• Robert A.

    Comodidad Suavidad Tematización Tiempo muerto Intensidad

    This is a fantastic ride if you get front seat but any other row isn't too great. I absolutely haven't gotten enough rides on this to form a solid opinion yet. They also could've done so much more with the theming; and I think a complete repaint would be a good start. Black track with shiny dark blue supports would look gorgeous and actually fit the space theme.

  • Aubin D.


    Une horreur, fuyez.

  • Rom Coaster

    Inversiones Intensidad Tiempo muerto

    Dragon Khan est un excellent coaster d'un excellent constructeur et très peux de défaut sont à souligner. Certains disent qu'il vibre avec son vieille age, personnellement je trouve qu'il ne vibre pas ou alors très légèrement après le deuxième loop dans le creux, mais encore se sont des vibrations très légères. Seul défaut que je lui trouve c'est le sur-freinage sur le frein de mi-parcours qui lui casse un peu de sa vitesse mais a part ça DK est un excellent coaster qui en plus de ça est d'une intensité digne des bons B&M old school

  • אדר פופקו

    Primera caída Fun Vibración Tiempo muerto

    while test trains were in progress, from the perspective of my observer mind it seems highly unlikely that the train would complete the circuit without a bit of a grease treatment at first, as the hills in the second half of the layout were being crested at a speed that could not have exceeded four miles per hour. On board however the experience was a bit different, the first drop was suprsingly powerful and the turn being followed by an utterly anticlimactic set of bunny hops that would have been great if only they were a little faster. Overall tho the coaster, if a bit rattley was better then expected in my opinion.

  • אדר פופקו

    Tematización Comodidad Fun Vibración Tiempo muerto

    Bellewaerde wanted to build a real family coaster that is suitable for all family members and this in the green setting for which the park is known. The park has therefore fully succeeded in this. The rollercoaster never gets too wild and will never get bored. There are enough different variations in the trail to keep the ride interesting and exciting for everyone. The spike is a nice addition that makes Wakala different from her peers and the course has a pleasant length. The 21-meter-high spike is best suited to the passengers sitting in the front of the train. The small acceleration on the second lift hill also comes into its own a bit better. Those who sit in the back of the train have a bit more airtime and spunk during the rest of the course. This makes it fun to take a seat in the front and rear of the train. Both places give a different ride experience. The coaster can be rattley a bit tho, but I did not take away from the ride at all as the seats were comfortable and gave quit alot of space for the leg Overall, this is a good coaster if your kids want something much more thrilling.

  • Vianney J.

    Lap Bar Suavidad Hangtime Capacidad ¡Decepción! Launch

    Assez déçu de ce coaster qui n'a pas grand intérêt. J'avais entendu du bien de ce genre de modèle mais moi je ne trouve pas. Le triple launch est mou comme jamais, le layout est vraiment court, il y a juste l'in-line twist qui est interéssante, le reste ne sert à rien.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Primera caída Situación Intensidad Demasiado corto

    It's got an AWESOME drop & setting. I blacked out on it although it is very short.

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Situación Velocidad Ejectors

    It is an intense ride with POWERFUL airtime. It's not the longest ride, but if it was longer, it might be too much to handle, it is that insane. This is the only coaster to beat Steel Vengeance for me and I've been a SteVen fanboy for a while.

  • Keeny Dit Mimi R.

    Situación Capacidad Sin interés

    Bon...c'est pas la meilleure que j'ai faite et heureusement qu'elle s'est fait remplacée par un coaster de même catégorie en bien meilleur j'imagine. En plus on peut attendre une demi-heure pour la faire ce qui est très frustrant

  • Mr. Roller Coasters

    Situación Fun Duración

    It's an awesome mountain coaster that you NEED to do in Pigeon Forge. It's one of the longest mountain coasters too.