Spaß Unangenehm
This is more playground equipment than roller coaster, really. However, it's on RCDB, so here we are. The experience of a human-powered coaster is kind of interesting, and it's worth going and checking it out. However, this thing just bangs and rattles its way down the track, smashing your spine to pieces along the way. And all for a ride that provides about as much thrill as a swing-set. Do it once because of how weird and unique it is, and then go to hospital to fix your shattered tailbone.
Standort Layout
A fairly basic spinning mouse, but it wins points for the view. Being set on a rooftop, it's absolutely spectacular. However, the ride itself is pretty average. I found it pretty dull compared to most spinning wild mouses, and both the midcourse brake runs basically stopped us, completely ruining our momentum. Average coaster, worth it for the view.
Thematisierung Irrelevant
I expected to have difficulty reviewing this ride as a roller coaster, because it's barely a credit and is basically a flume in essence. The problem is, it's not a good flume ride either. The theming is impressive from the outside but visually deteriorating on the inside. The "dry track" section that qualifies it as a coaster is absolutely dull and pointless. The drop is OK, but don't expect any airtime. It's just not a good ride at all.
Airtimes Layout
This was actually a slightly pleasant surprise. Sure, there's not much to this ride, it's just a U-shuttle, especially with the spinning feature long-since disabled. But the weightlessness on the spikes is actually super impressive. It's a very fast ride, I only wish the positives could have been slightly better in the valley. Theming is very nice too.
Thematisierung Headbanging
Mayan Adventure is a Vekoma SLC. That's all that needs to be said about the coaster itself. It's a headbanging machine. But the theming gets it some well-earned extra stars. The queue looks incredible, and the integration of the theming into the cloned layout is perfectly executed. In particular, the temple surrounding the lift hill and the interaction with the waterfall are great moments. It may be a nightmare coaster, but it's worth a ride for how good it looks.
Spaß Rütteln
Mine Express is a nice little Vekoma Junior Coaster. The theming is pretty good, although the general ride area could be better maintained from an overall aesthetics standpoint. The ride runs OK. A little rough, but it's just your standard Junior Coaster really. Big bonus points for the lovely operator!
Sanftheit Thematisierung
This roller coaster was a nice little surprise! The website stated that it was themed after somehow both Star Trek and Transformers? No reference to either in-park, and the ride is fairly plainly presented, but this is a good layout and a nice smooth family coaster from I.E. Park! The first drop has an interesting shape that picks up some good speed. There are some minor vibrations, but barely even notable. Just a great family ride overall in a very pleasant little park!
Nette Überraschung! Zu kurz
Herky & Timmy's Racing Coaster was a very pleasant surprise at Everland. Currently, the park are running the train backwards, which adds an element of thrills and surprise. The layout is short, but good and still running smooth for a Vekoma Junior Coaster. The area around the ride is also immaculately themed and presented. A nice fun little ride!
Nette Überraschung! Unangenehm
Comet Express was a fantastic surprise! I had no idea what to expect from my first Intamin Twist and Turn, but what I got was an incredibly forceful spinning coaster in an amazingly well-themed indoor layout. It's disorienting, fun and incredibly violent with its spinning - in fact, sometimes too violent, as the seats are very hard and can provide some discomfort.
Interpark Wacky Worm. Has a surprising amount of laterals and airtime in the back row!
Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!
Black Hole 2000 is the worst roller coaster I've yet to ride. A lap on this roller coaster is like being in several car accidents. It is a painful, head-destroying experience. And even if you manage to survive the pain, the layout is not worth it whatsoever, as the ride wastes all of its height by never reaching the ground until the end of its layout. Please demolish this coaster before someone has an aneurism.
Rückhaltebügel Irrelevant
Ipanema Skate Ride is an Intamin Surfrider. These things are pointless. However, this was the first time I have ridden one with a lap-bar instead of an over-the-shoulder restraint, and I found that this improved the ride experience somewhat. More airtime on the spikes!
Thematisierung Kapazität
Eagle Warrior was the biggest surprise of my trip to Vietnam! This Vekoma SFC layout has some incredible forces that are very unexpected, and this ride makes the most of them with its great indoor theming. You won't see this one coming - it's truly magnificent from start to finish.
