• Michał S.

    First Drop Spaß Sanftheit

    Good coaster but less intense that I thought, based on community reviews

  • Michael M.

    Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    So even though I haven't re-ridden this, now that I have ridden several other woodies, I'm updating the review since I have more context. I still think this ride is unbearably rough, but now I know it isn't just the normal woody roughness, but this coaster also surprisingly seems to have tangent-radius transitions. Just watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7JTTNUJrLjQ (be sure to use 60FPS for maximum effect) and note the train "slams" into each transition, suddenly and jerkily starting to pitch, yaw, or roll. This is exactly what gets Arrows the reputation for being headbangy. So, this coaster has all the rattle of a woody and all the jank of an Arrow. This isn't a combination that allows me to enjoy it at all.

  • Aron S.

    Nette Überraschung!

    A very nice wooden coaster. Unusual for Japan.

  • Michael M.

    Airtimes First Drop Rütteln

    I actually enjoyed this one quite a lot. The ride quality depends very strongly on where you sit. It seems rougher toward the rear of the train and the rear seat of each car is definitely rougher. This difference is significant enough that I find the front row to be rather pleasant while the back car is nearly intolerable. The front also seems to get better airtime on this with quite a bit of floater and a few pops of ejector. The back gets a bit of floater and not really any ejector, unless you count jackhammering as airtime. The front is also the best place to experience the surprisingly-steep first drop. Just do yourself a favor and ride it in front, or you might come away saying that this is the "worst ride ever" like the girl sitting next to me did on my ride in the first row of the back car.

  • Michael M.

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    I'm starting to realize that I actually enjoy wooden coasters, after my awful experience on the janky transitions of InvadR at BGW and the roughness of Hurler at Carowinds. This one was quite smooth (for a woody, anyway, no-one's going to be confusing this with a B&M) and had a bunch of gentle but still very enjoyable floater airtime in the front. The back gets stronger floater airtime except during the drop after the second turnaround, which gives a brief but glorious ejector pop. (I recommend the middle row of the back car to avoid wheel seats.) The loose PTC lapbars make the airtime quite enjoyable. (I'm actually skinny enough that if I staple myself hard, I can get the lapbar into its fully-lowered position. This kills the airtime. I do not recommend.) My only real complaints are that it could stand to be longer and that the tunnel at the end is extremely loud. I didn't find any noticeable difference in ride quality between the tracks.

  • Michael M.

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit Zu kurz

    I'm starting to realize that I actually enjoy wooden coasters, after my awful experience on the janky transitions of InvadR at BGW and the roughness of Hurler at Carowinds. This one was quite smooth (for a woody, anyway, no-one's going to be confusing this with a B&M) and had a bunch of gentle but still very enjoyable floater airtime in the front. The back gets stronger floater airtime except during the drop after the second turnaround, which gives a brief but glorious ejector pop. (I recommend the middle row of the back car to avoid wheel seats.) The loose PTC lapbars make the airtime quite enjoyable. (I'm actually skinny enough that if I staple myself hard, I can get the lapbar into its fully-lowered position. This kills the airtime. I do not recommend.) My only real complaints are that it could stand to be longer and that the tunnel at the end is extremely loud. I didn't find any noticeable difference in ride quality between the tracks.

  • Michael M.

    Thematisierung Inversionen Abschuss Rütteln Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    The theming is definitely more than you would expect from a Cedar Fair park. The launch kicks hard and is in my top 2 favorite launches from a stop (the other being Rock'n Roller Coaster at Disney Hollywood Studios). The inversions are also fun, if you can look past the roughness, and this coaster is brutally rough. The first time I rode it, I thought it might be using Arrow-style tangent radius transitions. After a re-ride, I now believe that the trains are just shuffling and jackhammering their way through the layout, and this layout is far too intense for this level of poor tracking to be acceptable. If I don't ride defensively, my legs repeatedly slam back and forth between the hard metal bars on each side of the lap bar, and the shin pads are as usual uncomfortable for my long legs. I couldn't find any way to brace my legs to avoid this. I can lock them in the middle with my arms and prevent the legbanging by holding onto the grab bar, but this prevents me from sitting in a position where I can make proper use of the headrest, resulting in neck pain. This has a lot of potential, but in my opinion an indoor dark roller coaster needs to be smoother than this to really be enjoyable.

  • Gallade GG

    First Drop Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    Coaster forrain très sympathique

  • Marie A.


    Sympa pour un kiddie, avec la p'tite bosse à la fin. Plutôt fluide et agréable. Je dirais qu'il manque surtout d'une bonne théma (les véhicules sont assez cursed). Mais je le trouve meilleur que d'autres dans sa catégorie comme S.O.S Tournevis (qui tape bien plus tout en étant moins haut et moins sensationnel...). Bien entretenu pour son âge.

  • Marie A.

    Nette Überraschung!

    Aucun à-coups pour ma part, le retrack a du être efficace vu les avis ! Je l'ai trouvé fluide et agréable. Il retourne juste un peu l'estomac à force d'enchaîner les hélices.