• Dan Getliffe


    Was a strange ride when it was running, but don’t remember it being too bad. Some fun crazy mouse elements.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Dead spots

    Very well themed indoor section - I can still recall the music years later. A decent outdoor section too, if a little short. Not bad overall!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Dead spots

    I remember this one being quite fast when I was a kid! Good fun

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Unangenehm

    It’s not the worst ride ever, but it’s not great. Almost comical how it throws you around, and there are some decent moments on the layout to be fair. 2nd ride was much better but my ribs almost got crushed on the first ride.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Standort Irrelevant Dead spots

    Great views, but that’s about it. Quite forceless and boring unfortunately, even for a kids ride.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Dead spots

    Some fun theming in here - love the queue line specifically. Nothing much to write home about but not a bad ride at all.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Zu kurz Unangenehm

    Weird ride that didn’t do anything for me, except be ridiculously uncomfortable on the last section. Way too short also. I would like to do a proper 4d coaster though at some point.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Hangtime Headbanging

    A really weird experience because of the restraints (which are not comfortable) - that lift hill is terrifying along with the hangtime. Unfortunately after that the shaking begins, and it’s not pleasant because of the speeds. I found this much better earlier in the day before it warmed up, so perhaps one of the few out there to do early!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Standort Dead spots Intensität

    Nice location but quite forceless on the two rides I had. Doesn’t come close to Spinball Whizzer, Dragon’s Fury or even Winja’s. It’s fine, just not particularly exciting.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Komfort Dead spots

    Maybe I got conservative brakemen but I found this incredibly slow and ponderous, at times crawling round the layout. Airtimes were also disappointing apart from a really good moment near the end. A lackluster experience unfortunately that I can’t really recommend. Trains are comfortable though.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Intensität Sanftheit Layout

    What a fantastic ride this is, squirrelled away in a small (but delightful) city park in Helsinki. The layout on this is pretty much perfect, an incredible mix of elements, transitions and launches, and it absolutely flies round at night. One negative for me is I find it slightly too intense on any row that’s not the front later in the day, so it’s worth the extra queueing time. And the theming is not quite there - the terrain is great but it feels a bit empty. Doesn’t help either that you can’t really see the ride well elsewhere in the park. It’s a better ride experience than Taron for example, but I still prefer Taron because of the theming and overall package it provides. Give this some amazing theming and it would be one of the best coasters on the planet easily (unfortunately given the space they managed to fit this into, don’t think that would be possible). A brilliant ride nonetheless, and well worth the trip alone!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Inversionen Standort Zu kurz

    Incredible how they managed to fit this into such a small space - it makes it way too short but still an enjoyable ride nonetheless! Looks amazing with great views of copenhagen, looks awesome at night and has an incredibly whippy last inversion that was superb.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Thematisierung Sanftheit

    I loved this ride - airtimes are great, brakemen are entertaining and theming is something a bit different. It rides incredibly well for an over 100 years old ride as well. A brilliant old school gem!

  • Dan Getliffe


    A strange ride that breaks horribly at the end. Fun enough with some good views of the sea and the western shoreline.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Tempo Spaß

    Maybe I’m mad but I really liked this one - surprisingly fast in the helix and was riding quite well!

  • Dan Getliffe


    A very decent little coaster, surprisngly intense on the last sections. Only goes round once which was disappointing however.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Kapazität Dead spots

    Dreadful operations and a nothing kids coaster. I think the other three kids coasters are better than this one, even though it’s the biggest! Good views at night though.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Kapazität Rütteln Zu kurz

    It’s a bit random for Southend, but I’m glad it’s there. Nothing much to get too excited about, but it’s great having a big ride in such a small park next to the beach! Practically a walk on even at peak times which is awesome! Update: Wow this was rough as hell, seems to have gotten worse. Also think it’s too short!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Standort Intensität Zu kurz

    One of my all-time faves. Yes, it’s super short and it does only one thing - but boy does it do it well! Surprisingly intense drop, incredible noise when you enter the hole, it looks great off-ride and you get superb views of Alton Towers at the top, with time to take it in! An absolute classic dive coaster. Love the theming too. UPDATE: After doing this a few more times, I am getting frustrated with how short it is… Bringing it down to 4.5 therefore

  • Dan Getliffe

    Inversionen Standort Intensität Dead spots

    An absolute bona-fide classic. Alton Towers’ unique height restricitions caused this to be built below ground level and it’s all the better for it. With the iconic roar, theming, and great name it’s a real work of art, and a fantastic ride experience too! Maintains great speed and flings you round without resorting to too much head banging. Slight dead spot at the end but apart from that it’s a must ride! I hope it doesn’t lose too much of it’s character in the retrack! UPDATE: Retrack has made it faster imo if anything and retheme is fantastic! I also probably prefer the new one to the original now!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Dead spots

