• Aequus

    Spaß Intensität Layout Schoßbügel

    It's a very short ride, which it compensates for by sending you over the layout twice. There are a few surprisingly good elements in there and it's definitely on the more intense side of family coasters.

  • Aequus

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Schoßbügel

    The second best family ride in the park after Dragon. The queue is very well made and a bit of an attraction in itself, and the layout is very long and fun. It's just a shame how uncomfortable the restraints are for adults.

  • Aequus

    Layout Rütteln Thematisierung Unangenehm

    Shaky, rattly old SLC. The new trains help it somewhat and the layout could be fun, but I never had the urge to ride again.

  • Aequus

    Tempo Meisterwerk Layout Schoßbügel

    Zadra is an absolute masterpiece of a ride, imposing, forceful and relentlessly fast. From the moment it rolls over the lifthill to the moment it makes you bow forward on the breakrun, it never loses from its pace, and the snappy, airtime filled layout definitely benefits from that. The massive Zero-G stall feels like it goes on forever and it's my favourite element on any ride. I agree that the restraints could be better though, it's a bit of a thigh crusher and I never appreciate shin guards as a tall person. Still, I didn't feel much discomfort, and the buttery smoothness of the track made up for it.

  • Aequus

    Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm

    They only run one, four person train at a time. I waited in line for over 30 minutes for the less than a minute long ride.

  • Aequus

    Inversionen Sanftheit Dead spots

    Riding Olympia feels like riding a piece of rollercoaster history, and what makes it better is just how well maintained it is. I didn't have a problem with the restraints, despite what most people seemed to have experienced. The inversions were super forceful except for the two last ones, but other than the five loops, there wasn't really a lot to the layout, and the mini lift hill at the middle felt a bit awkward. Still, great coaster and the best that I rode at Wiener Prater!

  • Aequus

    Intensität Rütteln Thematisierung Schoßbügel

    The prototype trains with the strange lapbars made for an interesting experience, but I definitely would have appreciated some padding on them. It puzzles me how I didn't fall out during the backwards part, the restaint was so loose and didn't touch me at all until I was jammed into it during the cobra roll. The transitions between the elements were jerky, but it was a great adrenaline rush.

  • Aequus

    Schoßbügel Intensität

    It's well known that these coasters are way too generous on the breaks, but even with the terribly slow pace, the car managed to swing quite a bit, and looking straight down with only that tiny lapbar holding me in felt quite terrifying. I get that it's supposed to be a family coaster, but speeding it up a little would make for a much better experience

  • Aequus

    Thematisierung Spaß

    Very special indoors spinning wild mouse, even though the layout wasn't all that unique or exciting, the theming made it all worth it. The queue features a mirror maze and some Lifesize statues, and during the ride there is booming music and a killer laser show

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Sanftheit Dauer Abschuss Intensität

    Abyssus was a big surprise for me in terms of intensity. The first half is super tame, a little unnecessary in my opinion, but it's a nice warmup for what's to come in the second half. The first drop was amazing, but the loop and batwings that followed were very intense, they made me black and gray out several times, which surprised me considering some people complain about this coaster being too tame. I came off with a headache, but honestly I can't complain too much- the ride length is very generous, and the elements flow well into each other. What disappointed me however, were the launches. I got a much better kick out of Formula, for the reason that Abyssus uses two separate, weaker launches to get to roughly the same speed, so it didn't feel nearly as intense. The magnetic launches also took a long time to really kick in, further taking away from the experience, but that goes for its little brother as well. Overall a great experience!

  • Aequus

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Rütteln

    Hyperion lives up to the hype as the second tallest coaster in Europe, and even though the view is not that special at the top given the remote location, the first drop is absolutely unforgettable. The vertical drop at the start is amazing and it goes on for longer than you'd expect, thanks to the fact it leads straight into a tunnel where you'll be crushed by the positive Gs. The lapbars don't leave much to the imagination, feeling very open and free, yet giving a great handle in front of you to hold onto. There's a whole collection of ejector and floater hills through the layout, some hit better than others, but I ultimately found the ejectors to be much better than what the floater hills achieved. Even at the end when you're close to the ground and you'd think the train had lost its momentum to do anything noteworthy, the final two hills will seriously lift you out of your seat. The theming is awesome in the queue, and the placement right next to the park entrance is a bold and great choice in my opinion. The rattle is indeed slightly there in the side seats, but the first inversion feels much more intense there, so that makes it forgivable in my view. There is a metal detector at the start and you get to choose what part of the train you want to queue for, and the operations are super quick.

