• Kellen Grady


    Lotta whip for a kiddie coaster, I’d call this one a family coaster tbh

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Inversiones Fun Intensidad Vibración Arnés

    Ima come back like a boomerang.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Inversiones Arnés Intensidad Vibración

    This ride was fun, and confusing. It was very hard to tell what was going on and the rattle kind of added to the confusion. So I guess for me the rattle is a bad thing but also a good thing? At least I didn’t get a headache though. This coaster is fun. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who gets headaches on coasters, for obvious reasons.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Inversiones Fun Intensidad Demasiado corto Arnés

    It spun a lot more than the one at Six Flags Great Adventure, and more intense. But of course, the ride was too short, due to it being a free spin. And the harness crushed my hips at the end. But the ride is just overall fun.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Tematización Hangtime Demasiado corto

    I was shocked of how good of a ride this was. I wasn’t expecting anything special, but it was still fun. I was shock of how much hang time I got. I was flying in my seat. I also like the color of the coaster. It’s very pretty and shiny. I feel like this ride ended a bit too soon than I was hoping for. But maybe it’s because there was no mid-corse breakrun. This is probably the best floorless coaster that I have ever been on.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Primera caída Tematización Duración Vibración

    I recently rode this ride again, and I was a bit disappointed. It was a little bit rougher from when I last rode it. It wasn’t Magnum-rough, I could handle it, but it was bit of a minor inconvenience. It was not as forceful as I remembered, but maybe that was because I had high expectations for it. There was one thing that I adored about the ride, and that was the beautiful lake on the side of the coaster (yes I know it’s a river I just call it a lake for sharts and giggles). This ride is good, but if you think it’s better than Wicked Cyclone, you stinkay.

  • Wicked Cyclone

    Airtimes Inversiones Obra maestra

    I have ridden this coaster more times than I can count, and Wicked Cyclone still manages to always impress me. If I could add more pros, I would. The train manages to keep the speed perfectly, it feels as if I am flying straight through the tracks. Even though the drop is pretty short (considering this is only 109 feet tall) it still packs a punch. You can easily tell that you are plummeting towards the Earth at a 78° angle, and you can feel it too. The airtime is literally death ejector. If I’m being honest, you can compare it to the airtime on El Toro, and that is saying something. The inversions on Wicked is outstanding. It’s whips you threw the track and it has a lot of hang time, it’s perfect. This coaster has a place in my heart, and always will.

  • Bubble Gaming

    ¡Buena sorpresa! Intensidad Vibración

    I genuinely had no expectations for this. I thought it would be a headbanging mess. First ride, I was desperately preparing for headbanging that… never appeared. There wasn’t headbanging. I even found it decently forceful! The second ride was rougher, enough to give me a mild headache. I still found it to be an underrated gem that doesn’t deserve a 6.3%.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Intensidad Hangtime Capacidad Arnés

    I got a pretty good ride on Joker. Immediately, I flipped twice. There also was a lot of rocking around, including a part that I thought was going to flip me, but it didn’t. The ride itself I enjoyed, but after is where the problems shine. They only allow one train to load and unload at a time, so you have to wait for quite awhile until you get off. This is part of the capacity problem. The line before moved at a snail’s pace. The waiting also caused my hips to be in pain because of the vest restraint. It hurt, even after the ride. With the extra wait, I’m much more likely to get rerides on Joker at Great Adventure despite preferring the New England version.

  • Bubble Gaming

    Vibración Incomodidad

    My first ride in July wasn’t that good. It was pretty rough, and it earned only 2.5 stars. I decided to give it a second chance, and it only got worse. I knew old vekoma’s profiling was bad but not THAT bad. It was jackhammering me so much throughout the entire layout. I do want to point out 2 of the worst moments of roughness. First, the sidewinder. You can see the roughness from off ride. Not only do you have the lateral roughness, but now there’s aggressive shaking back and forth. Then, there’s the inline twists. These 2 are so rough that any form of enjoyment is quickly sealed. There are sudden jolts from side to side that are so abrupt, impactful, and painful. It has vest restraints, which are probably the only thing making this 1.5 stars instead of 0.5. The vest restraints are a step in the right direction, but it still is bad and I’m still concerned about riding SLCs with the old restraints.