• MapleFlakes

    Inversionen Standort Intensität Thematisierung

    Kumba is an intensity monster that takes a lot out of you to ride it, but it's definitely worth it. All of the inversions pop so well and deliver face-melting positives, especially the snappy zero-g roll. This ride's location in the back of the park allows it to feel like a secluded journey, but it still has some neat interaction with walkways. It's a bit of a nitpick, but I think this ride could have some better theming, especially considering its competition in Montu at the same park. 8.5/10 - I came the closest I ever have to a fight at a theme park while in queue for this ride

  • MapleFlakes

    Komfort Intensität Layout

    It seems that with many B&M loopers you trade a comfortable ride experience for unbridled intensity. Kraken is kind enough to let you have both. The inversions on this ride deliver some spectacular positives without the discomfort I've found on similar coasters. I'm a sucker for rides that dive into trenches like this one does, so that makes me like it even more. I went into my visit to SeaWorld expecting this to be a ride I wouldn't care for, but it actually turned out to be one of the better ones in the park. 8/10 - shoutout to the guy who sat next to me on this coaster; he was one of the only enthusiasts I actually held a fun conversation with on my Florida trip

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Spaß Intensität Rütteln

    I think this is a ride where you have to look past some of the discomfort and appreciate the forces. Yes, it has a nasty rattle, especially in the back, but since there isn't really anything to headbang against it can absolutely be tolerated. In my opinion, this coaster actually has both the single strongest moment of airtime and moment of positives in the entire resort. If you are sitting in the front row those hops into the brake runs absolutely send you, even if they aren't sustained for long at all. Additionally, the helix near the far side of the layout almost made me blackout on my rides. I get that it can be uncomfortable, but I can set that aside for a ride with such powerful elements that lets me blast "Free Bird" the whole time. 8/10 - this is the only ride that can say its brake runs are its best elements

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversionen Standort Unangenehm

    I really wanted to like Manta more, but I think B&M flyers just aren't for me. I was hoping my experience on Superman was isolated to a bad day, but I'm now 2 for 2 on these rides making me feel nauseous and discombobulated. I don't get that feeling at all on the flying dutchman I've done, so it's likely related to the pull-up flying position as opposed to the lean-back. That said, I absolutely love this ride's location over the midways and scenery throughout the layout, and the pretzel loop is of course incredible, but I just can't bring myself to rate it higher due to its lack of reridability. 7.5/10 - the aquarium in the queue is awesome, but why is it so damn dark in there?

  • MapleFlakes

    Thematisierung Standort Spaß Dead spots

    This is a really solid family coaster with some great elements and theming. The elevator lift is both a spectacle to watch and a great way to tie into the rides story, and the theming throughout the queue and ride are superb. I think the forwards section of the ride is quite good and surprisingly intense, but the backwards section is pretty lame and the spinning one is hit or miss. I'd say this ride is definitely worth doing at least once, though I don't think I'll rush to reride. 6/10 - apparently the track is supposed to simulate riding along the cobra's tail??? That's awesome actually

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Inversionen Hangtime Rütteln

    Just a great time from start to finish. The jojo roll is such a fun way to start off the ride and serves as a preview for the great hangtime that you're about to experience. And that's what this ride is: hangtime. From that roll to the first loop to the cutback there are so many great moments where you're dangling from the seat. Though it's true that the launches aren't great, I do think they're hated a bit too much. The first one is actually quite solid, but the second is understandably clowned on. This thing can also have a nasty rattle; it isn't that uncomfortable but it can be annoying. 8.5/10 - it may be great but it'll never replace the Thunder Road-shaped hole in my heart

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Tempo Sanftheit

    It is genuinely baffling both how well this ride keeps its speed and how smooth it's managed to stay. This coaster has the best pacing of any woodie I've ridden and some great airtimes to compliment. The shed is also a very cute little way to end the ride—bopping your head along to "Can't Take My Eyes Off You" with a friend is just silly fun. This might be a controversial opinion, but I think Thunderhead at Dollywood actually has much stronger ejectors, so that ride remains my favorite GCI. 9.5/10 - why did the ride op on Racer tell me not to go in the shed did he know where he was

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Standort Enttäuschend!

    I'm quite sad to say that Diamondback just didn't live up to the hype for me. It was a solid hyper, don't get me wrong, but it didn't feel like anything that special. I rode in row 12, so I'd love to someday get a back row ride and give it another shot, but from my one experience I didn't think it was anything special. Of course it had really good floater and the splashdown was fun, but I think I just missed the *something* everyone seems to think this coaster has. 7.5/10 - I feel bad for the people that work the midway games right under the helix

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Spaß Dead spots

    I'm a sucker for racing and dueling coasters, so I was so happy to get a race. I felt my childhood nostalgia for Thunder Road at Carowinds rush back, and I had a big smile on my face the whole time. Compared to Racer 75 at Kings Dominion this one actually has some solid airtime. I also don't have a rattle to complain about since I didn't ride in a wheel seat. 7/10 - how did blue beat us we went down the drop so much earlier

  • MapleFlakes

    Komfort Spaß Zu kurz Enttäuschend!

