• Edward Bonks

    Sanftheit Enttäuschend!

    Bon petit coaster mais ça en plus, rien de vraiment intéressant, surtout pour un top 100 ! Pas mal de coaster sont classés après lui alors que selon moi ils méritent largement d’être dans le top 100… au final c’est court et décevant.

  • Edward Bonks

    Spaß Intensität Dauer Rütteln

    En temps normal je lui aurais mis 3 voire 3,5 mais vu son âge, son intensité et sa longueur on lui pardonne les vibrations (chose beaucoup moins tolérable sur un tonner de zeus par exemple).

  • Sami E.

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Abschuss Zu kurz

    Je m'attendais pas à grand chose en montant dans ce coaster, mais Waouw la claque que le launch m'a mit ! Quand on s'y attend pas le launch est vraiment puissant ( 0 à 135km/h en 3,5s d'après le parc). Mais mise a part le launch le reste du layout est sans intérêt et très court. Je regrette d'avoir pue le faire qu'une seule fois. De plus sa thématisation est très jolie mais bon que serait-ce un coaster de PAV sans parc à bœuf interminable... Je le conseille fortement !

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Sanftheit Dauer Abschuss Intensität

    Abyssus was a big surprise for me in terms of intensity. The first half is super tame, a little unnecessary in my opinion, but it's a nice warmup for what's to come in the second half. The first drop was amazing, but the loop and batwings that followed were very intense, they made me black and gray out several times, which surprised me considering some people complain about this coaster being too tame. I came off with a headache, but honestly I can't complain too much- the ride length is very generous, and the elements flow well into each other. What disappointed me however, were the launches. I got a much better kick out of Formula, for the reason that Abyssus uses two separate, weaker launches to get to roughly the same speed, so it didn't feel nearly as intense. The magnetic launches also took a long time to really kick in, further taking away from the experience, but that goes for its little brother as well. Overall a great experience!

  • Aequus

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors Rütteln

    Hyperion lives up to the hype as the second tallest coaster in Europe, and even though the view is not that special at the top given the remote location, the first drop is absolutely unforgettable. The vertical drop at the start is amazing and it goes on for longer than you'd expect, thanks to the fact it leads straight into a tunnel where you'll be crushed by the positive Gs. The lapbars don't leave much to the imagination, feeling very open and free, yet giving a great handle in front of you to hold onto. There's a whole collection of ejector and floater hills through the layout, some hit better than others, but I ultimately found the ejectors to be much better than what the floater hills achieved. Even at the end when you're close to the ground and you'd think the train had lost its momentum to do anything noteworthy, the final two hills will seriously lift you out of your seat. The theming is awesome in the queue, and the placement right next to the park entrance is a bold and great choice in my opinion. The rattle is indeed slightly there in the side seats, but the first inversion feels much more intense there, so that makes it forgivable in my view. There is a metal detector at the start and you get to choose what part of the train you want to queue for, and the operations are super quick.

  • Aequus

    Airtimes Inversionen Abschuss Zu kurz

    Formula will always hold a special place in my heart given that it was my first ever inverting coaster, and I have to say that it's a really good starting thrill coaster. The launch was very powerful even for a magnetic one, and it leads straight into a sidewinder, which offers some sweet hangtime at the top, especially at the middle of the train. The pacing is great throughout all the rest of the coaster, there is not a single spot to catch your breath through all the surprisingly strong airtime hills, snappy turns and great inversions. The only reason I'm not giving it five stars is the length, it's over very quickly and there would definitely be enough speed by the end to include just a couple more elements.

  • Elias

    Thematisierung Kapazität Spaß Headbanging Zu kurz Unangenehm

    Un bon coaster qui reste très brouillon

  • Mimi Momo

    Spaß Meisterwerk Sanftheit

    Je n’ai malheureusement pas pu lister tout ces points positifs, la théma est vraiment superbe, l’accélération au début est vraiment sympa, le retour arrière est cool quand on ne s’y attend pas ^^. Et je trouve vraiment ça fluide !! Meilleur family coaster je j’ai ridé jusqu’à présent. Et certains passionné (ou pas) parlent de vibrations, étant aussi un passionné, je trouve ça vraiment chipoter pour peu, parce que il ne vibre vraiment vraiment pas beaucoup, presque même pas.

  • Ma boi

    Spaß Intensität Ejectors Zu kurz

    Like i have absolutely no idea why this gets so much hate. Amazing ride imo. Way, way too short tho, thats why im looking forward to "Insane" at Gröna lund. Also the restraints are good.

  • Ma boi

    Spaß Sanftheit Ejectors Zu kurz Thematisierung

    The Sky rocket 2 clones are so underrated imo. Its fun and this one has no comfort collars. Also theres some wild ejector moments. The launches are ok but theres some good moments. This ride is also smooth and theres some laterals in the twsting drop. That drop also has some strong ejector in the back. The ride is short but it doesnt bother me much. Also the ride lacks theming. But a good ride overall.