Thematisierung Meisterwerk Intensität
I adore Nemesis. Having ridden a significant number of rollercoasters across the world in the time that it had been closed, I was worried that it would loose its special place in my heart. Whilst there are definitely better rides out there, few are as unique and I am pleased to say that there is still nothing else like this for me. Nemesis' relentless intensity leaves you feeling very specifically light headed and disorientated, but never in discomfort, and this has been turned up even more after the retrack. It's as addictive as always and the experience lingers long after you've ridden it. The atmosphere around the ride is really special, I'd argue much more captivating and immersive than before and a testament to the creativity of John Burton.
Airtimes Abschuss Intensität
My favourite Intamin hydraulic launch coaster and second fav coaster at Hersheypark behind Wildcat! For me, this ride takes Stealth's fantastic punchy fluid launch and air-timed filled top hat, then extends the experience with a masterful finale of elements. The flying snake dive in particular is just twisted metal fabulousness. Intense, smooth and incredibly unique, I really can't wait to get back on, I hope it never gets LSMed.
Airtimes Abschuss Intensität Zu kurz
Maybe an unpopular opinion, but having ridden both in the same month, I actually prefer Stealth slightly to Kingda Ka. The launch on Stealth is incredible, really underrated and by far the best launch that I've ever experienced on a coaster. It's fluid, has a great initial punch and feels completely out of control before the top hat. In comparison, I found the launch on Ka to be disappointing and awkward how it comes in stages. It's also noticeably shakey at the end, which takes away from it somewhat. In comparison, Stealth's launch is glass smooth. The airtime off the top hat, especially in the back, is fantastic. Ejector all the way down and not ruined by a 270 degree twisted drop like on Ka. The pop of airtime in the front before the brakes is a nice touch too and a much better finish to the ride than Ka's drawn-out hill, which does nothing for me. Stealth shows size isn't everything and really took me by surprise. Whilst Ka has a better sense of speed and is longer, Stealth is a much more enjoyable and intense experience. Bonus points for the fact that Stealth is really well presented too, with a dynamic plaza giving great views of the top hat, especially in comparison to Ka's rusty mess stuck behind some bamboo in a carpark vibe.
Standort Enttäuschend! Unangenehm Dead spots
I rode in the back row in April, and I have never been in so much pain on a rollercoaster. I was looking forward to that 'iconic' drop but ended up being so hammered by the restraints and seat in front as soon as it started that I could not wait to get off. The whole drop felt like squeezing into a kid's high chair and then rolling down a cliff. I don't understand why people think Grand National/Big Dipper are too rough, compared to this they're like going for a massage. I still have bruises from smacking my knees and thighs into the crappy seats. Terribly designed piece of shit that should be sold for scrap and replaced with an Intamin/B&M hyper. I really think Arrow were way out of their depth with this.