Achterbahn Rezensionen
Airtimes Thematisierung Dauer Rütteln
So much to say about voltron. This ride can be very divisive and you can either love it or not be a fan. It's currently my 4th rated coaster, because it's objectively an amazing ride but with some flaws - for me. Starting with the negative points: - of course, the roughness. The two rides I had in the morning were mostly smooth, but the two I had in the evening were very rough, the last one being on the same level of SLCs. I think it depends not only on the train and the seat, but especially on the time of the day (when it's warmed up, it's worse) - I don't feel that the elements flow so well, they're taken with such an high speed and so we have too little time for enjoying them, also they're very close to each other. I prefer something more graceful and armonic with its elements, with some good mixing of positives and negatives. That's why I prefer riding it in a middle Seat, for a "calmer" experience. - In the second part it could be a bit repetitive, ejector after ejector, you can get used to that force very quickly and it can become uncomfortable for your thights. -the turntable on Voltron has too much contrast with the layout that comes before and after it. That feels like a dead spot, that's not bad due to the ride's intensity, but I would have prefered something like a "weak" spot, that lasts just about 2 seconds, so enough to make you taking your breath between the 1st and the 2nd half but not enough to break the ride's flow. As for the positive points: - it's very fun, because some elements are really cool and unique, and the ride experience is slightly different in every seat you try. - As opposite to what I expected, the intensity is not too much (it lacks some more positive Gs that I honestly don't like when they're too much) - of course, a huge positive point is the duration! It doesn't even feel too long, or at least if you don't get a rough ride - then yes, it can be too long. - The theming is absolutely stunning and original, way different than all other themes I always seen on coasters, and it's one of my absolute favorites. Overall, Voltron is a ride that throws you away in a very aggressive way and that's why it's many people's number 1. However, it can't be everyone's cup of tea. This is a must ride for every enthusiast for sure.
Komfort Dead spots
Enjoyable ride. Not the most spectacular of course, but it's smooth and very fun! It's for sure a nice coaster especially for people at their first thrill experiences. The launch is my favorite part of the layout as well as the last inversion. Underrated ride!
Spaß Zu kurz
Very fun ride that in my opinion is very intense, but is a bit too short. As an old vekoma, it doesn't rattle too much, and I found it very interesting especially in the backwards part.
Airtimes First Drop
Very good, especially in the back and obviously in the afternoon (otherwise it loses a lot). The first drop is the best moment of the ride. It's an airtime focused ride but it doesn't get too repetitive, the layout is quite various, and it's worthy a spot in my top 5.
Airtimes Abschuss Tempo
As expected, I liked this ride a lot, having a preference for launched coasters in general. Very fast and the best part of the ride is the section between the top hat and the spike, going backwards and forward through the launches. Before and after that section it's just a bit less interesting, especially the first part and the top hat itself (the drop was honestly one of the worst parts) and I expected the spike on the back row to be more floaty, I didn't feel much airtime there. But you get out of your seat during the launches and that was the absolute highlight. The layout after the top hat is very nice and that's what makes it better than Taron for me, having a few airtime moments and also inversions. The airtime pops, the launch and the pacing are the things that make this ride so good. And, last but not least, the fact of being smooth and not overly intense, which I appreciate a lot. Overall, it's almost a perfect ride.
Thematisierung Spaß
Nice invert, i still prefer katun but it's very nice especially theming-wise. The best themed inverted coaster I've done for sure.
Spaß Intensität
Fun ride, still can't decide between this and Oblivion, that is shorter but more interesting. I like it at the same level as Swarm, which is a bit better themed so I'd give it the edge. Both are very intense rides that focus on positive Gs, that's why I would rather do another ride on Oblivion instead of it.
Schoßbügel Inversionen
Layout is basic, the five inversions at the end are the most unique element of the ride but I still think it's pointless to put all those inversions in a row. A good point are the lap bars, that make this ride miles better than colossus.
Nette Überraschung! Zu kurz
What a surprise this ride was! Best coaster at the park for me. Loved the drop track and the coaster itself, It felt faster than it is and so much fun.
Spaß Rütteln Zu kurz
This was my favourite ride when I was 12, but now it's just boring and pretty uncomfortable. But still a nice ride to start with.
Instead of this ride Mirabilandia could have built an hyper, in that same space. Waste of money and space. I had to wait A LOT for it, but I don't think it deserved such a wait.
Spaß Layout Zuverlässigkeit
Pretty fun, but it's always down and not worthy the 2 hours queue I had to wait during Halloween 2021.
Abschuss Intensität Rütteln Unangenehm
My former n1 in Italy, it developed a nasty rattles that left me with a terrible headache that ruined the rest of my day. It's a pity because the launch is awesome, but other than that it's only turns and some inversions, nothing special. It's fast, way too much for my tastes, and the inversions and elements are passed too fast that they're made uncomfortable and not enjoyable. I still really like it especially for nostalgia factor, being this my first coaster that deserves a top 100 spot in the world.
Spaß Sanftheit
Nice wooden. Not the most extreme of course, but it's always a pleasure going ride it. My 2nd favorite at the park.
