• Daniel Stark

    Thematisierung Irrelevant Layout

    I'm weird, I don't hate SLCs, I don't find them uncomfortable. But I don't get what this coasters are about. They're just boring. I've ridden coasters way more rattly and painful. Maybe it's because I tend to ride SLCs first thing in the morning to avoid queuing too long for a ride I know I won't like, so it's cold and that's why it doesn't rattle. Next time I'll try riding it later in the afternoon. Anyway, the issue I find here is that the inversions offer no whip nor hangtime, there's no airtime at all, height and speed aren't extreme enough to be a thrill by themselves, and the positive forces are too weak (again, maybe it was cold). It's not really a bad coaster, but it's obviously not family-friendly, so I don't get why it is sooo tame. Theming is bad for Gardaland as well, by the way.

  • Dani Garzón

    Sanftheit Layout Enttäuschend! Irrelevant Dead spots

    After months of hype, the experience was underwhelming to say the least. Too much light for a dark coaster, so you can see all the structure and rails, which makes it very predictable. Many of the effects do not work half of the time. The theming throughout the coaster itself is very poor. The 2 screen moments feel as if you were sitting in a cinema watching some movie rather than inside the story, and they are completely unrelated to your journey throughout the coaster. It is way too short. It lacks any thrilling sensations. All in all, it is a very bad investment, costing twice as much as an RMC would cost, 25% more than Batman Gotham City Escape, launched a month earlier by its competitor park, which turned out to be a million times better... Uncharted was a very poor decision and if I were an investor in the park I'd really be angered.

  • Upper Moon

    Airtimes Komfort Dauer


  • Upper Moon

    Airtimes First Drop Spaß Headbanging

    J'adore les wooden, sa jou beaucoup. Très confortable le matin à froid mais à chaud il met des baffes

  • Upper Moon

    First Drop Inversionen Spaß Rückhaltebügel

    Assez ennuyeux le matin, mais très bonne surprise à chaud !

  • Vivaan Chopra

    Nette Überraschung! Sanftheit Layout Rütteln Rückhaltebügel Dead spots

    This is an interesting one. First of all, if you lay your head back throughout the ride you will get NO HEADBANGS AND THE RIDE WILL BE PERFECTLY SMOOTH FOR YOU. However, the harness can cause a bit of discomfort. The layout is amazing, it’s a classic coaster, and it goes pretty damn fast. However, the loops don’t really offer any intensity, and there are some dead spots. This shouldn’t be torn down in any respect, those talking about discomfort didn’t ride it properly. This just needs a fresh coat of paint and polish, and it’ll be a must do again.

  • Louis Turck

    First Drop Meisterwerk Ejectors

    Kondaa, c'est une first drop magistrale, un premier camelback magique procurant un très bon airtime puissant, un outward banked hill absolument déconcertant ! Vient le moins bon élément du layout : le non inverted cobra roll, et on a fait bien pire en terme de moins bon élément c'est vous dire ! Il s'agit surtout d'un élément extrêmement stylé à prendre et qui se révèle plus sympa à chaud car plus intense encore. Ensuite vient le bordel qu'est Kondaa, éjector sur éjector, passage proche du sol tout ça entre fluidité et intensité c'est un plaisir à ne pas s'en lasser. Le wall stall est également fort sympatique proposant une sensation "0g" si on peut dire ça tout en profitant d'une inclinaison qui fait son effet. Ensuite... c'est le bordel, trick track double down super fun, un dernier camelback super sympa, le stengel dive qui propose un réel baculement brutal mais très agréable et des pop d'airtime jusqu'à la fin à vous en faire voler si vous avez de la marge. Enfin bref, Kondaa c'est des concepteurs sur Nolimits qui se sont tapés une barre, c'est puissant, et au last j'en suis d'autant plus fan. On regrettera juste un manque d'ambiance sonore dans une partie de la file.

  • Louis Turck

    Tempo Meisterwerk Intensität

    Banger absolu, Taron mêle avec perfection vitesse, intensité, airtimes et changements de directions jouissifs. Les sièges étant plus hauts que ceux de Kondaa on ne touche pas le sol et on peut avoir un peu plus de marge, de quoi mieux profiter. Quelques légères vibrations sont parfois à signaler mais qui n'entachent en rien le ride. Le premier launch envoie bien sans être le plus puissant du monde, le deuxième est moins puissant mais "soulève" un peu et est sacrément stylé (visuellement et auditivement). Un coaster donc ultra complet avec un pacing exceptionnel !

  • Bigveau Coaster

    Que des bons souvenirs sur ce coaster, il va me manquer ♡

  • Jan K.

    Airtimes Schoßbügel Rütteln Kapazität Unangenehm

    First of all, it‘s a standard, but nice looking fair Wild Mouse. But the list of positive things ends here. The hairpin turns are uncomfortable, the valleys have a nasty rattle and the Maurer vehicles are not comfortable.