Uncomfortable seats that seem to jab into you every turn.
Abschuss Spaß Layout
This is maybe the most fun roller coaster in the world. It is not the most intense roller coaster out there, but I don't think anybody expected it to be. The theming is very well done and the ride itself is so unique. The pre-shows are cool and then once you get to the ride itself it is just a blast. The backwards launch is probably my favorite part of the ride. Launching backwards into the darkness with the music starting is such a cool moment. The rest of the layout is so unique and hard to follow with the spinning that it really catches you off guard. There are so many elements that take place high off the ground it really trips you out and the slow descent to the bottom has some awesome moments where you pick up speed and get flung around. The visuals on ride, combined with the music make this one of the most fun experiences you can have at a theme park.
Tempo Intensität Layout
Kumba is a fantastic classic coaster. The layout, terrain, and intensity make this one of Florida's best coasters. The color scheme is phenomenal with those yellow trains and the location wrapping around pathways and diving into tunnels is fantastic. You go up the lift hill and pre-drop to the left. The first drop isn't anything special but then you enter the vertical loop where the positives begin to crush you. The dive loop following is even more intense and also has some good whip thrown in. You enter the zero-g roll which is one of the whippiest inversions in the world and my favorite element on the whole ride. You dive under a bridge and enter a smooth and whippy cobra roll. You hop up into the mid-course brake run and dive to the left. You enter the only portion of the ride that features a rattle, the interlocking corkscrews. Rattle aside the corkscrews are whippy and forceful. You hop up left into a stengel dive which is fantastic. You dive into a tunnel and go through the final helix which is positioned very close to the ground. One of the best B&M loopers there is without question. The entire ride has positives that just seem to be turned up a notch compared to other B&M loopers I have ridden.
Tempo Intensität Layout
Montu is my personal favorite B&M inverted coaster. The ride is incredibly intense with a long and exciting layout full of terrain interaction and a great variety of G-Forces. The blue and beige color scheme looks great with some beautiful trains. The pathway interaction and large arch gives Montu quite the first impression walking up to the entrance. You go through the loosely themed Egyptian queue line and board. You turn out of the station and onto the lift hill. You drop to the left once you reach the top and go through an intense vertical loop. You enter an immelman loop that is one of the most intense moments of the ride. You go through a whippy zero-g roll that slings you sideways and dives to the ground. You then enter one of the greatest elements of all time, the batwing. This elements whips you hard to the side and crushes you with positive G-Force. You hop up into the mid-course and dive to the right. You go through some low to the ground twists and turns that create a great near-miss interaction. One more vertical loop is thrown in with good positives. You turn to the left and then dive into a trench before traversing a corkscrew that is very whippy. You then turn into the brake run. Montu is a long ride full of intensity and laterals. The location and layout make this the best inverted coaster in the world in my opinion. The ride is special because it just keeps going when it feels like it should be over. I will say there are definitely some days where it is slower and some days where is is unbelievably fast. If you're lucky to get one of those fast days you are going to be crushed into your seat the entire ride.
Airtimes First Drop Intensität
One of the most intense roller coasters there is. The entire ride tries to rip your face off. The first drop is one of if not the best drop RMC has ever made in my opinion. The massive outer banked turn is a moment of incredibly sustained airtime and then you get flung sideways on the way back down. You ride up into the death roll which is one of the best inversions on earth. I can only wonder what this element would feel like with more open seating than what is allowed on these RMC trains. The wave turn is also one of the best elements you will experience. The entire second half is full of quick pops of airtime and also an awesome stall that looks so cool from on ride as you pass through. I do wonder what this ride would be like if it was a little bit longer but it might not be worth the trade-off of flying into those breaks at such high speed. I also wish the operations were a little more consistent but that's a nitpick. This is absolutely one of my favorite RMCs, but not my overall favorite as it does feel similar to a lot of other RMCs I have ridden just bigger, and I prefer something more unique.
Airtimes Abschuss Spaß
The more I rode Pipeline the more I liked it. It is a phenomenal ride that is unique and fun. The launch is not the most powerful but nowhere near forceless. The airtime moments my first ever ride I thought were good but not great but the more I rode the more I figured out that if you just let your feet leave the surfboard they are amazing. The airtime is so unique because of this your whole body is just floating in the air not touching the ground. The ride is a bit short and the layout on paper isn't special, but it works really well for this style of ride. I think it's a great ride and one of the most purely fun coasters in the country.
