• Eyebrows

    Airtimes Rütteln Unangenehm

    i loved seeing the voyage trains on this. there's some good pops of air, but aside from the titan track it rides like any old dinn. which is to say, bad. it's almost jarring to go from "shopping cart on a cobblestone street" to glass smooth and back again.

  • Eyebrows

    First Drop Inversionen Layout Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    a pristine example of a custom arrow looper. rides smooth, and only minor headbanging issues in the transitions. could honestly imagine it rode similarly in 1982, which isn't something i think often of arrows.

  • Eyebrows

    Abschuss Irrelevant Dead spots Layout

    the launch makes a funny noise, and the supports look like cigarettes. i prefer to laugh at this ride than to go on it

  • Eyebrows

    First Drop Zu kurz


  • Eyebrows

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Standort Rütteln Kapazität Dead spots

    the water interaction and original restraints make this significantly better than the clone in maryland. seems to run faster too.

  • Brittney Carter

    Sanftheit Thematisierung Enttäuschend! Irrelevant

    I have waited in line for this ride three times since it opened 4 months ago, and each time it shuts down for maintenance. This is a low thrill ride with cheap, boot-leg theming throughout the duration of the ride. The hype doesn’t match the experience. The induction of this ride was nothing more than a marketing scheme and cheap cash grab on BGs part

  • Mathurin R.

    Un tivoli zierer plutôt classique.

  • Mathurin R.

    Rückhaltebügel Rütteln Headbanging

    Les seuls points positifs de ce boomerang sont les harnais et la musique embarquée. A part ça c’est vu et revu, ce n’est toujours pas agréable et particulièrement lors de la partie en arrière.

  • Mathurin R.

    Spaß Rütteln

    Petit kiddie sympa pour initier les plus petits. On aurait aimer avoir ça étant gamin. Sinon ça vibre un peu dans la seconde hélix.

  • Mathurin R.

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    Aïe, ouille… mais qu’est-ce que… aïe. Voilà le résumé de cette machine.