Tempo Intensität Ejectors Rückhaltebügel Dead spots Intensität
Whilst Zadra is undoubtedly a world class attraction, the bad restraints and lack of strong positives hold it back from being the best in the park. Absolutely fantastic ride, but wow does it hurt after a few rides. Those RMC trains and restraints are not kind. Pulls literally 0 positive forces for the entire layout, meaning most of the low to the ground elements are complete dead space. Great idea, great layout, just not executed properly
First Drop Nette Überraschung!
Absolutely fantastic watercoaster, easily the best ive ever been on, dark ride sections are fully immersive and you might even find some airtime in the back! Best ride at Efteling. Some of the best dark ride scenes in the world. A truly magical experience and easily the best ride in the efteling. Jaw droppingly magical
Airtimes First Drop Rütteln Zu kurz
3 rides. One in the middle, one in the front and one in the back. I can confidently say this is the coaster the UK has been needing for so long. HOWEVER, be careful what train you are on. Middle rows on train 2 are downright unbearable, and completely destroyed my opinion of the ride. It's still good, but wow. It can be a horrendous ride in the wrong seat. Request rows if possible.
Airtimes Spaß
One of the best mice on the travelling circuit, super fast, hardly any trims and super easy to get room, with some nice airtime on the drops. This is a great ride and not worth skipping like most mice usually are
Spaß Dauer Thematisierung Enttäuschend!
A long ride, but one that doesn't come close to the high quality I came to expect of Europa Parks rides. The queue is a fun experience and well themed, but once you get onto the ride itself you are greeted with bad projections, cardboard cutout props and poorly timed lights. The coaster itself is fun, but lacks personality with fairly basic sequencing of elements. Sad I didn't get to try the original Eurosat, but I can confidently say Cancan is not a great coaster at current.
Nette Überraschung! Tempo Zu kurz
Surprisingly intense family ride, a lot of fun and a must do at the park. Awesome train design and location too
Nette Überraschung! Spaß
The best vekoma family boomerang! Great interactions with HüK and a surprisingly punchy layout sure to impress both children and adults alike.
Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots
Really fun ride with some excellent scenery, just not as intense as I'd perhaps hoped.
First Drop Spaß Intensität Unangenehm
A super fun and overlooked coaster I found myself coming back to again and again. An addictive layout, surprisingly forceful and an overall fantastic ride. Do not overlook this hidden gem
Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Komfort
Super SUPER fun coaster, my favourite in the park. Decent airtime, great positives and very whippy
Abschuss Spaß Dauer Enttäuschend!
A fun gerstlauer. Nowhere near as insane as expected, came off disappointed but a great ride to make my 100th credit!
Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Spaß
A fun more family oriented thrill coaster, a really nice fit for the park and wow. The blue fire roll is simply incredible. Shame the rest of the ride doesn't quite match in quality.
Spaß Ejectors Rütteln Enttäuschend! Irrelevant
A fun, albeit pretty nothing ride. Pretty bad shake on the valleys, but fun airtime. Not a great first impression of the B&M hypers, but a fun ride nonetheless
Airtimes Tempo Sanftheit
Absolutely insane ride, feels so ridiculously fast, the first drop is one of the best out there. A clear number 2 in the park. Simply a phenomenal GCI
Intensität Ejectors Dauer
A damn near flawless ride, best enjoyed right wing seat in the back. Relentlessly fast, perfectly paced, amazingly themed and the best experience you could possibly ask from a coaster.
Nette Überraschung! Dauer
really fun and surprisingly aggresive powered coaster, with great scenery and an amazing sense of speed
Airtimes Spaß Enttäuschend!
very tame wild mouse, corners feel eased in, smooth and fun, just no out of control feeling
First Drop Thematisierung Rütteln
pretty shaky water coaster, great scenery held back by poor track work. Much rougher than speed at energylandia and a dissapointing ride overall
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Unangenehm
Absolutely awesome thrill coaster, great theming, incredible laterals and intensity. Overall just an incredible coaster and a really nice surprise!
Airtimes Komfort Tempo Schoßbügel
Fast, airtime filled and really punchy. Lots of laterals, never lets down on pacing. However, the lap bar comes down HARD, making it a real struggle to get room on the more punchy of those hills. Incredibly comfortable trains and lapbars, best enjoyed in the back for stronger airtime, but the front has more sustained, however weaker airtime. A real shock at just how good this is. Worth the visit to the park alone!
Abschuss Spaß Zu kurz Irrelevant Layout
Awesome launch, followed by a few completely pointless turns. It's on prime real estate, and whilst I really enjoy the ride, its clear this attraction (or Galactica) should be the next to go at Towers.
Spaß Rütteln Kapazität
worst vekoma family coaster in park, but still fun
Abschuss Spaß Zu kurz
The launch is nice and punchy, and it had some unexpected airtime. But yeah this coaster is too short
First Drop Rütteln Zu kurz
The drop is really great. Shame thats the entire ride.
Airtimes Tempo Spaß Rütteln Enttäuschend!
Really excellent ride, but definitely runs very rough, which made the airtime and laterals more uncomfortable than I perhaps would've liked. Still a really excellent coaster, and I hope it gets retracked soon!
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Zu kurz
Absolutely excellent family spinner, the onboard audio is a really nice touch, and boy does it spin! Really impressive spinner, blew away any and all expectations
Inversionen Spaß Dauer Dead spots
A really fun and smooth take on the modern looper, held back by lacklustre pacing. The airtime hill before the batwing, and the batwing itself are standout elements, but it's nowhere near as punchy as even formula in the same park. It's length is its main pro for sure.
Spins a lot, but incredibly jolty. Overall fine for a spinning mouse
Rückhaltebügel Kapazität Irrelevant
Had to wait 30 minutes until we got enough people to ride, the harness is completely open despite being an otsr. Loop is surprisingly fun and forceful, but yeah it rides like a car crash
Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm Reißt es ab!
No captain coaster, I do not want to relive the memories of this horror show to write a stupid review. I appreciate the question though.