• Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß Unangenehm

    Excellent theming, brilliant preshow and launch, great forceful layout and crazy inline twist. Why is this so hated? Sure it isn’t smooth, but I find it super rerideable whenever I visit this park. It’s a fantastic ride!

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Spaß Sanftheit Intensität

    Another unfortunate defunct ride that was good. Great theming and an brilliant entrance to the ride. The ride itself was a simple but fun family friendly layout, but the theming really enhanced this one

  • Yoann Diego

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Dauer

    Pour un familiale il est excellent. Par sa longueur et pour son intensité!

  • Yoann Diego

    Thematisierung Spaß Meisterwerk Kapazität

    La thématique du land de Fly est magnifique!! C'est l'une des théma les mieux réussi je trouve dans le monde des parcs à thèmes!! Fly est un très bon coaster par sa position couché, c'est bien rare de trouver ce genre de coaster! Bon par contre à chaque fois que je veux le faire, faut voir l'attente qu'on se tape….

  • Yoann Diego

    Thematisierung Inversionen Meisterwerk

    C'est le meilleur coaster inversé que je connaisse et de très très loin! La théma et la sensation d'être ras au sol est incroyable!

  • Luke Thomas

    Abschuss Tempo Zu kurz Layout

    Rita always has a bad reputation among thrill seekers in the Uk. It’s not a bad ride, but it’s very underwhelming compared to their world class line up. It’s certainly poor in terms of layout but it features a forceful launch and decent pacing. It’s too short though.

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Standort Sanftheit Kapazität Layout

    Always has long lines due to its family thrill status. Still a good ride though, although very tame and easily skippable if lines are too long, it’s got some good theming and the drop gets me every time.

  • Yoann Diego

    Tempo Intensität Ejectors

    Ce coaster est génial, je l'adore! Par sa vitesse et son intensité qui est incroyable! Il est très bien implanté dans son décor!

  • Luke Thomas

    Standort Sanftheit Layout

    The most underrated coaster out there. Great layout that interacts with the terrain and the pathways around it. Glossy smooth and has some great forces especially the part where you’re flipped on your back. I’m a big fan of this ride, it’s such a unique feeling and a great experience.

  • Luke Thomas

    Thematisierung Kapazität Hangtime Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm

    The smiler is a great attraction at Alton Towers but it’s a little overrated by the general public. It’s not top 3 at Alton towers for me. Whilst being probably the most uncomfortable and rough thrill coaster at the park due to its restrictive restraints that push further down during the ride, the repetitive inversion packed layout isn’t for me. It’s contains some great airtime moments and there are some good inversions there, the hang time is the best part for me, along with the excellent themeing. However, it’s still great fun, and a ride I always go on at the park.