• Samantha P.

    Thematisierung Spaß Dauer Unangenehm

    Wow what to say about this! Having closely followed the construction it was amazing to finally be stood in this incredibly themed area ! It's amazing to see the mess of track everywhere, its so hard to see where the track goes sometimes ! So much interaction with the themeing and it twists and turns around itself so much in such a compact space! The color of the track looks epic against the black and gold steam punk themeing of the area. The queue line is ridiculously long ! takes 10 mins pretty much to just walk through it ! I wonder if they don't have a way to shorten it when the line isn't that long because it is a long way to walk when there is no line. Although you get amazing views of the coaster and the area while waiting in line. The system of how you load and how you twist into the flying position is so unique and much much better than other flying coasters out there. Of course the launches are not amazing, but the fact that you're in the flying position makes it really fun. the layout is awesome and you can never tell whats coming next, on the back row you really get whipped around its a lot of fun ! I sadly didn't get to try on the front, but that must be special. My first ride I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort of the harness and even the leg supports, very different to the B&M flyers. However I did have a terrible and painful 2nd ride on this which I was disappointed by. We were in row 2 and it felt like my restraint wasn't tight enough so the full pressure was resting on my lower stomach (I had a c section 1 year ago and the pressure on this area hurt a lot ! ) I constantly felt like I was slipping out of the seat and was in pain it was really not a pleasant experience. It nearly made me avoid it the next day as I was worried it would be the same. But luckily I found a better position and then really enjoyed my 3rd ride ! I'm not a huge fan of flying coasters, I much prefer faster launches and airtime but the overall theming and experience is pretty epic !

  • Samantha P.

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Rütteln

    Not actually ridden this since the Galactica re-theme.. its still Air to me ;) It was my first flying coaster, and i remember loving it ! the sensations were awesome, and the roll is so much fun ! Overall really enjoyed it (as Air)

  • Samantha P.

    Airtimes Spaß Sanftheit Thematisierung Dead spots

    I'm not normally a massive fan of woodies.. but i'll make an exception for Balder! Unfortunately only got to ride it once on the front row (queues then got to over 1h, so i chose to wait for helix instead!) so I think this might get 5 stars on the back row as It must be much faster. It felt a little slow at places on the front.. buut.. airtime ! Yes! So fun.. and surprisingly smooth :) Lots of 'head choppers' .. good solid ride :)

  • Samantha P.

    Komfort Tempo Spaß

    I really enjoyed this coaster :) the lines were huuuge though, I actually really wanted to ride it so I paid for the quick queue which I think was worth it.

  • Roger B.

    Spaß Dauer Rütteln Unangenehm

    Attraction avec un nom et un lore assez loufoques, elle se démarque des autres coasters de par son concept original et finalement peu commun. Ce sont des train de type "bobsleigh" qui descendent en glissant sur une piste et non pas un vrai rail ce qui leur confère une certaine liberté de mouvements. La file d'attente est bien dans le thème (caverne), la gare également. Le descente est sympathique, surtout la première partie plus longue. Les zones de freins présentes ça et là ralentissent un peu trop le parcours quoique le fait de se voir arriver dans un zone étroite apporte une touche "stressante". Le confort est spartiate (mais on dira que c'est lié au concept même). On déplorera cependant des vibrations constantes tout le long.

  • Austin L.

    Spaß Zu kurz

    Weird restraints, nothing too crazy ride wise as it is a family coaster.

  • Austin L.


    Not much to say about this one. Wasn’t anything special.

  • Austin L.


    Fun ride for what it is. Was surprisingly smooth as well.

  • Austin L.

    Airtimes First Drop Ejectors

    Incredible RMC. Barrel roll first drop is fun. Each airtime hill delivers sharp ejector airtime. It really does feel like you’re chasing a storm with how out of control it feels.

  • Austin L.

    Inversionen Abschuss Spaß

    Such a great wing coaster. The launch is punchy, the inversions are great (especially the slow roll at the end). Love the near miss elements with the barns.