Airtimes Thematisierung Dauer
FLY blew me away after one ride in the front row. The ride features a nice dark ride section and a layout with countless airtime pops and nearmisses and really feels like flying. The amazing theming of the area Rookburgh enhances the experience and makes the ride truly unforgettable
Inversionen Meisterwerk Ejectors
Toutatis is incredible! Firstly the theming around the coaster is great and the station gorgeous. Then to the layout: You start off with a dip out of the station and a slow but powerful launch followed by a stall with incredible hangtime and two outward banked hills. After that comes the amazing swing launch sequence with floater and strong ejector pops on the bunny hills and several seconds of weightlessness on the top hat and the spike. The drop of the top hat is nice even though there is a trim and the following part of the layout offers airtime of all sorts. From sideways floater on the wall stall, ejector pops on the speed hills and the double up, to sustained ejector on the camelback and hangtime on the inversions.
First Drop Meisterwerk Ejectors Rütteln Kapazität
Expedition GeForce is incredible! The first drop is by far the best first drop I have experienced and you get amazing ejector airtime on every hill. The setting in the forest is also nice. However, there is a slight rattle in the valleys.
Thematisierung Inversionen Spaß Rütteln
Great ride with great theming and a nice queue line. Especially liked the drop into the tunnel and the second zero-g-roll. It wasn't as smooth as expected however.
Airtimes Kapazität Spaß Rütteln
Silver Star is a great and underrated ride in my opinion! The first drop and the camelbacks deliver sustained floater airtime. You even get ejector on the drops of the MCBR and the helix. The valleys can rattle a little bit in the back but I recommend the front anyway because you really feel the speed there and the airtime is a bit more sustained and powerful.