• Rachel P.

    Airtimes Spaß

    Used to be rougher than the left but is equally smooth with the latest retrack. Nice when they actually run it!

  • Rachel P.

    Airtimes Spaß

    With the retrack Racer 75 is a joy! Yesterday they were even running both sides (though one side only had one car so not every run was a race). Left is the side that's usually open and used to be significantly less rough but they seem pretty even now. I love riding in front but the back is also a good time. I do feel like it's a little hard to get the lap bar just where I want it (usually it's either too tight or a little too loose for comfort).

  • Rachel P.

    Airtimes Spaß

    With the latest retracking work, Grizzly is running mostly smooth (the main rattle is in a slow turnaround) and intense. Remains one of my favorite coasters in the park and is an excellent night ride! I like riding in the front.