Rückhaltebügel Intensität Ejectors Unangenehm
this was a very fun rollercoaster, and loved every bit of it. the pretsil roll loop was very thrilling, and the harness was very comfortable, a really good ride.
Inversionen Tempo Layout
a great wing rider, loved the inversions, and the layout was great. You just weave through the elements. would ride again.
Thematisierung Kapazität Enttäuschend! Irrelevant
waited an hour for this. it was pritty boring and did not impress. there was good themeing tho.
Thematisierung Kapazität Inversionen Unangenehm
almosed grayed out on this one, occasionlally there was some headbanging and minor discomfrot. rode this one for the intense inversions. was a great ride. would reccomend. theaming was really good too.
First Drop Thematisierung Layout
this was a fun one. lift hill was awesome, has some fun elements. theming was universal level. the loop was pritty good to.
Headbanging Inversionen Dead spots
ow, this one was not fun, the loops were the only good bit, the rest, especially the double corkscrew were just painfull. not whorth the time.
Airtimes Kapazität Schoßbügel
this was the smoothist b&m ive ever ridden. the drops and turns were very fun, and the airtime was incredible. a great addition to the park.
Spaß Rückhaltebügel Headbanging
this is a fun one, but it can be very painfull and even dangerous. one member in the group i came here with got concussed on this ride, and has had severe headaces since. it was still very exiting and was my first 4 d coaster, but if the line is long, its skippable.
First Drop Meisterwerk Ejectors
dang this one was fun. Its been 4 months since i was at that park, and yet, i still get chills from it. the first drop was great from any seat in the coater, and it only got better, adn over banked turn, shortly followed by an insane ijector hill. the dive loop was best from the front, but packed a punch from any spot. coming out of that is the element that I will never forget. the zero g stall was increadible, and is my favorite inversion ever. when i go back, if i go back, im riding this one. top 3 favorites eazily.
Inversionen Hangtime Zu kurz Kapazität
This was a fast and exillerating coaster, the launch was insane. throughout the inversions you were just weighless the entire time. One serious problem was capacity, this thing has the smallest capacaty ever. that and how short the ride is sad bc even with the flash pass, i was only able to do it once.
Thematisierung Inversionen Intensität Headbanging
i rode it 5 times at my visit to alton towers and loved every second of it. if i could add one more pro it would be masterpiece because there is nothing quite like this coaster, there is very few coasters that invert a lot and have that incredible theming. on the 12th inversion there is a little headbanging but it is worth it a million times over. the que is not very long ( probably beacause you can only ride this coaster a few times before you need a break, so ride oblivion.) and the second lift hill is terrifing. you can ride this ride a million times and still have a ton of fun.
Airtimes Thematisierung Intensität
a lot of people complain about the rattle but thats just what happens with a wooden coaster. the theming was incredible along with the effects and the lateral g forces.
Komfort Sanftheit Thematisierung
this was my first flying coaster experence and i loved it, while the theming is sad compared to alton standers it is still really fun
Thematisierung Schoßbügel Spaß
only rode it 2 times but had a blast
First Drop Kapazität Zu kurz
valryan at cedar point has 2 drops and inversions, why does oblivion have to be so short?