    Though it's very smooth for an Arrow, I felt like this ride didn't do much. Obviously the track has to be banked so the ride doesn't tear itself apart, but to be honest the fact that the cars swing independently is really only noticeable on the brake run. This coaster is also over way too fast. 6/10 - this review is dedicated to the crying kid whose dad was trying to force him to ride; I'm sorry little man

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Spaß Dead spots

    Actually a really fun ride with some phenomenal floater. It's basically just a lot of airtime hills, albeit very good airtime hills, especially if you're in the back. I probably got lucky because the last time I went the trims were barely hitting at all. The section after the midcourse is definitely the low point, though not quite as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Intimidator has gotten a lot more scrutiny since it's been in Fury's shadow, but as a standalone coaster this is a really good hyper. 8/10 - why do they take the photo after the midcourse I don't understand the logic there

  • MapleFlakes

    Thematisierung Inversionen Unangenehm Dead spots Layout

    The last 15 seconds of this ride are fantastic: an awesome fire effect followed by a great drop and a very unique set of inversions. Everything else that comes before it is awful. The profiling is janky, the transitions are uncomfortable, and all the while it manages to have dead spots that somehow hurt your head. I had much more fun looking at this ride from the outside than riding it. 4/10 - the vulture animatronic is the highlight

  • MapleFlakes

    Spaß Intensität Unangenehm

    When I rode this for the first time 8 years ago I called it the worst roller coaster ever. I expected to have a similar opinion after riding it again, but surprisingly I actually quite enjoyed it! I'll admit that I'm weird and sometimes enjoy riding defensively, so that plays a part here, but once you learn how to properly position the stand-up restraints you will experience no crotch pain and minimal headbanging. To have the best ride on Vortex, though, you absolutely have to ride in the front right position. Any farther back and you will headbang, and any further left and the corkscrew will be painful. Thankfully this ride barely gets a line so you should be able to no problem. 7/10 - as a ride op I was assigned to this coaster but it was closed all summer so not only did I never touch it but it was also my last Carowinds credit

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversionen Intensität

    Though it can't compare to many of the custom layouts, this is still a great invert. The tight elements pack some crazy forces with some awesome whip. Though it's the most intense overall, I still think Goliath's double helix is the standout moment of G-Force in this entire park. I think my favorite inverts strike a balance between the tight elements of a ride like this and the large, drawn-out ones of a ride like Alpengeist. 8/10 - someone free Batman why is he stuck in the freezer

  • MapleFlakes

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität

    I did not anticipate enjoying this ride; stand-ups are almost universally hated and my last ride on one (8 years ago) left me in near tears at the pain. However, Georgia Scorcher was really fun! I actually quite enjoyed the novelty of standing up on a roller coaster, and while I'm sure airtime is a more fun force to experience whilst doing so, the high positives were still exciting. I knew to slightly squat for the height lock so I experienced no crotch pain and surprisingly no headbanging; it was quite comfortable. 7.5/10 - now that I actually have a positive interpretation of stand-ups I am absolutely not looking forward to Vortex

  • MapleFlakes

    Inversionen Standort Intensität Dead spots

    I was quite surprised by the intensity this ride packs into its loops and valleys. Yes, the loops and valleys are the only good parts of the ride, but they genuinely are quite fun. There is a lot of pointless meandering throughout the whole layout, but the wooded surroundings make it a little more enjoyable. 6/10 - why does the brake run squeal

  • MapleFlakes

    Dauer Unangenehm Layout

    I thought I had experienced the jank of Arrow transitions before, but nothing compared to this ride. This ride is like if they took Anaconda's pointless meandering double turn around and extended it to an entire layout. Then they added 3 chain lifts. It's pretty impressive to be crowned my least favorite Arrow, but for the time being this coaster holds that title. 2/10 - holy crap this line moves so slow with one train ops

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Spaß Unangenehm Layout

    The first turn and drops are surprisingly smooth, but don't be fooled because this ride has some hilariously poorly profiled turns. Most of the fun of this coaster comes from how unsafe it feels. It is absolutely the jankiest piece of junk I've ever ridden. 4/10 - if you sit in the front row your restraints pop up before the train stops moving

  • MapleFlakes

    Enttäuschend! Layout

    Compared to the only other Miler kiddie I've ridden in Wilderness Run at Carowinds, this was surprisingly disappointing. There's actually some forces on that one, even if very minimal, and the ending bunny hops give a tiny bit of airtime. This ride just does nothing. I can't really fault it though, I'm not the target audience. 2/10 - the operator said it was better than ArieForce so who am I to disagree

