• Luke Thomas

    Tempo Spaß Layout Kapazität

    Not a fan of Chessington, the queues are long and the customer service is poor. But this ride is great. The capacity is an issue for a park that attracts long queues, but once you get on, you will be surprised with this whippy, fun and exciting family-thrill coaster.

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Really fun! A nicely immersive ride with a nice 360 spinning train system. Some good views of the themed area from above too. Top tier family experience.

  • Luke Thomas

    Abschuss Tempo Intensität

    Awesome ride, after getting multiple rewatches on this, I can safely say it’s the best rollercoaster in the UAE outside of the world class Manta and Flying Aces (Rossa was closed on my visit). An Extremely forceful launch into a vibrant tunnel that leads into one of the most forceful s-bends I have experienced. It’s taken at stellar speed. The twisted airtime hill is magnificent. A lot of fun near misses and low to the ground turns to be had. It even interacts with the themed area on one turn. The rest of the layout consists of unpredictable s-bends, airtime hills and forceful helixes without loosing speed, along with the great theming the ride has to offer. There is even on-ride music. An extremely fun ride that has good re-ride ability.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Tempo Hangtime Zu kurz Kapazität

    A really good ride that was surprisingly whippy and quick, the banked turn after the vertical loops was taken at surprisingly fast speeds. As well as the twisted airtime hill afterwards, some great ejector to be had. But it is let down by poor operations (like majority of rides in the UAE) and low capacity. It’s also a little short, but that’s probably because of the low capacity. Very good still. The launch isn’t that bad, it’s ok.

  • Luke Thomas

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Layout Thematisierung

    Probably the best of the Maurer spinning coasters. Quite tall with a unique twisted element after the first drop. The rest is standard stuff but still good!

  • Luke Thomas

    First Drop Spaß Zu kurz Kapazität Dead spots

    Decent little Bobsled coaster. Fairly forceful first drop. Not enough wild mouse section though, and quite short. Only running 2 trains too.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Spaß Dauer Kapazität

    Not sure where the rough criticisms come from. This ride isn’t uncomfortable at all for its age. In serious need of a paint job though, because this is a great racing coaster with great airtime moments and some strong laterals. Only rides one train on each side usually though.

  • Luke Thomas

    First Drop Sanftheit Ejectors Zu kurz

    Still hold up as an effective dive coaster although it’s been beaten by more modern modifications of this prototype model. Still some great ejector on that drop.

  • Luke Thomas

    Abschuss Rütteln Irrelevant Dead spots

    A pointless and odd ride that serves no purpose. The unbanked turns are uncomfortable and the ride doesn’t even duel. The launch is ok though.

  • Luke Thomas

    First Drop Intensität Ejectors Zuverlässigkeit

    It’s a shame that on my visit, Formula Rossa was closed, but it doesn’t matter. Because this is the real deal. So intense, that first drop on the back row wing seat is insanity. The airtime is aggressive, the layout is long, well paced and very fun. The non-inverting loop is awesome, but the ejector moments on some of them turns are crazy. Only slightly held back by Ferrari World’s subpar operations. Easily one of the most forceful rollercoasters I have ridden. Only got 3 rides again, because it broke down shortly after.

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß Zuverlässigkeit

    This ride was a massive surprise. The on-ride theming is great. The 4D aspect is fantastic. The backwards drop is fantastic, and that sideways drop was unexpected. However, only managed to get 1 ride on this because it broke down afterwards. The reliability of rides at Ferrari World are terrible. But that one ride was a great and unique experience.

  • Luke Thomas

    Abschuss Zu kurz Enttäuschend! Irrelevant

    A mighty shame. This is a coaster that is a waste of good statistics. It’s tall and fast, but it does nothing with it. The launch is ok though.

  • Luke Thomas

    Intensität Layout Ejectors Kapazität

    Managed to get 4 rides on this and WOW. A masterful layout taken at serious pace. The ejector and lateral forces are extremely strong, the layout is pitch perfect. It’s nicely themed and the airtime moments are sublime. It’s extremely whippy and relentless. So be warned as it’s does strain your lower back. However, the operations are poor unfortunately. But the ride itself, WOW. So much happens in its compact, diverse and forceful layout. Near perfect.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Spaß

    Interesting that nobody talks about this more. A pleasant wooden coaster in a family park.

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Great fun, smooth for a boomerang with some great theming, the on ride synced music is great. And the staff operating it were very friendly.

  • Luke Thomas


    To see that within 3 years that this would be the only rollercoaster left at Light water Valley is sad really, it also doesn’t help that this ride is terrible.

  • Luke Thomas

    Schoßbügel Intensität Dauer Unangenehm

    Such a shame this excellent ride has gone, it’s was one of the craziest experiences of all time, never mind rollercoasters. The 2nd half is nuts, some of the most jarring and forceful turns on any rollercoaster I’ve experienced, it’s obviously extremely long and insanely unhinged, I can understand why it was removed, but it’s still epic, the ultimate bruiser.

  • Luke Thomas

    Komfort Tempo Spaß Zu kurz

    This is great, surprisingly whippy and fast. It’s very short however.

  • Luke Thomas

    Standort Spaß Dauer

    Quite like this, a pleasant ride that circles the back end of the park. When the new rollercoaster is fully built, it will offer some great views for it.

  • Luke Thomas

    Unangenehm Dead spots

    A peculiar ride, janky turns and so many lift-hills.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tempo Spaß Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm

    Yes, the red side is better. Shame I couldn’t get a ride on Stampida during my most recent visit. But it’s a long, well paced wooden rollercoaster. It does have a strong rattle though.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tempo Spaß Dauer Thematisierung Kapazität

    A nice long ride. Good pacing and some nice interactions with the rapids, always enjoyable.

  • Luke Thomas

    First Drop Inversionen Zu kurz Kapazität Enttäuschend!

    A genuinely average and forgettable ride that is enhanced by a good first drop and some nice inversions.

  • Luke Thomas

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Overhated, the trains are obviously terrible. But the ride itself is quirky and fun! There isn’t any head banging like some would suggest.

  • Luke Thomas

    Komfort Tempo Enttäuschend! Dead spots Layout

    A cool concept with a sub-par execution. The layout is generic, but it’s fun enough due to the train design and decent pacing.

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Kapazität Enttäuschend!

    Basically a family ride with a walking dead theme, really odd.

  • Luke Thomas

    Inversionen Sanftheit Enttäuschend! Dead spots Intensität

    One of the most overrated rides in the UK. It’s certainly tall. But it’s forecless and full of dead spots. The inversions are decent though.

  • Luke Thomas

    First Drop Standort Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Easily the best SLC. A monstrous coaster that stands tall amongst anything else in the park. It’s massive for an inverted coaster, and the first drop is brilliant. It can be very rattly at times. But the layout is great.

  • Luke Thomas

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung!

    Easily one of the better wild mouses, the theming is good, and it has surprising moments of airtime.

  • Luke Thomas

    Tempo Spaß Dauer

    A great alpine coaster. Superb scenery. The pacing is great if you don’t use the manual break that much and it’s just overall very fun.