• Simon Leduc

    Standort Irrelevant Dead spots

    en fait si ce credit était dans un parc avec plusieurs gros credits j'aurais dis bah c'est un credit de m.... mais en fait comme là c'est un parc qui ne contient que ce coaster baaaah en fait limite le parc ne sert à pas grand chose alors oui cela reste accès familial mais bon j'ai envi de dire que meme la tour de chute vaut plus le coup

  • Magreen311

    First Drop Inversionen Spaß Kapazität

    Great coaster. Unfortunately, the line is always long.

  • Kenny H

    Kapazität Rütteln Headbanging Unangenehm

    I am not one to complain about the roughness of a ride nearly as much as some others, but this is one of my two exceptions where the roughness genuinely ruins the ride for me. The one interesting note about this ride was that I found the front to be only rough in the corkscrews, while the back was only smooth in the corkscrews.

  • Kenny H

    Airtimes Tempo Spaß Zuverlässigkeit Schoßbügel

    There's nothing I can say about this ride that hasn't been said before. It is just great. My only problems with this ride is my dislike of the shin brace on the lap bar and the fact that it broke down repeatedly when I was at Hersheypark.

  • Kenny H

    Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Zu kurz

    Way too intense for me.

  • Clément K.

    Inversionen Sanftheit Zu kurz

    The Swarm est un coaster possédant une thema fort sympathique, faite avec goût. La gare est simple mais efficace. Niveau lay out, c'est positif, une first drop qui offre un hangtime puis vous plongez vers le sol. S'en suit un zero-g roll très haut et très aerien. Viens ensuite une helix assez chargée en g+ puis second zero-g roll planant. Et vous finissez par un barrel roll extrêmement fourni en hangtime. The swarm c'est court mais efficace !

  • David Parrett

    First Drop

    The re-tracked first half was buttery smooth and lots of fun and now in 2024 the second half is getting there. There's still a few spots later on that need retracking but overall I love this ride again. It's so fun to ride a restored wooden coaster. This specific one has tons of exciting drops, airtime, and that location in the forest going for it. Keep it up KD!

  • David Parrett


    I love the history and the layout of these racers. The view as it rushes outward is so iconic. The retracking is really helping this ride and I hope the park keeps doing the retracking to keep it smooth and comfortable for everyone.

  • David Parrett

    Thematisierung Abschuss Spaß

    The theming on this is really good, I love the weird aliens in space suits like you’re entering their hangar and escaping on their ship. The ride is good, especially for an indoor, with a strong launch and fun spaghetti bowl that builds in speed until the end.

  • David Parrett


    It’s good but it’s not great like Lightning Rod, not sure why. The inversions are fun but not as good as Hakugei which has three excellent weightless inversions. It’s very smooth with lots of ejectors but falls short of greatness.