Thematisierung Intensität
Snoopy's Great Race is not a roller coaster that I have a lot of memories of, but what I do remember was dazzling. The theming was immaculate. It was built by Senyo, but rode similarly to a Vekoma Junior Coaster. Not too intense, but all-around pretty fun, and the interactive theming made it a great experience.
Spaß Unangenehm
SBF Race Coaster, good little layout. One slight jolt but is probably my favourite kiddie coaster in Australia.
Sanftheit Kapazität
TNT is a brilliant ride for the park. Smooth, much more forceful than intended, and with great presentation and theming. The overbank and first drop are spectacular, and I’m glad Gumbuya invested in giving the ride such cool effects like the smoke effect through the tunnel. Superb coaster.
SBF Visa Spinning Coaster. Boring.
SBF Visa Spinning Coaster. Dull as dish water.
Spaß Dead spots
Boomerang is a fun little family ride! Going backwards in particular is a great experience, and of course, as with all rides at Luna Park, there is a great view. It doesn't really offer much in terms of forces, but that's to be expected with the target demographic of the ride.
Intensität Unangenehm
Wild Mouse should be protected forever. No one should ever say anything bad about this priceless gem. However, it is rough. That's undeniable. But is it worth it? Yes, a thousand times, yes. It's an unmatchable experience, hurtling around the track, feeling as though you may just spontaneously shoot off into the harbour below. For a family-thrill ride, this is an incredibly intense experience and I've never ridden anything remotely like it.
Thematisierung Zu kurz
Storm Coaster is another ride at Sea World that suffers from being far too short. It also lives forever in the shadow of its predecessor, Bermuda Triangle, which was a flume ride with Disney-level theming and presentation. Storm's theming is great, but a short Mack Water Coaster will never live up to that experience. Had it replaced anything else, Storm would probably be looked upon much more fondly by Australian enthusiasts.
Zamperla Family Coaster. Nicely themed, very short.
Tempo Zu kurz
Jet Rescue is one of the great surprises on the Gold Coast. The laterals and speed, so close to the rockwork, it's a really surprising and forceful little coaster, particularly after the second launch. It could definitely be much longer, and the theming has kind of fallen into non-existence, but you can't go wrong with it. Great ride for Sea World.
Intensität Irrelevant
Why is SurfRider even here? It's a decent enough ride, but it runs more like a flat ride than a coaster. But more importantly, it's at a water park, and the operations and maintenance all suffer as a result. This really just is the most misguided ride of all time.
Thematisierung Unangenehm
Road Runner is a nice little family coaster. Nothing too intense. The area around it is well-themed, and the overall appearance of the coaster is nice. I have had mixed experiences in terms of comfort. In the back especially, it seems to deliver some intense laterals that can be uncomfortable for larger riders. However, I don't remember this always being the case, so it may be an age issue.
Thematisierung Thematisierung
The story of Scooby-Doo Spooky Coaster is a roller coaster in itself. Previously one of the best-themed family rides out there, it became an absolute classic. Then, along came VRTP and decided to redevelop the theming. Now, it's trash. It looks cheesy and the animation and screen-based elements are very poorly executed. It seems as though it will undergo another redevelopment, which hopefully will restore its former glory, because this was once by far Australia's best family ride.
Intensität Unangenehm
Arkham Asylum was an intense experience in both a good way and a bad way. The inversions and intensity overall were unlike anything else in Australia, but there was no escaping the typical Vekoma SLC roughness. Even with the vest restraints that prevented headbanging, the tightening on your thighs and the slamming from side to side was incredibly painful. You would always leave this ride with a headache.
Tempo Unangenehm
I first rode this as Cyclone. The trains have since improved, but the ride still remains overall the same. It's a decent length Arrow looper, but the layout is fairly average. There are some bad transitions, and the vertical loop is like a car crash. Overall, it's enjoyable, but you have to be trying to enjoy it.
Spaß Rückhaltebügel
This is a Vekoma hang-and-bang, and it sucks. The harnesses are very restrictive on the shoulders of taller riders, and that only adds to the pain on this very rough ride. There are no redeeming moments either, it sort of just glides and meanders around, which means it isn't really worth suffering for.
Unangenehm Intensität Schoßbügel
This ride is stupid. Everything about this roller coaster is the worst. The layout is completely devoid of anything interesting. The harnesses are not even harnesses, they are torture devices. The operations suck because of how stupid the train design is, and the ride tracks poorly with its old age. There are no redeeming qualities about this ride. Avoid it.