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Inversionen Abschuss Zu kurz

    Formula will always hold a special place in my heart given that it was my first ever inverting coaster, and I have to say that it's a really good starting thrill coaster. The launch was very powerful even for a magnetic one, and it leads straight into a sidewinder, which offers some sweet hangtime at the top, especially at the middle of the train. The pacing is great throughout all the rest of the coaster, there is not a single spot to catch your breath through all the surprisingly strong airtime hills, snappy turns and great inversions. The only reason I'm not giving it five stars is the length, it's over very quickly and there would definitely be enough speed by the end to include just a couple more elements.

  • Aequus

    First Drop Standort Dead spots Layout

    This ride is a beautiful abomination, with several ride types mixed into one attraction Frankenstein style. The ride starts off as a log flume, which is very mild, but allows you to take a good look at the massive tower that you're gonna be ascending on. The lift itself is pretty cool, with a little outward bend at the middle to allow for two trains to be transported at the same time. The train slightly tilts to the side when you go through it, which a a pretty cool sensation! The first drop into the water is very fun, but there's nothing thrilling about this ride after that; but in my opinion, there doesn't have to be. The track is located right in the middle of the park, and you can take a good look at the attractions below and next to you as you ride. It's more of a scenic rollercoaster than a thrill machine. How wet you will get in the end is completely random, sometimes you will get sprinkled, sometimes the train fills up with water and you'll need a change of clothes.

  • Aequus

    First Drop Intensität Sanftheit Kapazität

    By far the best family coaster in Energylandia thanks to its comfort and surprising intensity! I love the first drop into the dragon's mouth, it's an awesome visual from the front row, and you get some surprisingly good ejector at the back, even if the over the shoulder lapbars don't really allow you to experience it. The ride itself is pretty intense for a family coaster, with several long helixes that the train simply flies through, and the first turn with an over 90 degree bank. The station flythrough is pretty awesome, even though it's easy to miss if you're not used to the layout, it happens so quickly. The seats were very comfortable as well, and aside from one jolt in the track that I could feel towards the middle, it's incredibly smooth.

  • Aequus

    Spaß Sanftheit Layout

    The better one of the two boomerangs in the park, mainly because of the layout, which is packed with tight turns. The theming is nice with all the structures the track goes through as well.

  • Aequus

    Thematisierung Sanftheit Irrelevant

    This family coaster was pretty solid, comfortable trains, smooth track and pretty theming... But I don't see why they needed to build a new coaster instead of rewamping Energuś, which has a better placement and layout. Feels like it takes up unnecessary space in Smoczy Gród, which is already lacking in good rides, other than Zadra of course.

  • Aequus

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz Irrelevant Layout

    The smaller, weaker one of the two family boomerangs in the park. There is nothing really wrong with it, the theming is pretty outstanding for such a small coaster, but just like many others in Energylandia, it feels pointless.

  • Aequus

    Spaß Rütteln Thematisierung

    Just your standard wacky worm, slightly rattly but fun if you're with kids who don't want to go to the bigger family rides

  • Aequus

    Sanftheit Layout Thematisierung Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    Even though the layout is nice and the ride is smooth as can be, this ended up being my worst ride at Energylandia due to the utterly pointless shin guards that were definitely not designed for anyone taller than 160 cm. Frida could do without them, why not Energuś? The theming was strange as well, given that this is one of the first coasters the park ever got. Just some ugly fiberglass statues scattered around.

  • Aequus

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln Thematisierung Unangenehm

    Definitely not the most comfortable trains, I was barely able to fit my legs into the car and the lap bar stapled me in the worst position, but other than the awful trains, the ride experience was great. The first drop was amazing and forceful at the bottom, the layout was versatile and interesting, and although it did rattle a bit, it wasn't all that noticable. In my opinion, this is the most underrated coaster at the park, but definitely more enjoyable if you're not tall.

  • Aequus

    Spaß Ejectors Thematisierung Unangenehm

    It's a very solid wild mouse with strong laterals at the start and also a bit of ejector airtime at the bottom. In terms of comfort the trains are okay, but the break run stops you quickly and violently, TWICE. The theming is strange (some of the mice look straight up unnerving) but besides that, it was a nice and enjoyable experience.

  • Aequus

    First Drop Komfort Sanftheit Layout Intensität

    Drop-helix-helix-helix-breakrun. The layout is pretty uninspiring but very intense, I greyed out twice during the ride. It's perfect if all you want in a coaster is long, intense positive Gs, but I prefer having more element variety.

  • Aequus

    Sanftheit Dauer Dead spots Layout

    This ride lost a lot of it's magic since the retheming. The dark ride park got replaced by a single animatronic, and for some reason they removed the structure around the rail that goes around the barn. They kept the smoke coming from the vehicles, but removed it from the barn. The layout has two great, forceful drops, but by the end it falls pretty flat and boring. Long queues as well!