Abschuss Spaß Meisterwerk Dead spots
BEST RIDE EVER 10/10 WOULD RIDE AGAIN. ok the 5 stars is a joke lol, same with that review. Id give more like a 2.5/5. Its a very fun coaster for a kiddie coaster, with some cute theming, synced audio with some speakers in the ride area, and a suprising kick to the "launch". I just wish the 2 helixs were taken a little faster, you crawl so slow thru them you get lateral hangtime.
Nette Überraschung! Spaß Layout Rückhaltebügel
This ride is very underrated. I went expecting a rough headbangy ride but instead got a fun scenic suspended coaster thru the trees, and the final few elements had some great speed and the last helix had some light positive g's which I appreciated because all the other coasters in this park were lacking those.
First Drop Kapazität Enttäuschend! Dead spots
I recently rerode this ride, after my original ride as a kid, and it was great fun. The first drop was zippy and had some airtime. My main complaint is the trim breaks are way too harsh. I got very weak laterals on all the turns, and the ride felt sluggish after the big drop. Also the final break run slams so hard it is painful. This ride also kept breaking down on my visit and i had to wait over half the day for it to open.
Thematisierung Kapazität Spaß
this ride was a major surprise. I went expecting a kiddie coaster and instead got surprised with a long detailed dark ride sequence and a shockingly fun layout! The layout had some nice greenery and even a few statues around it which helped boost it. Without the theming this would likely be a 2/5 but i was pleasantly surprised with this ride.
Spaß Intensität Ejectors Rütteln
I used to hate this. I changed the date rode to when it all changed. I rode this again for the 2nd time in july, after visiting darien lake, i felt like my rough tolerance had gone up so i gave this a shot again and boy it did. I was able to enjoy all the airtime forces and whip unlike last time and walked away headache free. I do think white lightning is still better but this is an awesome ride. Airtime is a bit overrated but i have only done front row yet so take that with a pinch of salt.
Airtimes Tempo Spaß Zu kurz
This is such a fun ride. It gives good airtime and laterals, and its fast pacing makes it a great ride. Its a very short ride though, but it is the most they could do with their land, and they did they still made an awesome coaster that made my top 10 within my first ride. The ride is just good fun, its not really anything too impressive, but its so fun and once you get off, you instantly wanna go back. It recently got re tracked and is glossy smooth now which is great for the ride.
Abschuss Spaß Dead spots
amazing launch but the rest of the ride is pretty weak. the final turn had some good whip though. overall pretty good family clone coaster
Spaß Intensität Ejectors Unangenehm
This whole ride is amazing. the ejector on the drop is awesome and the batwing and loop have amazing forces. the corkscrews have float and laterals and the helix thats underground is fun and a suprise. i was expecting a rattle but the ride is very smooth. there is a few bad transitions, mostly the one into the batwing but overall a fun ride!
Airtimes Standort Rütteln Irrelevant Dead spots
this ride is super overrated. it is forceless and has a rattle. the bunny hill finale is the only part with any airtime.
Inversionen Intensität Rütteln Unangenehm
this is forceful but bad rattle and a few elements mostly the transitions into the breakrun are very uncomfortable
Nette Überraschung! Intensität Rütteln
this is fun but rattly and looks abandoned
Komfort Spaß Ejectors Zu kurz
tantrum at darien lake is amazing. the drop gives some shockingly good ejector. this follows with a semi forceful immelman, a weird feeling since most of these are weak on the forces. the following twisted drop has some good float to it and some weak laterals, atleast on the rigjt side. then the whippy s bend has good laterals aswell as just being a fun transition. The cutback that follows is very fast and keeps up the pace. This ride is very fast paced which is uncommon for a eurofighter which are typically littered with hangtime. You then hit the pullout into the incline loop. this pulls some serious g’s. I greyed out here bunches. the following incline loop is overall still forceful but not as forceful as the pull into it. Overall this ride is a 10/10 for me and i would love to do it again.
Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Layout
This ride is mostly a dark ride but there is a small coaster section in the start. There isn't many practical sets on ride but some of the effects and screens do a good job story telling and the 3d effects are good enough to make up for the screen overuse. The first drop with the tilt track is insane and is followed by a couple fun twist + turns. That is it for coaster though as this is mostly a dark ride. I don't mind that but thats why I put a layout as a con since it isnt much of a coaster. Still, an awesome ride, featuring a launch too.
Rock'n Roller Coaster starring Aerosmith - Walt Disney World - Disney's Hollywood Studios
Liight . vor 2 JahrenAbschuss Hangtime Rütteln Headbanging Thematisierung
This ride is cool, the lack of theming + rattle leads to a meh ride. Normally I wouldn't mind this theming but this is in disney context. The inversions did have good hangtime and the launch was pretty strong though.
Inversionen Spaß Intensität Rütteln
This ride is awesome. IT's intense, has fun inversion and is a good ride. It does have a bit of a rattle, but if you keep your head forward it doesn't bother you atall.
Airtimes Spaß Dead spots Schoßbügel
This ride has some awesome airtime, the music choosing is awesome to. Towards the end there are a few spots that leave you asking for more though. Many complain about the MCBR's but they gave some strong ejector going into/out of them so they didn't bother me atall, they actually improved the ride. These restraints also are not very good. They are lapbars that come from the side but they rest much more on your stomache which is probably pretty uncomfortable for larger guests. Im very skinny and they did bother me since I got stapled. A pro with these restraints though is that they let you experience the airtime even while stapled. I recommend Rollin by Limp Bizkit for your song, it fit's very well. Overall solid coaster but it could have been better with some more direct airtime, or maybe even an inversion.
