Nette Überraschung! Spaß Ejectors
This is an underrated woodie, that has a couple crazy pops of ejector. The coaster tracks pretty well for a woodie, but the valley after the first drop is brutal if you’re sitting towards the back. Overall, a surprisingly awesome coaster that gives some elite pops of ejector, and offers a fun ride experience.
First Drop Komfort Spaß Intensität
This coaster is forceless, but very enjoyable. It has an amazing layout, a fun first drop, and it is very smooth as well.
Spaß Sanftheit
Best B&M invert in the Midwest! Raptor has a solid layout, some great inversions, good pacing, and is glass smooth. Just make sure to brace for the transition into the break run.
First Drop Inversionen Ejectors Rütteln Zu kurz Kapazität
Awesome Gerstlauer Infinity coaster has some great moments of ejector, specifically the double down and the first drop. All five inversions are very enjoyable, and the lap bars are freeing and comfortable. My main two issues with this coaster, however, are the rattle in both the valleys and the elements themselves, as well as the ride’s duration, or lack thereof. Even then, this is a great ride that a helpful additions to Knott’s Lineup.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Komfort Dead spots
The initial LSM launch is solid, and despite the trim, the top hat gives some amazing ejector. The zero g roll is great too, and the dive off the mid-course give a nice pop of airtime as well. The ending, however, is forceless, and this is because you crawl through it. I went in expecting a sub par launch coaster, but I was pleasantly surprised.
Airtimes Meisterwerk Intensität
This coaster is just pure perfection. The beyond vertical first drop is so aggressive and gives a super strong burst of ejector. This blitz coaster is snappy, intense, smooth, and relentless. The coaster gets crazy lines due to a kinda low capacity, but it is well worth it. This is the second best Intamin I’ve ridden, only behind Velocicoaster.
Airtimes Meisterwerk Intensität Zu kurz
Lightning Rod is an elite coaster for sure. It’s very unique with its LSM lift, and it flies through its layout. The quad down is the single best element on any coaster I’ve ridden, other than velocicoaster’s mosasarus roll. Plus Lrod makes perfect use of the terrain. Go to Dollywood and ride it.
Airtimes Tempo Sanftheit Zu kurz
This is at my home park, and it’s probably my most ridden wooden coaster. I’ve ridden this in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night, and it’s almost always flying. It’s got plenty of great airtime moments and incredible pacing. Plus, it’s glass smooth for a woodie. This is an elite wooden coaster, go to KI and ride it!
Standort Tempo Spaß Layout
Beast is one of the most legendary coasters of all time. It has an amazing setting and pretty good pacing. The layout is unfortunately made up of bank turns and straight track, but that doesn’t take away from how great of an experience this coaster is.
Airtimes Schoßbügel Meisterwerk Zu kurz
This ride is amazing. Morgan did one heck of a job here. Phantom is solidly within my top five, and that probably won’t change for a while. The ejector at the end is so powerful, and the first half has good positives as well. This truly is an elite coaster!
Airtimes Schoßbügel Meisterwerk
Velocicoaster is my number two overall, and rightfully so. This ride is flawless. Easily the best steel Intamin. The inversions are amazing, the theming is otherworldly, and the layout is awesome. This is a must for enthusiasts!
Airtimes Spaß Dauer
This coaster is amazing. It’s my number one overall. Powerful ejectors, good laterals, and a butter smooth ride experience. Steel Vengeance is just so amazing!