Thematisierung Enttäuschend! Unangenehm
I was a bit disappointed by this ride, even if I know that its strenght is mostly the theme rather than the thrill. Weirdly, I'm not the biggest fan of its theme, it feels too vintage for me, but of course that's just me, and it's undoubtly stunning and well done. Its biggest problem is the lack of comfort for me: I didn't know how to put my head, if I try to keep it forward it ends up hurting my neck and shoulders. So that wasn't a pleasant experience for me.
Abschuss Spaß Headbanging
My 3rd favorite coaster at the park. I enjoyed Heidi a lot more. This coaster could be very rough and headache inducing, and in some points the positive Gs are a bit too heavy.
Schoßbügel Intensität
I found this ride to be nothing special, I won't use the term "mid" because I don't like being negative about a coaster that's still pretty good. It's only my 2nd favorite at the park behind Van Helsing. The fact that this ride has the same speed as Ride to happiness shows how speed or height doesn't mean nothing.
Schoßbügel Standort Abschuss
Taron became my favorite ride when I rode it for the first time...very fun, obviously the most fun part are the launches, especially the second. It's not overly intense and that's good for me. It's also smooth and the surroinding area is stunning, my favorite in phantasialand and one of my favorites ever.
Inversionen Komfort Spaß
It's arguably the best invert in Europe, maybe in the world. Idk why people seem to prefer Black mamba, Oziris or Nemesis (the most disappointing coaster in my life) over it. Of course it lacks airtime but it's still an invert! Rattle is not noticeable (like the one on ispeed) and I don't know why there are SO many people in the reviews saying it's forceless or "ispeed is miles better". Katun is now my favorite ride in Italy even if I like launched coasters more, because Ispeed was rattling too much to be enjoyable, while katun is just amazing in every aspect.
Inversionen Nette Überraschung! Spaß
OMG this ride. It exceeded every single expectation I had. I know The Smiler since I watched videos about "top 10 coasters with the most inversions in the world", and always wondered how it could feel like. I'm not a big fan of endless inversions and prefer airtime and launches so this ride wasn't a candidate for being in my top 10, but here we are! Everyone hates it for the rattle, but, even if it's there, is definitely not that bad (Nemesis' is waay worse). Even if I'm not a fan of the horror theme, this one is so unique and made me laugh just hearing the soundtrack (I also laughed through the ride, which is a symptom of a ride being good). The theming in the station could be so much better, however. Another thing I really appreciated is the speed with which the ride goes through the inversions: the right amount, not too little but neither too much, so you can enjoy every single element without turning the ride into a mess. Really, I expected this to be a flop for me (no launches, too many inversions, little airtime, horror theming...) but man this ride is the best at alton towers for me, without a doubt. It's not perfect, but surprised me in a super positive way!
Abschuss Zu kurz
Very nice ride, the launch takes you off guard because you wait for the green light to turn on (like on stealth) for launching, but we were launched before they turned on, an that was funny!
First Drop Schoßbügel Inversionen Rütteln Zu kurz Unangenehm
I expected it to be top 3 and even top 2 rivaling Toutatis, and it sits at number 3 but just barely beating Taron. It's really so close. The first drop and the outerbanked inversion are the best sections of the layout but the best of the best was the outerbanked inversion, which felt really strange in a positive way. The drop was awesome and I was out of my seat the entire time, but I expected it to blow me away a little bit more. I expected the stall to be not my favorite element, and it wasn't (felt like straight track) and I didn't mind of the trims, I barely felt them. It's definitely short. Overall I really liked it and, controversial opinion, I found it better in the first rides of the day than the last ones, because when it's too fast, the positive Gs are too strong (uncomfortable for me) and they carry so much rattle, more than I expected. In the last row it's a bit better but not by much. It's btw surely the best ride in UK and a must ride for every enthusiast
Komfort Intensität
Relaxing ride but this doesn't mean it's the worst at the park. A relaxing ride is 1000 times better than an uncomfortable and rattly one. I enjoyed it more than Nemesis and, while I still prefer FLY for the theming and the launches, I think this is way more comfortable.
Rütteln Thematisierung Layout
What people say about saw is true. This ride is rough, but not only is rough, but it has nothing special for me. First drop wasn't sensational, all the elements except the airtime hill and the indoor inversions were nasty. My friends wanted to do a second ride on it and I refused to do it again.
Spaß Rütteln
Very fun spinning coaster but far from the winjas. It rattles a bit too much for my tastes, but a spinning coaster is always fun!
Nette Überraschung! Spaß
My god this ride was a surprise. I didn't expect the drop track and the backwards section! Nice nice family coaster, really!
First Drop Zu kurz
The first drop is better than Oblivion the black hole and very intimidating. Other than that there's nothing, so I still prefer the one in Gardaland.
Airtimes Spaß
Very fun ride, especially in the back (you can't choice unfortunately). The second best at alton towers for me! It's labelled like a family coaster but I don't think it's right, it's more a thrilling coaster. Good theming, if you have room between the lap bar you could get really nice airtime!
Thematisierung Rütteln Enttäuschend!
I've always hated the word "overrated" because I find it disrespectful...but I guess I should use that for this coaster. I can't understand how a brand new coaster could have such a rattle. It gave me an headache despite being not so forceful. Very disappointed, people put this above Katun and that sounds unreal for me.