Airtimes Inversionen Standort
My second favorite RMC. It runs at the perfect speed and roughness. Just a little chatter to make it feel like a wooden coaster plus the consistent intensity. Maybe the best wave turn in the world, an awesome barrel roll finale, and an incredible setting.
Airtimes Thematisierung Standort
One of 4 coasters I’ve ridden so far that I consider to be perfect. I live unique rides and this is one. Only launched woodie, hugs the terrain, well themed. It has everything I want. The launch is great the wave turns throw you out if your seat and the quad down is arguably the greatest airtime Moment there is.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Ejectors
Every bit of awesome I was expecting from this. The first drop is one of the best out there. The first two camelbacks are just constant ejector. The turn around definitely rattles a bit but not too bad. The floater hill was surprisingly good considering I never hear about it. The rolling thunder hill was absolutely insane. The second half had it's good spots but also jackhammered quite a bit. I was expecting a 10/10 and that's what I got. I do like Voyage a bit more but this is really close.
Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß Unangenehm
I enjoyed Tron quite a bit. I have ridden it twice now and thought it was a very fun ride. Far from perfect but still great. The theming is very good as to be expected from a Disney coaster. The pre-show is awesome and really caught me off guard the first time I rode. Then the ride itself is also great. The first launch is very good. Not the best launch ever but has some good force. The outdoor portion is great as you glide up through the roof. The indoor portion is pretty short and doesn't provide any crazy forces or anything but has some cool visuals. My biggest complaint is that these trains are much more uncomfortable than the Intamin quad trains or something like Hagrid's. They are not painful or anything but definitely not comfortable. As far as Disney coasters go, I would say it is the third best on property behind Guardians and Everest, but it's definitely the best coaster in Magic Kingdom and one of the premier rides at Walt Disney World.
Airtimes Intensität Layout Unangenehm
This ride is really amazing. I've done plenty like it and I think this is the most intense one I have done. The first half is one of the most perfect coaster sequences I have experienced. The first drop is not the greatest RMC drop but it's still really good. The dive loop is incredible as you fly out of your seat as you enter and get pushed back in by all the positives on the way out. The bunny hill is a super strong pop of ejector and the stall just leaves you hanging forever. The outer banked turn seems to last an eternity, then the second half starts. The second half is sooooo intense. The double-up gives crazy strong airtime and the first roll whips you to the side. The little outerbank gives a crazy strong whip and my neck was definitely feeling it after. The second roll is even stronger than the first and then the four straight airtime hills as the finale is almost too much. It really leaves a mark on your thighs. I absolutely adore the first half but the second half is close to being too much. I've never felt that about any other RMCs but this one. I think it's awesome but you'll need breaks between rides for sure.
First Drop Abschuss Layout
I was slightly disappointed by this one. The ride is impressive and has an awesome layout, but I felt like many of the elements lacked what I was looking for. The first inversion is super fun and the launch is powerful but the inversions in the first half didn't seem to have as much force as I expected. The first drop was one of the highlights but still didn't absolutely blow me away like Cannibal's did. The first inversion after the drop was great and the ride seems to kind of die off fast after that. I liked it a lot and if I went back I would definitely get more rides on it, but I was slightly underwhelmed.
Komfort Spaß
I didn't expect this to be as fun as it was. The spinning is very cool and I loved the moments where you were facing straight up and then fell back down to Earth. The Intamin lap bars are so comfy and the ride cycle was long enough to leave me pleased.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß
I had heard that this wasn't as good as the other Gerst spinners despite it being larger and longer. This proved to be incorrect as the ride spun so much and was just a lot of fun. It seemed to go on forever, and how it is intertwined with Shellraiser is super cool. I loved the spinning and duration.
This was just a fun little tour of the whole park. Actually has some nice moments of floater and is very smooth. The trains are cramped but that is to be expected from a family coaster. Very enjoyable though.
Komfort Abschuss Intensität
This ride is the king of the park in my opinion. The launch is very forceful and I love the intamin lap bars. The whole layout is filled with decent hangtime and whip. The backwards section is even more fun though, as that intense launch backwards sends you flying out of your seat and then you get all the different forces in reverse this time.
Rütteln Unangenehm
This is my least favorite boomerang. Just seemed extra rough to me. Was not a fan.
Rütteln Unangenehm
This is comically rough. I was laughing the whole ride because I couldn't believe how rough it was. Just constant jackhammering the whole ride.
