• jeremy “Halphas” Halphas

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    J'attendais beaucoup de ce retrack, j'avais prévu de le tester front row, et last row pour etre a l'envers. Mon expérience au front fut tellement horrible que je n'ai même pas eu le courage de le refaire une seconde fois. Toutes les parties retrack sont super cool mais tout le reste c'est affreux. Je ne sais pas si c'est la prise de vitesse entre la version 1 et la version 2 de l'attraction qui la fait vibrer autant ou non, mais passez votre chemin.

  • jeremy “Halphas” Halphas

    Abschuss Headbanging Thematisierung

    J'ai choisi de commencer ma journée avec ca, et grossière erreur de ma part, front row, toute la première partie nickel, mais des l'instant ou le train repart en arrière, c'est l'enfer. J'ai pris des baffes comme pas permis, et résultat, mal au crane et au ventre tout le reste de la journée.

  • Joel Erickson

    Airtimes Abschuss Hangtime

    Good solid ride. No true negatives about it. The layout could use the same level of theming as the station exterior but I could ride it all day regardless.

  • Jay Enn

    Airtimes Abschuss Layout

    This is an excellent ride that has a little bit of everything. All kinds of airtimes, hangtimes, forward and backward launches over hills, a boomerang part, inversions.... it's an amazing layout. I even enjoy the only part of this layout that gets criticism: The trim brakes on the top hat that brings the train almost to a complete stop. I think it's amazing how you dangle down that drop and it helps to build suspense before you enter the second part. I truly love this coaster. The only con is that idiotic loose article system they have. The ride ops almost rip the bags out of your hands and throw them into the carts. They start collecting things from the front row, but the people in the front row are also the first at the exit, so their stuff is at the bottom of the carts. So people just stand around the carts and throw others bags around while digging for their own stuff. A couple of times a ride op came and started holding bags into random peoples faces, because the process wasn't going fast enough for his taste. Stupid concept altogether, especially considering the amount of extra ride ops you need moving those carts around.

  • Kelian Deneuville

    Spaß Rütteln Enttäuschend! Unangenehm

    Pas ouf , ça vibre et c'est pas confortable .

  • Preston Szeder

    Airtimes Spaß Dauer

    One of the most fun and enjoyable rides that I've ridden, and this ride also has a really great S hill, giving great ejector and snap simultaneously.

  • Preston Szeder

    Thematisierung Irrelevant Dead spots Layout

    This ride is just forceless.

  • Preston Szeder

    First Drop Dead spots Layout

    Nice first drop, but that's all this ride has to offer.

  • Preston Szeder

    Thematisierung Dead spots Layout

    It's just a kiddie coaster, and I can't really say anything about kiddie coasters.

  • Preston Szeder

    Irrelevant Dead spots Layout

    Literally no intensity whatsoever.