Achterbahn Rezensionen
Spaß Zu kurz Irrelevant Dead spots
Idk what to say about this coaster tbh.
Enttäuschend! Dead spots Intensität
Kiddie coaster, what else is their talk about.
Sanftheit Enttäuschend! Dead spots
It’s a kiddie that still manages to not be the worst in the park, mad mouse is the worst in the park by far!!!!
Inversionen Standort Zu kurz Rückhaltebügel Unangenehm
I used to think that is was a solid ride and even though I have been on better it is still a fun pit stop if I am in the area. But during my recent rides I had a nasty headache that did not stop until several days after my rides. The head banging has been getting worse and worse and I fell like I have to play self defense just to stay comfortable in the car.
First Drop Inversionen Intensität Headbanging Zu kurz
A great inverted coaster with awesome positives, but it's a little too short.
Spaß Sanftheit
Une des nombreuses wild mouse de chez Eberhard. Ca passe en douceur et avec très peu de coups de freins donc on a pas mal de vitesse sur l'ensemble du parcours. Sinon ça reste une wild mouse
First Drop Rütteln Headbanging Rückhaltebügel
premier SLC que je fais, et j'hésite encore a les éviter a l'avenir ou a les compter dans mon CC.
Nette Überraschung! Standort Hangtime Rütteln Unangenehm
Super underrated ride. My only problems are the lack of legroom (although it didn't bother me as much as other Premier train coasters), some slightly jerky transitions, and it is expensive to ride. Other than that, the ride packs some really good forces and surprisingly solid airtime. The first drop is decent but the second one is even better. I went in expecting a super rough experience but came away with maybe another top 50 coaster. Definitely check this coaster out of you're in the area.
Thematisierung Intensität Ejectors Kapazität Zuverlässigkeit
Coaster tres intense et agréable, une belle surprise. Il manque peut être quelques centaines de mètres, mais l’expérience est déjà exceptionnelle. Encore souvent (presque tout le temps) en panne
Thematisierung Abschuss Kapazität Unangenehm
The theming in the queue is great, but on the ride itself it's a little disappointing. The launches and turns have good force to them. This was my first straddle coaster and I found the seating position kind of awkward, but maybe my posture was wrong. The line moved very slowly with only ten people to a train. It's not a bad ride but I'll probably skip it on most of my visits to BGW.