Airtimes Hangtime Unangenehm
I want to like these but I can't stand the restraints. I got crushed by the lap bar and I couldn't wait for it to be over by the time we hit the non-inverting loop. The launches are good and the inline twist provides great hangtime. The transitions are all whippy and I like all of those things but it's hard to enjoy that when your legs are being crushed.
Airtimes Tempo Layout
This ride was excellent. The first drop in the back was great and the first turn was surprisingly intense. The rest of the ride is a great mixture of both airtime and whippiness. There are several great whippy inversions like the stall and also many airtime moments that bank outwards and offer a unique feeling. There wasn't one moment that stood out to me but everything flowed phenomenally. I think this is the best-paced RMC I have done as every element seems to flow perfectly into the next and it provides so many elements in a small space without letting up. Great ride.
Spaß Sanftheit
Didn't offer many forces-wise but that's to be expected from a ride this old. I enjoyed this one. It was glass smooth for its age and had one nice moment of airtime. Good coaster.
Airtimes Intensität Layout
This ride blew me away. It is one hundred percent a front-row ride. In the back it is good but the front makes it elite. The first drop is nothing special except for the location, it heats up after this, however. The first airtime hill is very strong sustained airtime in the front. You turn around and go over a bunny hill that is solid and then hit two amazing airtime hills. The first is very sustained but the second is the true star of the show. This is my favorite airtime hill I've experienced. It is so strong and sustained. I genuinely believe that the first half of this ride has better airtime than the first half of El Toro. The twister section is very intense and the tunnel dive is awesome. You finish strong with three airtime hills that all deliver, and a high-speed turn into the brakes. I fell in love with this ride. I don't mind the restraints like a lot of people do but they definitely aren't the best. I see why this was considered one of the world's best 15 years ago and I think it should still be in that conversation today.
Even with the new trains, I am not a fan. It wasn't as bad as SLCs I have done in the past but still not worth riding again. It shuffles a lot and just isn't fun to ride because of this.
Spaß Kapazität
I've done quite a few of these now and I like every single one. They are just lots of fun. The spinning isn't too much and the layouts are good. Get to it early though as the capacity isn't good.
These are pretty fun but a little nerve-racking. You never know what you're gonna experience. My ride on this was tamer than usual but fun nonetheless.
Thematisierung Unangenehm
Standard wild mouse plus some added theming elements that I appreciated. The brakes on this were very abrupt and uncomfortable but other than that just a normal wild mouse.
Headbanging Unangenehm
One of the worst Boomerangs I have done. Just not fun. The ride itself isn't too rough but the brakes just seemed unnecessarily abrupt compared to others and I did not enjoy that. With Goliath gone I would love to see this removed as well and a large investment come in their plots.
Inversionen Sanftheit
This was a pretty good floorless. Definitely not one of the best but it was enjoyable and the clear third best ride in the park to me. It's short but fun. It's very smooth and super quiet for a B&M. The inversions are fun and have a decent amount of force but are not as forceful as most B&M loopers. I'd say this is better than Firebird and Rougarou but that's about it.
Airtimes Abschuss Layout Unangenehm Schoßbügel
Good ride with great airtime. The hills between the launches give great airtime and the spike is super cool. The top hat is whippy and full of air as well. The hill following is also full of airtime and the turnaround has some good whip. The last few hills all deliver ejector. I just wish this didn't have those awful premier trains. Good ride but uncomfortable.
Standort Intensität Sanftheit
Manta is my current favorite flying coaster. I think it has a compact, action-packed, and intense layout that features several fantastic near misses that make the ride. The location and setting create so many great interactions. The ride itself looks beautiful, especially the second half. The color scheme is pretty, the train looks great, and the landscaping around the ride is top tier. The entrance looks good with the rock work and awesome signage, plus the queue line is good as well as it also functions as an aquarium. The ride itself is great. The first drop is fun and then comes the most intense part of the ride. You dive into a pretzel loop that crushes you with positive G's. You then go through an inline twist which is a unique and fun feeling while flying and then traverse a tight turn that also has plenty of positives, You go through a zero-g roll which is similar to the inline twist in how it's just a really weird feeling while flying. You hop into the mid-course and then begin the second half which is full of near misses. You drop and bank right over the water which sprays as the train passes. You climb to the right where you fly past some rock work that feels way too close. You go through one last inline twist and then bank right way too close to the ground on then left and way too close to the tree branches on the right. Manta is an incredibly intense ride that has a beautiful setting and great landscaping allowing for some amazing moments. Great flying coaster.