Abschuss Layout Hangtime Rückhaltebügel
This would be an amazing coaster, but Seaworld Entertainment ordered it to have the dreaded comfort collars. These are thin plastic that goes around you neck. They dont both me much, put pretty much everyone hates them. The operators at this ride are very nice, but they do assign seats. The hangtime on this coaster alone makes it worth waiting for though.
Abschuss Spaß Sanftheit Dead spots
This is a great ride. It is barely considered a family coaster, but really only is due to it not having anything too intense, other than the launches being decent. i gave it "dead spots" because before the 2nd launch the coaster kinda meanders around, and you lose all your speed on the tree top, which makes the pacing a bit wonky. I like the treetop element, but its kind of a dead spot. Either way this is a ride that is just good fun, definitely recommend.
Airtimes Kapazität Komfort Dead spots
This is the coaster ive ridden more than any other, and it is an amazing ride. Great floater, and even a speed hill with some mild ejector. The dead spot is the first bit after the mid courses. It brings you a bit to the left, into a small camelback, which is forceless. After that though, it brings you into some overbanks over footpaths and a lake which i love. Did i mention 85% of this coaster is over a lake? its in the corner of the park, so you get a good view of orlando. This coaster also has a light package on the lift hill which is nice, and music that plays on the lift, which is good. Overall this is the best b&m hyper, atleast in north america.
Spaß Intensität Ejectors
there is nothing wrong with this ride. this ride is legit perfect. insane airtime. good laterals. awesome inversions. the only people who wouldn't love this are non coaster enthusiasts. it is glass smooth but the layout may be too much for many. amazing ride though.
Airtimes Abschuss Layout Unangenehm
So im gonna point it out now. This ride isnt discomforting on ride. Its just due to how tight the trains are they are a challenge to get in and out of, and im on the thin side of people. Anyways this is the actual review: Ice breaker is a great ride. It is not much of a family ride like people expected though. The last 2 launches have some excelent airtime over the small bunny hops into the spike/top-hat, and the whole layout is filled with ejector airtime galore. The ride is short but due to the extended swing launch section, it doesnt feel that bad. Overall amazing coaster for people who love airtime and pacing.
Kapazität Komfort Spaß Irrelevant Schoßbügel
This is a fun ride for a kids first launch coaster but nothing impressive. There are no forces, other then a tiny bit of laterals. There is no airtime nothing. The launches are weak but good for a beginner wanting to try out a launch coaster without an intense launch like rock n rollercoaster in the same park. It is a fun ride, its just the layout does nothing. I wish the bunny hops near the end atleast had slight airtiem but they have nothing.
Airtimes Thematisierung Rückhaltebügel
This ride is a master piece. Starting off with the first launch, bringing you into the whippy immelman, which gives some airtime in the back. You then go into the dive loop before traversing some small hills and turns weaving thru rock work and raptors. You then slam into the second launch before ascending the 150 foot tophat. This has a trim break on it, but yet gives an amazing ejector pop on the drop. this drop is sadly only 80 degrees, opposed to the normal 90 degrees found on a top hat. You then slam to the ground before going into the 100 foot long stall. This element somewhat dissapointed me, it gave weak hangtime. You then go thru a turn into a stengel dive. This stengel dive double twists tho and gives airtime on both twists. You then go into one last bunny hop before the mosasaurus roll over the lagoon. This roll pulls lots of g's and also gives good hangtime. You then go up into a sort of s bend, then hit the breaks. This ride never lets go on the pacing, and other then the trim break on the top hat, never slows down it seems. The launches are forceful and the layout is spectacular. You do this whole layout with only a small lap bar by the way. Yes, just a lap bar. This ride is a masterpiece. Did i mention the amazing theming? This ride has tons of rockwork and interaction points, such as th stall going over a pathway. Small things like that just make this ride even better. Overall, this is the best coaster in florida and I think it will beat out iron gwazi in my personal rankings, but i will see.
Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure - Universal Islands of Adventure
Liight . vor 3 JahrenThematisierung Abschuss Spaß Rückhaltebügel
This ride is really weird and fun. With 7 launches and A backwards section and a drop track, and over 5000 feet of track, this is a long ride. I've only ridden in the motorcycle and it had a massive brick bar that crushed my thighs during the ride. There is also nothing n the sides of you so if you dont hold on your will get swung around. This ride is still fun. The theming is beautiful, dont overlook it.
Abschuss Intensität Dead spots
This ride is amazing, starting with the launched lift in the tunnel, then into a 0-g roll. You then drop into a cobra roll, before doing a vertical loop, then diving under a bridge. You then pop up into a turn before hitting a corkscrew. You the drop down and do another vertical loop and a turn into the mid courses. You then do a small drop into a corkscrew, before you hit the rides dead spot. The next 20 seconds of the ride is pointless turns over a flat plot of sand. Some of them pull a bit of forces but still a wasted opprotunity to maybe throw in one bonus inversion. Still a great ride though.
Thematisierung Spaß Schoßbügel
fun family coaster, the lap bar is hella bulky and sits on your stomach and thighs. This is also the best themed non disney coaster in florida, its beautifully themed.
Inversionen Intensität Dead spots
fun flyer, weird pacing tho
Thematisierung Spaß
pretty fun kiddie coaster, dont remember much due to how long ago i rode it though. Definitely not bad for a kiddie though.
its a kiddie coaster not much to say. Its a decent kiddie coaster though. It somehow has a small bit of airtime during the tiny hills at the end.