    A perfectly fine kids coaster, maybe a bit too tame in parts and the only real thrill is off the first drop which is finished too soon. Got a little too dizzy on the last helix!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Spaß Kapazität Rückhaltebügel

    A unique ride with awful operations, but it’s a fun one to do for the history of it and to watch the brake person. Trains are nice enough but the seatbelt is painful - you actually need it surprisingly!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Standort Komfort Sanftheit Intensität

    This is a great ride for Blackpool - so many interactions with other coasters and some decent airtime. It doesn’t rank higher as it’s just not as fast or thrilling as it could be. It’s super smooth and a great ride experience, but just doesn’t fully scratch that thrill itch that I have. However ICON is an INCREDIBLE night ride. The trains are lit up and the interactions with the other coasters are more noticeable. Definitely try it at night! Update: Enso is insane and well worth the *ridiculous* price. But once you open the box you’ll never want to go back to riding it standard!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Unangenehm

    Much better than the left side, and some ok airtimes throughout.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Unangenehm

    One that absolutely lives up to the hype! It is an airtime monster, and rivals Shambhala for the sheer amount of sustained airtime moments. Some of the elements are incredibly unique and fantastically realized. I know there are complaints about the theming, but I don’t think it needs strong theming. At least it’s not over a car park like Hyperion. Station and surrounding area is put together very well, and the score is brilliant (probably one of the best I’ve ever heard), blaring out around the queue. Photo points could be a little better (Shambhala springs to mind as a good example of a hyper that’s closer to non-riders) and the seats are a little uncomfortable after all the throwing around (Taron has more comfy seats and has a similar ragdoll effect), but these are minor gripes. At the end of the day, we finally have a lap bar ride at Thorpe Park! And it is awesome! Dethrones Stealth in the UK for me, but it absolutely deserves it!!!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Airtimes Thematisierung Tempo Kapazität Dead spots

    How does a family coaster with such a low top speed feel so damn fast? Astonishing how fast this thing feels when you look at the stats, and it has triumphant theming, with a atmospheric pre-show and incredible, fitting music in the queue lines. Super long queues which detract from the experience a bit but this is really really good! *Update* It’s quicker than it appears at points, but as you ride this more often you start to notice that low speed more and more. There are some better and faster woodies across Europe, so downgrading rating slightly. *Update 2* This ride is completely different when warmed up and in the dark. Back row was astonishing - you have no idea where you are going and it flings you round relentelessly! Not enough for a rating upgrade but fully reccomend a dark ride!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Intensität Unangenehm

    If there was a prize for ambition, this would win for me hands down. So so many inversions, but for me it’s just too intense because of that. I never really come off thinking ‘That was great!’. It’s more ‘uh that was rough, my head hurts…’. It has some great thrills packed in and some wacky theming, but a little too intense for me, even though I love intensity! *Update* I think the ride experience varies so much based on weather, time of day, how you are feeling etc. I have had some bad rides on this, but also some really good ones! Front seat makes a huge difference I think in terms of comfort too. Upgrading rating slightly. *Update 2* Also an absolute monster in the dark. The last two rides I have had on this have been brilliant. If I get more good rides in, may bump to a 9, but 8 for now.

  • Dan Getliffe

    Abschuss Tempo Intensität

    Massive expectations going in, and it did not disappoint! This is an awesome experience - I think launch coasters and theming are my jam generally so this ride is a match made in heaven for me. It’s super quick, flies round the track like there’s no tomorrow, and at a few points it tries to throw you out too! Highlights are definitely the second launch into the mountain climb, I was laughing like a maniac! Views are incredible, and while the front seat is great for this, I think you get great views anywhere on the train as there’s a lot of climbs and descents into near misses. Operations on this thing are rapid which helps with the queues. Minor negative is that there’s a lack of airtime, and it could maybe do with one inversion, but it’s so quick that it could have made the ride too intense. Klugheim looks amazing in both the day and the night too. So so good!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Standort Sanftheit Abschuss

    A wonderful ride, and an absolute must at night. Rookburgh is truly stunning and you get the best seat in the house on FLY. It maintains its speed well via the launches (a minor negative is that sometimes it felt a bit janky on the back as the speed transitions were not that smooth), and there’s a good mix of elements throughout. Not sure flying coasters are for me as I find them a bit uncomfortable restraints wise, but this is a great experience nonetheless!

  • Dan Getliffe

    Thematisierung Zu kurz Unangenehm Layout

    I did not get on well with this ride at all which really surprised me. I probably need to go on the front to reassess but I had a torrid time on the third row. This is a strange coaster as it’s not particularly visible in the park, and this translates into the ride experience - you cannot see where you are going at all. Into out of tunnels, whipping round blind corners, the whole thing is discombobulating. Normally this wouldn’t be an issue, but as it’s very intense I just got dizzy and nauseous fast. Thankfully it’s over quickly, but I don’t get the high placement for this one.