Airtimes First Drop Schoßbügel Rütteln
Strong floater on the first drop and the last 2 bunny hops have great ejector in the back. Has a bit of a rattle, but I’m not surprised. It’s 45 years old. The rattle is less of a roughness than just a fun, vintage bumpy unless you are on a wheel seat. There is a nasty pothole on the valley after the turnaround.
Enttäuschend! Dead spots Intensität
Kiddie coaster, what else is their talk about.
Sanftheit Enttäuschend! Dead spots
It’s a kiddie that still manages to not be the worst in the park, mad mouse is the worst in the park by far!!!!
Inversionen Standort Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm
I used to think that is was a solid ride and even though I have been on better it is still a fun pit stop if I am in the area. But during my recent rides I had a nasty headache that did not stop until several days after my rides. The head banging has been getting worse and worse and I fell like I have to play self defense just to stay comfortable in the car.
Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Intensität Kapazität
It has a nice powerful launch and the legendary holding brake is best the further back you go. The launch is intense toward the front. Overall nice fun ride that is good for the park.
First Drop Inversionen Ejectors Headbanging Zu kurz Dead spots
The first half of this coaster is excellent and is highlighted by the beyond vertical first drop an intense speed hill fantastic heartline roll. But do not sleep on the cutback as that is very intense and wild element (though a little rough on the head). The after a whippy transition into the mid course brakes the rest of the ride kind of dies however it still manages to throw in a nice helix. My rating would be higher if it had lap bars like the newer eurofighters and had no mid course
Dauer Kapazität Unangenehm Reißt es ab!
There is one ride that I wish was never built and it is this one. I have given it second, third, fourth, and tenth chances and it still is TRASH. No matter how much I try to like it I am afraid that I am just going to walk the extra 100 feet to my #1. I cannot imagine ever going on this again unless I am convinced by my friends and family.
Airtimes Spaß Dauer Dead spots
This is a really solid ride that exceeded my expectations I was expecting it to be fun in the first half and boring in the second half. However I actually had a lot of fun on it. It has a great first drop into an elite first airtime hill into the jerky and boring turn around into the brakes that suck. Then into a surprisingly solid run of airtime hills that I get solid floater on into the noisy brake run.
Airtimes Tempo Ejectors Zu kurz Unangenehm
This is not the smoothest ride out there BUT it is the most overlooked ride on the planet. This ride is so good from start to finish. It starts with a drop that is better than the hyper several feet away especially in the back. It has the craziest helix and airtime moment in the park. The only issues that I have with this ride is the rattle and jerky turns, the duration, and the walk to the ride.
Airtimes First Drop Intensität Rütteln
This is my number 1 and for good reason. It has incredible airtime and is one punchy and intense ride. The drop is the best in the park and the airtime hills that follow are out of this world. A night ride in the back is a must do and some of the hills make me think I am going to die on them. There is a rattle but the rest of the experience makes up for it #1.
Thematisierung Sanftheit Dauer Headbanging Irrelevant Dead spots
I got nothing out of it. Just a giant monorail. Just had one pop of air in the back. The harsh stop on the brake run provided a massive whack on the back of the head that gave a headache through the rest of the day, which is not a good thing. Definitely brace for it. On the plus side the section through the log chute is a really cool dark ride section. The visuals of the park are great as well.
Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz Dead spots
I had a really fun ride. I used the lightning lanes so I didn’t have to wait for it and got the front row. I have to say that this was the smoothest coaster of the trip. The cars rocked on the brake runs but nowhere else. The second lift was well themed, the dwarves were really cool to see, but the coaster is so short. Too short. And the forces were very lackluster at best, probably also the worst largest drop I’ve experienced.
Komfort Spaß Dauer Airtimes Dead spots
I got the back of one of the middle cars and I really enjoyed the cave pre lift section. But I must add that the lifts are obnoxious noisy. It was so loud I plugged my ears on both lifts (which was a theme that I saw on space Mountain as well). The ride is fun but didn’t blow me away with the forces. Good well themed family coaster that reminded me a lot of the Pepsi Orange Streak at my own home park but with surperior theming
Spaß Intensität Sanftheit Kapazität Abschuss
I was going in expecting it to be my new favorite coaster at Nickelodeon Universe. Turns out it was a quite disappointing. The launch was weak but I might have hyped myself to much since I had just recently done steel venom with a pretty intense launch. The bar was restricting I expected good floater at the like the screaming swings and the positive G’s. It also has terrible capacity. Like the other two coasters I did it took a good 5 minutes to dispatch. Fairly odd dispatches quickly but we waited at the base of the lift for a good 3 minutes. It is a fun ride and I would say it’s a solid family coaster is though I wish it spun more. It is very smooth and overall mild. The biggest thrill for me was staring strait down the spikes. (Update! after getting new rides with a full train I have to say it is actually a really fun coaster. If you get it at the best time it spins hard!!!)
Schoßbügel Spaß Rütteln Zu kurz Abschuss
We got the back for my first ride and the launch is boring as can be. I have only been on one other launch coaster and this was just purely stupid compared to that one. Then the rattle kicked in. It wasn’t that bad but it was noticeable and not how a four year coaster should be riding. The near misses are fun but doesn’t have any force at all, and the most wasted potential on a coaster I’ve ever been. Those bunny hops give no air and the train crawls through them would’ve rather had some more turns 1st half is definitely surperior. My rating would be higher if wheezy was working (sorry I just really like penguins)
First Drop Spaß Intensität Zu kurz
I was really surprised by the first drop. It felt like it was going to slingshot me into the wall. There was also a strong pop of air off the last mid course. The intensity is sustained throughout the entire ride. There is a bit of a dead spot going around the swings but the visual makes up for it.
Spaß Intensität Dauer Kapazität
As I said in my Omega review I preferred my ride on that more than this. It was more turn and less drop. But I was also in the front. On the plus side there a was an extremely confusing moment when the coaster was coming out of a drop and I thought we were going one way and we went the other way. Alpha #3, Omega #1
Airtimes Tempo Dauer Kapazität
I did both tracks once and even the lightning lane line for them was at least 20 minutes. But when I got on I was blown away. They put me in the back row and the airtime was sharp short and aggressive. The pacing was out of this world. And it is a long ride and makes the most out of the setting. I prefer omega over alpha. But that may be because I did alpha in the front and it wasn’t as aggressive. My new #1
Thematisierung Zu kurz Kapazität Dead spots
It a kids coaster that is well themed. The que sucks though
Kapazität Komfort Zu kurz Enttäuschend! Dead spots
This is what a kiddie coaster should be. Give them a lift and a tame yet effective layout afterword. For Intamins first coaster it could be a lot worse.