• Ethan Finn

    Inversions Intensité Layout Baffes Inconfort

    An Arrow looper, and a unique design through a canyon and inside a dome. Yes it’s fun, and tracing above the walkways of the Adventuredome is exciting, but the ride is pretty uncomfortable. The trains are tight, and unless you sit in an odd number row, you’re not getting much leg room. Wait times are low, and I think the long trains running two at a time makes for higher capacity. If it wasn’t for the location, this layout wouldn’t be much to write home about. The inversions are intense and fun, which makes for the best part of the ride.

  • Ethan Finn

    Situation Déception ! Sans intérêt Temps mort

    A lengthy kiddie, but not a great Arrow. Overall, the ride is pretty lame. Even for a kiddie coaster, it doesn’t offer much, and I think most kids can handle a lot more. The scenic trek through the hills of Valencia are a nice touch, but that’s about all this ride offers.

  • Ethan Finn

    Inversions Vitesse Intensité Layout

    The off-the-shelf Batman coaster that you see at most Six Flags parks. It’s a fun ride, it really has some great moments. It’s fast paced and intense, and I grey out on it depending on where I’m sitting. Either way, it’s an enjoyable experience. I really don’t think the head banging is all that bad, the worst part is probably just the generic layout.

  • Ethan Finn

    Airtimes Intensité Longueur Débit

    Can’t stress enough how slow the ride ops here are. They could be a lot faster, and the fact that they aren’t is disappointing. It’s a fun woodie that goes across much of the park, which is fun. The coaster is long, and the constant drops really keep you engaged the whole time. It’s rough, but it’s not unbearable.

  • Ethan Finn

    Airtimes Situation Confort Débit

    100 years old and this ride is still hitting all the right notes. It’s classic, it’s scenic, and it offers great airtimes and headchoppers that still get my adrenaline going every time. The first time I went to the Boardwalk I rode it 18 times with my friend, and that’s something I’ll remember forever. A must do if you’re in Santa Cruz.

  • Ethan Finn

    Théma Layout Vibrations Inconfort

    The first tubular steel coaster built in 1959 is exactly what you would expect. The updated trains don’t do much to help the bumpiness and uncomfortableness, but it’s a classic coaster with some great theming and views of Disneyland. It’s nostalgic, Harold the abominable snowman is updated, and the ride is enjoyable despite the roughness, and I hope they never get rid of it. The left side is definitely faster and sharper on the turns.

  • Ethan Finn

    Théma Situation Inconfort Sans intérêt Layout

    A better wild mouse coaster is really all this guy is. It’s a fun ride that offers great views of the pier, especially at night. The turns along the top part of the track are actually pretty cool, swinging out over the edge to give you the feeling that you might fall off. If you’ve ridden any other wild mouse, it’s the same as those but with some more theming to compliment the ride. Not a great attraction for tall people, and the ride vehicles were made for kids or something because these things never fit two people even remotely comfortably.

  • Ethan Finn

    Théma Launch Trop court Inconfort Temps mort

    This ride comes in an era where Universal really didn’t get the whole coaster thing, and it shows. The ride is very short, with minimal storytelling once it gets going. The ending comes about way too quickly, and it really throws the pacing off. You basically do the same layout twice, the second time backwards, which is kind of cool. Uncomfortable seats, some of the worst I’ve seen aside from Vekoma trains. I’ve heard the Orlando version is better, so I’ll have to make a trip out there to try it out someday. It’s a fun ride for a 15 minute wait or less.

  • Ethan Finn

    Vitesse Intensité Vibrations Inconfort

    This is one of the faster woodies I’ve ever ridden, and the speed run through the station is a nice touch. It’s fast and fun, which makes for a good ride experience. The absolute worst part about this ride is the rattle and discomfort. Honestly, without those things this coaster would be considerably higher on my list. It’s painful to ride, sometimes worse than the Matterhorn at Disneyland. The speed coupled with the discomfort makes it worse, hitting harder on the turns than some other uncomfortable coasters. It’s still enjoyable if you can get past the jerkiness, but it needs some TLC.

  • Ethan Finn

    Situation Fluidité Longueur Temps mort

    This is the only B&M standup I’ve ever ridden, but I had a great experience. I was expecting an uncomfortable experience, and based on what I had heard that would be the case. But, I was pleasantly surprised by the restraints. It’s smooth, it’s got a couple good inversions, and ultimately it’s a cool feeling to be standing up on a roller coaster. I think if it was just a little bit longer it might start to be uncomfortable, so the duration it is is just enough to be enjoyable.