• Kyle David Krueger


    You can get a bit of airtime on the first half-drop, but not much. You can see the fountain if you're in the back of the train, and the tunnel is pretty cool. Then, the final helix is way more intense than the rest of the ride; it's the first time I even came close to graying out. By far the least comfortable seats and harness of any coaster I've ever been on. It's so constricting you can't even turn your head to look at the views. It's not actually that rough, so, I think if the harness wasn't so big, you wouldn't actually headbang anyways. But, it is, so you do. However, the harness is actually really soft, so it doesn't hurt at all, which is better than most Arrow corkscrews. This isn't a GREAT ride, but I'm surprised it has quite the level of hate on here that it does.

  • Kyle David Krueger

    Thematisierung Abschuss Sanftheit Intensität

    The launch is surprisingly forceful and fun, but the rest of the ride is just less intense than I'd expect considering that launch, even for a family ride. The delta E of the entire ride is probably less than 2m. The theming and layout is really interesting. You can't tell from videos because it's black, but the train actually returns to the station, and the second half is the same layout done with the train backwards but the layout still forwards (and of course with all the lights on!)

  • Kyle David Krueger

    First Drop Dead spots

    This ride definitely isn't just a gimmick, but it is also clearly designed around the location/aesthetic. The first drop is no joke. Both of the turns that come off from the top of the building are snappy and fun. both of the stretches on top of the building are dead, though. I want to give it more points for the location, but it's actually pretty speedy, so you don't have a ton of time high up to look around. I wish it had something like the infamous turnaround on fujiyama to give you a good all-round view of the cityscape. I expected the restraints to be uncomfortable due to the plastic sheets, but they had no effect on comfort; restraints are totally fine.

  • Kyle David Krueger

    Airtimes First Drop Sanftheit Dead spots

    The first drop is wildly intense. The hills are really nice, but don't overstay their welcome like on many tall airtime-over-focused coasters. The middle twister section is the weakest: not bad, but it feels like it could have been a bit more intense there. The final bunny hop run back is executed wonderfully, and I'm normally not a fan of bunny hop sections. This is the coaster Magnum XL 200 wishes it was. It's also glass smooth.

  • Kyle David Krueger

    First Drop Inversionen Sanftheit

    Disclaimer this is being written many years later. The first drop is very short, but the fast lift, steep drop, and smoothness make it one of my favorites anyways. They tried to make a ride that is fun despite remaining low to the ground, and they succeeded.

  • Kyle David Krueger

    First Drop Sanftheit Layout

    Disclaimer this is being written many years later. I remember not wanting to like this coaster as much because it doesn't seem "special", just big. But, it's just a plain good layout, and it takes advantage of its speed and size very well. The layout goes far away and back, but doesn't repeat any repetitive camelbacks, which makes it feel like you've been on a true adventure when you return. The lift hill is also really fast, which isn't just a logistical convenience, but starts off already with the impression that "this is something different."

  • Kyle David Krueger

    Inversionen Tempo Sanftheit Kapazität

    This was my first 4D coaster, so it a was totally novel experience, and it felt like riding a coaster for the first time. It's not just a gimmick. The 4d rotation is utilized well on every element, resulting in an experience that is disorienting without being dizzying. Surprisingly, it doesn't feel chaotic, but rather like being guided through some ideal path in space, with no regard for the usual limitations of a coaster. My absolute #1 coaster. I've seen some comments about roughness, which I don't understand. As with any wing coaster, the outside seat is noticeably rougher than the inside, but my second ride was one of the last of the day (warmed up and fast) and on the outside, and it was not enough of an issue to detract from the experience.