• Jonathan Stücker

    Standort Zu kurz

    bon layout juste un peu trop court

  • Sebastien Atane

    Spaß Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    Une deuxième vie pour un Wooden bien meilleure que la première.....Son nom aurait pu être Phœnix. Que de plaisir et de fluidité......Bref, un hybrid RMC.

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Airtimes First Drop Layout

    I think Untamed was a little too intense for me before I went to visit foreign parks. I was not ready for it the first time. Now a few years later I rerode it again and I think it's a 10/10. So it's definitely not for everybody, but it's as smooth and intense as a coaster can get, in a good way! The theming is also very good compared to Goliath! 10/10

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Airtimes Tempo Thematisierung Dead spots

    This used to be my favourite coaster, but after recently visiting more foreign parks, Goliath was actually kinda underwhelming on a reride. A solid 8/10 still, but not longer at the top with a 10/10. Bunnyhops for airtime are still great!

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Schoßbügel Inversionen Layout

    Very fun layout. Smooth and intense!

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Thematisierung Rütteln Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    I rerode Speed Of Sound for the first time in probably 10 years. I did not remember it hurting this much. It was insane how much it hurts wtf. And the cool rockband theme is also completely gone. I do not get that at all. I wish theme parks would all get rid of these Vekoma boomerangs

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Spaß Sanftheit

    Pretty fun layout and very smooth. Wish it went faster though

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Intensität Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    I'm actually a big fan of the Condor ever since the new trains. The shoulder harness has been much improved too. I know it gets a lot of hate and I won't say it's undeserving, I just really disagree. It's super fun to hang below the coaster and the layout is very fun. I especially realised how important the new train is, when I did the same coaster in Movie Park Germany, except that one was not updated at all. UPDATE: I rerode it yesterday for the first time in years. I don't know what I was thinking before! This thing hurts like hell!

  • Dennis van Rijswijk

    Thematisierung Standort Abschuss Headbanging Unangenehm Dead spots

    Great theming and very good launch. That's about it though. I've heard Rock n Rollercoaster has theming during the same layout, so that seems better, but then again, the queue theming is good at Xpress.

  • Fenikkusu

    Schoßbügel Inversionen Komfort Spaß Meisterwerk Zu kurz

    mon premier manège à sensation, mes premières inversions, ridé à l’instant en première place. Inoubliable. J’ai pas senti le manque de débit, probablement du à mon inexpérience, et la dernière vrille (heartline je crois?) éjecte complètement du siège! grand plus pour la liberté de mouvement. Parfait pour ses premières inversions!