Spaß Dead spots Layout
Just a fun family coaster.
Irrelevant Layout
It's an SBF Visa spinner. What would you expect.
Thematisierung Intensität Hangtime Zu kurz
You absolutely need to ride this oncce on the left side all the way in the back row. It is something different. You just get yanked over that drop and that airtime hill is also so good back there that you will probably get butterflies. After t he boring immelman you go into a helix that is just pure insanity. You will grey out every time there. The zero-G roll is also pretty good even though I'm not that big of a fan of them.
Spaß Intensität Airtimes
This is a really cool and also pretty intense Mack spinner. On the first overbank you can sometimes also get some nice weightlessness.
Spaß Kapazität Abschuss Layout
The launch was the most disapointing part of the ride, but since it literally has no restraint maybe I just expected too much from it. It actually has some nice laterals too.
Spaß Enttäuschend! Dead spots Layout
Peepeepoopoo Vekomo Motere go brrrrr
Standort Unangenehm Dead spots
Just a generally uncomfortable Vekoma indoor family cosater. I don't really have anything more to say about it.
Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm
It's the worst coaster I've ever ridden up until now.
Sanftheit Enttäuschend!
It's a kiddie coaster, so yeah.
Rückhaltebügel Headbanging Unangenehm
It's an SLC.
First Drop Headbanging Zu kurz Unangenehm
I don't remember much about my 3 rides on it, most likely because of the headache-inducing headbanging.
Standort Spaß Schoßbügel
The lap bar absolutely crushes your thighs.
Airtimes First Drop Hangtime Kapazität
A lot of people think it has a lot of rattle, but I honestly don't see what they mean.