Airtimes Standort Spaß Unangenehm
For an older ride, it aged pretty well. The drops, duration and speed are pretty decent, there's a couple surprises thrown in there for good airtime and the shoreline location of the bay is beautiful. It also has an interesting history, as it was declared by Elvis as his favorite ride. Nice little touch of theming for a smaller park. The jolt at the end of the ride is kind of controversial, it's a great airtime surprise, but man, is that bump violent. I think the capacity and lap bars are ok, but really the only negative is the awkward station setup, where passengers have to get on and off on the same side of the roller coaster. That's a pretty minor thing though and it barely distracts riders from the overall attraction. Plus there is never a really long wait for the ride.
Thematisierung Reißt es ab! Layout
A tacky wild mouse coaster with terrible design, operations, and theming. A one time fun ride if you have done everything else in the park, but Disney should remove it with something better replacing it.