• Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    This is one of the funniest coasters I’ve ever ridden. It’s so janky that it will just make you laugh like crazy. It also has some surprisingly solid airtime moments. All around a fun ride but it is pretty dang janky

  • Inverted Thrills

    Airtimes Rückhaltebügel Ejectors

    Holy moley. I had a feeling I would like this coaster more than most people but I didn’t expect to roll out of Fun Spot Atlanta with a new #1 coaster. The airtime on this is by far the strongest I’ve experienced. There’s some moments on this that seriously are scary cuz of how strong they are. However, a big part of why this coaster is so good is the fact that it’s at Fun Spot Atlanta. Ride ops here really don’t care about how much room you get nor how tight your seatbelt is so if you really want to experience coaster death get a minimum verify ride with seatbelt fully loosened. I guarantee you you’ll only be able to do that about 3 times before it’s too much for you cuz it seriously is crazy. This coaster is also very intense which is surprising for an RMC. The turn in between the two final inversions is a greyout moment. All around if you ride this like a normal RMC than this is probably my #2 behind steel vengeance but because ride ops here could care less about how much room you get this is my new #1

  • Remi C.

    Inversionen Standort Intensität

    Pour un premier flying, j'ai été très surpris. Pas sûr du concept de base, la first drop est pas mal et les éléments s'enchaînent de maniere à donner une impression de voler incroyable, avec la localisation idéale au dessus des arbres, les sensations sont vraiment unique dans cette position, et les inversions lentes sont très réussies. Le meilleur élément reste pour moi le pretzel loop, qui donne une impression de raser le sol, contrastant parfaitement avec le côté aérien du coaster, et est vraiment très intense. Ce coaster est un incontournable du parc et est une expérience très réussie, simulant parfaitement l'impression de voler, avec toutes les interactions avec le décor, le tout dans une fluidité totale.

  • Scott van der Roest

    Airtimes Spaß Dauer

    Everything kinda has something against this coaster, so I went in with the thought of it is not that good, but o boy I loved it! It is so much fun. The first part is just chilling with some small but really nice forces and after the second launch it is just really good. The airtime on this coaster is amazing. The only downside of Abyssus is the trim on the top hat, but besides that I LOVED this ride. I actually prefer Abyssus over Hyperion. Because Hyperion was fun only the second part is kinda meh, but every time Abyssus hit the breaks I was smiling.

  • Maxime H.

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß Kapazität

    Meilleur coaster du parc même avec Silver Mountain, des virages bien puissants et une first drop surprenante à chaque fois, j'ai vraiment beaucoup rigolé dans ce coaster même après la 5 ème fois. Une super wild mouse.

  • Carter Eckhart


    Probably the most boring E&F Miler kiddie coaster I’ve ridden, but also not really painful so that’s good. Just a credit count booster essentially.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß

    This coaster spends most of its time going slow with a few shocking airtime moments. It isn’t rough but the turns are the most janky transitions ever. It didn’t necessarily hurt, and they even added to the ride in the way because it was funny just how badly profiled they were. This coaster is so bad that it’s good.

  • Carter Eckhart

    Schoßbügel Intensität Ejectors Unangenehm

    It’s by far the most insane and violent coaster I’ve ridden, and I love that type of ride so it is my #1 coaster. With that said, it is so crazy and out of control that it can be too much sometimes. This coaster has an amazing layout with an amazing selection of elements, and the ride length feels satisfying. This coaster also absolutely hauls start to finish, and the pace seems to pick up the further the ride goes to a point where it feels illegal. The drop is probably the worst element on the ride which goes to show how many great elements there are, but it still provides great sustained ejector. The inversions are great, all providing surprisingly strong whip and even airtime. The beginning section of the ride has very strong and sustained hills such as the outer bank and large drop off the double up. The twist n shout in the middle of the ride offers a violent burst of ejector paired with whip into a turn that even pulls some strong, greyout inducing positives for a change, but this is just a warm up for the finale. The airtime during the rest of the ride was already some of the strongest on the planet, but the airtime on the finale is so strong I couldn’t even comprehend airtime on this level until I rode ArieForce One. These 6 back to back airtime moments violently fling you with the strongest bursts of ejector imaginable and it all happens in a blink of an eye, before slamming into the brake run so hard that you completely fly forwards into the seat in front of you. It’s so insane that it’s impossible to process and it quite literally takes your breath away from how rapid fire and abrupt the airtime is, it’s the only element out there that legitimately scares me. Combine this with the fact that the ops literally let me ride with minimum verify every time, and I flew out of my seat so far on every hill that my shins had giant red marks in them and my thighs hurt so bad that I had to start stapling myself to soften the blows until I found a tolerable way to ride it with room. I’m not exaggerating, the airtime was so strong and threw me up into that restraint so hard that I physically couldn’t take it anymore. This coaster definitely isn’t for everyone and it’s the only coaster that I can’t see how someone who isn’t a seasoned coaster enthusiast can enjoy, but that’s what I love about it. If you want a plain fun ride, this definitely isn’t the coaster for you. ArieForce One pushes the limit of what the human body can tolerate, to a level that I couldn’t even imagine a coaster going to, but personally I’m all about the coasters like this that scare you, hurt you (in a good way) and feel like they are doing everything they can to try to kill you. Riding some of my other favorite coasters feels like I conquered something, riding ArieForce One feels like I survived something. What a chaotic masterpiece.

  • Andy Burnell

    First Drop Dead spots

    Second and third hills bring the ride to a near stop. It loses all its speed. No air time. No thrills. Kinda of a dumb design.

  • Andy Burnell

    Headbanging Unangenehm Reißt es ab!

    It’s awful.