• Mattias van Ingen

    Intensität Rütteln

    Sorry, but I actually kind of like this coaster! I've never ridden it with the old restraints, so I can only say that I'm glad it doesn't have headbanging. It does have square wheels. But I do like the intensity and inversions.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Standort Spaß Rütteln Dead spots Schoßbügel

    There are a lot of things to say about this 40-second journey. It is so compact that the manufacturer literally invented a new type of coaster to make it fit in the area. In other words, this is a prototype. You can really feel that. The first drop is, from what I've heard, really good in the left wing seat, but I haven't gotten a ride there yet. One of the reasons being that I prefer the middle seats, which has two reasons. The first is that the wing seats have a lot of laterals, and I don't really like laterals that much. The second is that the wing seats have a very noticable rattle, especially on the airtime hill after the banked tophat. Middle seats, however, are perfectly smooth and provide a better, more balanced experience. The layout is very unique. It has a very fun first drop, which got my friend screaming, who was in the left wing seat. If you manage to make her scream, that really is something. The banked tophat is also really unique, and it provides really unique forces, since the exit and entry go beyond 90 degrees. From there, I mostly see downsides, seen from the eye of a person who designs rollercoasters himself. The airtime hill after that, although it is very pointy, barely gives floater due to the low speed it is going. Then it goes into a midcourse brake-run, with a dive loop right after. You want the brakes to be on, otherwise you won't feel any hangtime. But even when they are on, you still barely feel the hangtime. It isn't that hard to just make it twist earlier, that would also decrease laterals, which I really don't like on dive loops. The rest of the ride is a few helixes and 90 degree banked turns, interrupted by a zero G-roll. They themed that roll very well by putting a water splash underneath it, but it's only on when it's really hot outside (which it was today). I would also like to comment on the trains and operations. Contrary to my other visits, it was actually running full capacity, which is 4 trains with 8 seats. The queue moved fairly quick thanks to that. I don't love the train design. Since your feet aren't on the ground, there are very few techniques to not get stapled, and the ride attendants will always staple you. Even if they didn't, the lap bar comes down quite a bit after the first drop. The restraint doesn't allow airtime to really reach you, which is a shame, especially on an airtime-focused ride like this. Still, the ride has a lot of good moments that will make it worth a wait. And, of course, every rollercoaster is more fun when you ride it with friends who aren't into rollercoasters but still like the fact that you are.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Airtimes Kapazität Layout Zuverlässigkeit

    The capacity of this ride is insane. When it has two trains and somewhat decent attendants, the line is never longer than 20 minutes. I used to ride this in the back, but now I can say that this is absolutely a front row ride. Here, you can really feel the insane ejector on this coaster. My favorite elements are the last three camelbacks, that provide a wild finale to the coaster. I've heard a lot of people say the middle part is boring, but I disagree. The helixes have just the right amount of G-forces to create an iconic element. They don't lack in force, but they don't make you grey-put either. If you want to grey out on this coaster, the final turn will do that for you. Reliability is the biggest issue, although that goes for most Intamins. One day, it broke down when I was waiting in line. That same day, they closed early. Luckily I didn't have such bad luck today. This rollercoaster is overall really solid, with some insane ejector for a relatively old European coaster, and a really good layout.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    First Drop Thematisierung Intensität Layout

    I really love the feeling of old Vekoma track, especially when it's been retracked and the trains have vest restraints. I got one ride on this in the back row, and I still love the first drop. The onboard audio wasn't working, but I know how good this drop is when the beat drop is right when you get released. Also, the the backwards looping is really something. Unbelievably intense, that is.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Abschuss Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    This ride may just have the single worst restraints I have ever experienced. I'm not even 1.90m, but my shoulders were already pressing against the top of the shoulder restraints. No padding whatsoever, so i got off with pain in my shoulders and back. The launch is pretty good. The sea serpent roll right after as well. It goes pretty downhill from there. The rest of the ride is basically forceless helixes, except for some laterals, which my shoulders really didn't like. In the middle, there is a very unholy corkscrew that made my shoulders scream from pain. According to the official site, the ride ends with "diverse airtimes". These airtimes were so strong, that me and my brother currently use it as a meme for a hill on a rollercoaster that pulls no negative G-forces (the "diverse airtimes" had no airtime at all). A very mid coaster. Certainly not great, but not terrible either. Just get new vest restraints and the ride will improve by at least 200 percent.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Meisterwerk Layout Ejectors

    I rode this twice when I was still terrified of big coasters like these, so I kept clinging onto my lap bar for the entire ride. Today, I came back to avenge this ride and the only thing I can say is HOLY SHIT is this a good coaster! It's like they handpicked the best elements to possibly exist on a coaster and built it to perfection. There is only one bad part on this ride - the bunny hop right after the drop that gives floater at best - but from there onward you will have the most amazing single minute of your lifetime. My first ride today was in the front, and it immediately shot up into my number one coaster. I should mention that I've only ridden coasters in the Netherlands so far, but still. My second ride was at the very end of the day in the back of the train. The first drop is amazing. The 270 degrees stall gave sideways floater my first ride, but in my second I got EJECTED out of my seat. The two big airtime hills after the overbank are both insane and sustained, and the zero-g roll gives amazing hangtime no matter what speed you are going through. From that moment onwards, it is mostly bunny hills. And let me tell you. EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM gives you a mega pop of airtime. I'm usually not really a sucker for airtime, but let me tell you, this airtime is so perfect, I was having the absolute time of my life. The last major element is also the single best one: a heartline roll, filled with the most amazing hangtime you will ever experience on a coaster. Everything on this coaster is perfect. Even the brake run is perfect and I'm not sure why. Just believe me when I say this coaster had gotten a new big fan. I still don't know how they do it, but RMC managed to make the perfect rollercoaster.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Tempo Intensität Dauer

    These laterals absolutely try to kill you, especially in the section after the station pass-through. If you ride this in the evening, this ride is absolutely untamed.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Spaß Intensität Layout Unangenehm

    If you're facing outward in the last corner before the brake run, you'll be sure to get yeeted out of your seat. The laterals on some of these elements are out of this world, especially for a family coaster.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Tempo Spaß Kapazität Dead spots

    Even with a short queue it still took a long time before we could ride it. But apart from that, I was really impressed by the drop after the launch.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Spaß Rückhaltebügel Layout Zuverlässigkeit

    The launch is really fun when you put your hands up in the air. The awkward seating position makes damn sure you feel the G-forces at the bottom of the helixes. It's just a bit short, and the last "airtime" hills are really disappointing. But I think it's a nice addition to the park.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Tempo Intensität Sanftheit Zu kurz

    The first drop gives really nice hangtime, and the transition from floajector to immelmann was absolute gold. The helix makes you grey out. It's a shame it is not that long.

  • Mattias van Ingen

    Standort Unangenehm Dead spots

    In the first overbank, I fell onto my brother who was sitting next to me. On the second overbank, he fell onto me. But for a kiddie coaster it's actually really nice.