• Nathan F

    Airtimes Ejectors

    Lightning Run is an unassuming little ride that packs insane ejector airtime. I got the chance to ride in the back row, and this thing was relentless, even riding early in the morning. This ride has no business being as insanely fun as it ends up being.

  • Nathan F

    Airtimes Chef d'oeuvre Ejectors

    RMC never misses. Storm Chaser isn't RMC's best work by any means because it's on a small scale, but it has some wild ejector airtime. The barrel roll drop is memorable here, and the ride feels like it's much bigger than it actually is. This is a fantastic coaster.

  • Nathan F

    Longueur Vibrations Inconfort

    This ride is incredibly similar to the Hurler from Kings Dominion and Carowinds. I never got to do the Kings Dominion one, but the Carowinds one is much better. This one is rough and painful. One and done. No airtime. Not a whole lot going for it.

  • Nathan F

    Inconfort Lap Bar

    T3 is not good. The SLC layout is a really fun layout, but this thing herks and jerks all throughout. It's big enough that it's gotta be done once, but the restraint makes the ride worse than other SLCs.

  • frank fritze

    Théma Inversions Fluidité

    Was just so much fun with waiting time of 10 minutes

  • frank fritze


    Rough. My legs hurt so much after this

  • Slovis Celery

    Inversions Fun Inconfort Temps mort

    Manta has some really fun moments, a visually impressive ride with suprisingly whippy corkscrews, and a great - while overrated - pretzel loop. Even the ride's slower turns seem more interesting as you swoop over the paths. The ride was comfortable during the layout, but while on the brakerun, I found the attraction incredibly uncomfortable when mixing the slow operations with the unforgiving harness - however this doesn't really take too much away from the ride as a whole.

  • Slovis Celery

    Airtimes Harnais Fluidité Débit Temps mort

    For what this ride lacks in dynamic elements and pacing, it makes up for in endless charm, and suprise moments of great ejector airtime, which is paired with a minimalistic lap bar and a smooth layout, making the attraction easily re rideable - if you're not burdened by the appauling 1 train operations and long ride.

  • Slovis Celery

    Théma Fun Temps mort

    Wickerman has incredible theming, which elavates the ride in the minds of a lot of people, the ride experience feels fast, with light laterals and some faint airtime, with the highlight being John Wardley's reprofiled S Curve as the second drop being suprisingly intense. The ride rides rough in spots, but I find that makes the ride more entertaining, as it creates intensity where the ride would just be meandering. The ride is overall fun, with an incredible and immersive theme, however let down by it's scale and layout.

  • Slovis Celery

    Airtimes Vitesse Débit

    White Lightning offers a well paced flurry of forces, lots of small pops of airtime and laterals being crammed into the punchy little layout, that while ends quite quickly, is overall very satisfactory for what this ride should deliver.