• Mika Vanherck

    Airtimes Capacidad Intensidad

    This ride is an absolute masterpiece! From the first launch to the final break run, this coaster is a spectacle! flying trough rock work and highly detailed buildings at high speeds is truly an amazing feeling, and that's why this claims my number one spot!

  • Mika Vanherck

    Fun Intensidad Hangtime Tematización Launch Airtimes

    Good coaster, but there's a lack of airtime, and with me being an airtime lover, this ride doesn't make the top 5

  • Nathan A.

    Fun Duración Incomodidad

    Family coaster inconfortable et la VR fait mal à la tête.

  • Robert A.

    Inversiones Obra maestra Ejectors

    An entertainment masterpiece, The Ride to Happiness has everything you could ever want in a roller coaster. You name it, it has it. Fast inversions, slow inversions, floater, death ejector, heavy negatives, heavy positives, forwards, sideways, backwards, onboard audio, over water, spinning, hangtime, whip, a killer soundtrack and a single-digit queue time. I've only ridden a couple of "top 100 roller coasters" but even with my comparatively little experience I'm confident in saying this is in the runnings for the greatest roller coaster ever built. Do not doubt the hype, believe it.

  • Nathan A.

    Tematización Fun Vibración

    C'est très fun mais les vibrations peuvent le gâcher...

  • Nathan A.


    C'est pas très agréables et les freins penchés à la fin du coaster sont très désagréable.

  • Robert A.

    Inversiones Obra maestra Ejectors

    Untamed is a ride that simply does not ever let up. Not a single inch of wasted track with the most powerful airtime I've ever experienced in my life multiple times, with perfectly executed inversions. The double-inverting corner stall, also known as the expertly named 'Lagoon Wave', has you just floating out of your seat throughout the entire element. After that it's a relentless punch punch punch of countless sharp ejector hills as the ride seriously throws you as hard as it can into the top of the lap bar, mixed with smooth inversions in between, and I love it. It might be a bit too painful for some, and thigh bruises await if you marathon it, but it's all worth it.

  • Nathan A.

    Fun Incomodidad

    C'est fun mais les creux sont désagréable...

  • Nathan A.

    Tematización Fun

    Petit kidy coaster fun.

  • Keegan M.

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Fun Vibración Demasiado corto

    Surprisingly pretty whippy! It's definitely janky but it was pretty fun. If you ride with a kid you should probably hold their head