pretty uncomfortable and the layout is a little weak consisting of just two overbanks and an airtime hill. Feels like more of a "proof of concept" ride that the X Car can be more than just a sky loop, and it's a bit of a shame that the concept wasn't explored more.

  • Robert A.



  • Robert A.

    Meisterwerk Intensität


  • Robert A.

    Meisterwerk Zu kurz


  • Robert A.

    Spaß Kapazität Dead spots

    Has a couple moments of "waiting for something to happen" but overall a decent enough ride.

  • Robert A.

    Tempo Spaß Dauer

    By a landslide, Maurer's best coaster so far out of the ones I've ridden. Tarantula is a fantastic and extremely strong example of a spinning coaster with highlights throughout the entire ride including a massive drop somewhere in the middle that just sends you out there. A bucketload of fun and easily my favourite coaster in the park.

  • Robert A.

    Schoßbügel Dauer Irrelevant Dead spots Zuverlässigkeit

    Judging by past reviews and comparing it to my ride, seems like they've fixed up this ride a lot as the majority of the coaster is now fairly smooth throughout, still needs a bit of work in the first half but nothing terrible. But it just makes you realise that the smooth bits are pitifully boring and that the coaster does a depressing amount of nothing with the thousands of feet of track that it's been given. It's a scream of missed potential in the worst possible way, and a wooden coaster of this comical size really should be at least a little bit more exciting than this.

  • Robert A.

    Inversionen Layout Kapazität

    My first batclone, it was an excellent ride but didn't leave a significant lasting impression on me. Ran one train.

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes First Drop Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm

    The floorless coaster was a promising concept for me, but after being underwhelmed with the idea while riding Daemonen at Tivoli Gardens, I thought the issue was that I wasn't overly enamoured by the seating position as I was in the back row and couldn't "see" that I was floorless, so for this coaster I tried the front. And it's very much just... a normal ride just your feet dangle and the track's beneath you. The idea of a floorless coaster is cool to think about if you've never done the model before, but I came off wishing more. Anyway, the ride itself ran just one train and while the first drop was awesome what quickly followed was a very consistent rattle across the entire ride which made for a badly uncomfortable experience that just wasn't very enjoyable to go through which is a shame considering the sheer size of this ride. The Zero G Roll is almost perfectly executed, but once again let down by the shakiness of the ride. The airtime hill was excellent, but things quickly went downhill again but thankfully ended on a high note with the helices that tracked surprisingly well compared to the rest of the ride. Overall, Superman was a pretty major let-down with few moments of smoothness in a rattly layout that had the potential to be an awesome ride had more of it not been a shopping trolley simulator.

  • Robert A.

    Sanftheit Ejectors Hangtime Thematisierung

    A fantastic ride full of punches that keeps things interesting right from the beginning until the very end. While the preshows are awesome, the theming drops to almost zero during the actual layout which is especially prominent during the area with the dive loop where you look around yourself and just see... nothing despite being right in the center of the park. The ride also ends rather abruptly after the incredible stall and I wish it went slightly further up the spike before braking, but those are only two minor gripes in an otherwise brilliant roller coaster that is punch punch punch from start to finish with perfectly-executed elements for its size.

  • Robert A.

    Inversionen Spaß Intensität Zu kurz Kapazität

    I thought this would be a substantial downgrade from Shockwave but I was pleasantly surprised to see that the layout still holds up - that Zero G Roll is beautiful.

  • Robert A.

    Tempo Rütteln Thematisierung Unangenehm

    One of the most overrated coasters I've ever ridden. Has a notable rattle in the back, inversions can be extremely uncomfortable and flips from 1g to 4g like a light switch. It's just not a fun ride, but it's the only thing in this park that's worth doing more than once so you end up lapping it in a "how do I get my money's worth?" way, and not in a "I love this ride!" way.

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes Tempo Layout Zu kurz

    My first mini gravity group has so many excellent hills and fun turns through it. There is one turn that tracks quite notably worse than everywhere else but the ride is still great

  • Robert A.

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß

    Evil little thing, packs a real punch into it's layout and isn't afraid to provide some scary forces

  • Robert A.

    First Drop Tempo Ejectors Kapazität

    Absolutely lives up to the sky high hype that it has and then exceeds that