• Andy Emms

    Airtimes First Drop Dauer Rückhaltebügel Intensität

    Good solid smooth ride but the loop after the first drop is intense.

  • Flavien Plaire

    Reißt es ab!

    Ai-je vraiment besoin d'en parler ?

  • Famille G.

    Spaß Dauer Rütteln Headbanging Kapazität

    Ce ride reste au dessus de la moyenne des coaster en France c'est nerveux et on peut profiter d'exelents airtime, mais ça vibre et ça tape dans touts les sens. A quand le nouveau retrack?!?

  • Mathurin R.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Zu kurz

    La partie dark ride est jolie, on monte, on drop et s’en suit une petite série de virages avec des helixs. Pour la famille c’est une bonne mise en bouche mais c’est beaucoup trop court.

  • David Parrett

    Airtimes Komfort Spaß

    Most smooth and comfortable wooden coaster I’ve been on. And it was intense and still had that wooden vibration and sense of being out of control. Ride it in the front and it feels like you’re out of your seat half the time during the turns.

  • David Parrett

    Airtimes Ejectors

    The lift hill might be the most subversive ride element I’ve experienced. The way they play on your expectation that a slow lift chain is going to drag you up the lift hill and instead all hell breaks loose and it just keeps building in intensity until the end. It’s just so much fun, so many ejectors. The ride ops were not great since they were blocking people from just entering the station and choosing their row but its a minor quibble. The day I was there a major thunderstorm came through and ‘Lightning Rod’ was struck by lightning (which closed it for an hour or so), go figure.

  • Noah Eastwood

    Airtimes Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    The ONLY part of this ride that ISN'T rough is the drop. And the drop is not too bad and the ride has decent airtime but my golly this was rough!

  • Marmaliser

    First Drop Kapazität Spaß Enttäuschend! Dead spots

    While this ride is very fun and has a few good moments like the first drop and first few airtime hills the trims hit hard and ruin the second part of the layout completely. I see why they need them but after doing shambhala before this I was left disappointed with the lack of intensity and airtime on the ride.

  • CoasterHead

    Airtimes Komfort Sanftheit

    Not sure if I have a major downside with Mako, it’s pretty dang flawless. The only B&M Hyper I’ve ridden to this date but it’s gotta be the best in America, right? This thing is awesome with every airtime hill sending you out of your seat. Amazing floater airtime, personally I prefer the front row coming up those airtime hills. Can’t wait to ride it next week for the first time since early 2019. Fantastic coaster!!! 91/100

  • Kiki

    Spaß Sanftheit Irrelevant

    Un excellent kiddie qui peut vraiment initier les plus petits aux sensations et qui est très fluide, le layout est sympa et plutôt haut pour cette petite machine mais à part son parcours avec des petits virages et descentes il est sans intérêt pour un adultes, le gros problème de ce petit Coaster c'est la thema de sa file d'attente, c'est simple il n'y en a pas c'est ce qu'on appelle une cage à boeuf à part ça il est très sympa pour des enfants.