  • MapleFlakes

    Komfort Intensität Sanftheit Zu kurz Kapazität

    I think I'm more susceptible to greying-out than the average person, but let me say I absolutely did here. That first overbank is actually quite wild for a family coaster. Comparing this coaster to Kiddy Hawk at Carowinds (which is one of the worst rides I've been on) it is immeasurably smoother, has much more intense and fun elements, and possesses indescribably better restraints; they give such a good sense of freedom. The only negatives are its tiny layout and awful capacity; this was not the best choice for a park as busy as Dollywood. 6.5/10 - this is the quietest roller coaster I've ever seen in my life

  • MapleFlakes

    Abschuss Spaß Kapazität Layout

    For some reason this is the only roller coaster I've ever been on that consistently makes me motion sick. If I had to guess why it's probably the rattle combined with the backwards sections, but I'm not sure. The layout isn't anything special, just a lot of meandering around an admittedly beautiful hillside. Backwards launches are always a good addition to any ride, and this one is no exception. I just wish this one had better capacity; it's rather popular, and even with a very fast op team it just can't handle the lines. 5.5/10 - massive respect to the ride ops for munching on Sour Patch Kids mid-cycle

  • MapleFlakes

    Dauer Unangenehm

    This ride is pretty much exactly what you'd expect it to be. It's a kiddie credit; there isn't much more to say. I suppose the whistle and steam that occurs when you pass the engine each lap is quite cute. 3/10 - this was my first Zamperla and let me say I have high hopes for Top Thrill 2

  • MapleFlakes

    Standort Spaß Dauer

    This was my first Alpine coaster and I really enjoyed it! It's a very long ride with tons of great moments of laterals, and even a few good positives. The location is beautiful, so I don't even mind how much time is spent on the lifts. This coaster is definitely worth a stop if you are going to Dollywood. 7/10 - Lightning Rod may have the quad down, but does it have pissing bear statues?

  • MapleFlakes

    First Drop Inversionen Komfort Zu kurz Kapazität

    I knew people raved about this being the best Arrow looper, but it still surprised me with how enjoyable it was. There wasn't a moment of headbanging and the first drop actually was profiled to give airtime. It's a shame the layout is as short as it is, both because I would love a few more elements and because it comes into the brakes with enough speed to prevent the park from running a second train. 7.5/10 - why is it so awkward and quiet in the maintenance shed

  • MapleFlakes

    Spaß Sanftheit Dauer Airtimes

    This was my first new-gen Vekoma, and even though it's a family coaster I'm still quite impressed! It has an incredibly smooth, long layout with some fun twists and turns and a couple solid launches. I'm a sucker for onboard audio, and this ride has a joyous little tune playing throughout. I wish it had a few moments of airtime, but it's not a big deal, it's still a great time overall. 7/10 - shoutout to the woman who approached me when I was walking towards this ride and gave me an extra TimeSaver

  • MapleFlakes

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Dead spots

    I went into this one with pretty low expectations and came away very pleasantly surprised! The theming in the queue is actually very nice and not something I expected at Kings Dominion. The launch is incredible and one of my favorites of all time. I assumed that this coaster would have over-the-shoulder restraints, so I was very excited to see it was just a lap bar. The only downside is that it does crawl a bit after the midcourse, but it remains quite fun regardless. The lines it can build up even on a slow day are quite frustrating, too. 8/10 - "We can't let you guys on because someone is throwing up back here" -Ride op explaining to us why we were just standing in the station

  • MapleFlakes

    Sanftheit Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Enttäuschend!

    This was my first free spin and it did not leave a good impression. The music as you rise up the lift hill is good I guess? The bamboo-styled supports look pretty nice. The actual ride experience is just not it for me, though. Vest restraints are rather uncomfortable for me and an absolute no for my riding buddy. The layout is incredibly short and we got no flips on our first ride, but the two we got on our second were just not fun and kind of uncomfortable. I can't say I was stoked to ride a free spin, but I might just outright avoid them going forward now. 3.5/10 - how is this considered the replacement for Volcano

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Zu kurz

    A fun family coaster with two good moments of air time. Buzz bars are always a big plus, and from my experience it seemed to run faster than the one at Carowinds. 4/10 - we got stuck at the base of the lift hill for like 20 minutes and I think the kid in front of us started flirting with me

  • MapleFlakes

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Zu kurz

    For a step up from a kiddie it's actually very good. I highly recommend this as a first coaster for kids over Kiddy Hawk. I got to sit in the back, and because of the buzz bars there was actually a little bit of airtime on the two "big" drops. 4/10 - you call it Woodstock Express, yet it isn't train themed...curious

  • MapleFlakes

    Layout Unangenehm Irrelevant

    I do not like wild mouses, but this one wasn't awful. It runs a lot slower than its counterpart at Carowinds, so the turns weren't nearly as uncomfortable. Having the first drop is much better than the traditional wild mouse layout in my opinion, so it gets at least a few points for that. Besides that, though, it's still just a boring and somewhat uncomfortable coaster. 4/10 - I will say, though, the color scheme is rather pretty and ties into the area's theme nicely