Achterbahn Rezensionen
First Drop Intensität Layout Zu kurz Kapazität
The first drop paired with the lap bar restraint is an amazing feeling, you literally feel like you're free falling inside of the seat as you are only touching the lap restraint and are lifted from the seat itself The speed and inversions pair really nicely and flow smoothly but intensely, the ejectors and air times i'd say can be better on some coasters but this coaster offers a wider array of many features which are still at almost the absolute best level right next to the specialized coasters. Zadra also features a pretty long time upside down as you are inverted upside down and ride like that for around 2 seconds only to turn back and ride another inversion shortly after. 2 seconds might not seem like a lot in words, but when you really feel it especially at the speed zadra offers it becomes a whole new experience. I'm a bit torn on flying into the brakes at full speed, its an amazing feeling, but it also means the ride could've been longer, and if they managed to build the rest of the ride at the same level as the current part, it could've been even better. Capacity is a con because it takes a while to get on the ride but it's not THAT bad. Just a mild inconvenience.