Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Zu kurz Schoßbügel

    Great ride but mostly a blur. I rode it back in 2023 and it was great, the first drop, then the reverse cobra roll, and the overbanked wave turn, the overbank turn was alright then my favorite moment, the drop of the turn. The only problem that everyone has with the ride is the length. It's too short to be elite but RMC did a good job of transforming the Georgia cyclone. I also don't like the lap bars


    Airtimes Tempo Ejectors Rütteln

    Rampage is a great CCI wooden coaster. The first Airtime hill has 3 seconds of sustained ejector and the laterals never disappoint the ops and dispatches were good and the front seat is where you want to be. The only problem I have is the drop of the second turn, the wheels turn to rectangles. I am making this review in 2024 so I hope that the 2025 retrack can fix that up. I like the PTC trains but it is shredding up the tracks. Other than that, Probably my all time fav (is only have 26 creds) P.s. I might go to Carowinds so fury will definitely take the cake but rampage will still be up there