• NormanRider - coasterfan .

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Layout

    y'a des bons coasters, puis des excellents, et enfin, y'a des chefs d'œuvre comme RTH, le layout est excellent, les airtimes monumentaux, surtout ceux en entrée et sortie du tophat. sans parler de l'originalité des trains spinning qui décuplent l'expérience, une œuvre d'art, y'a rie a dire

  • Matt A.

    Thematisierung Kapazität

    Free spins aren't my thing but this one was pretty good. Short and gets to the point. Regardless, while the capacity is not great, you can at least appreciate the great theming of the ride while you wait.

  • Matt A.

    Airtimes Standort Layout Rütteln Unangenehm

    Felt like I pinballed around for most of the ride. However, it was much better than I expected and had a lot more airtime than anticipated. I think if it got a full re-track, it would be much easier to marathon this solid woodie!

  • Ivan Claeys

    Thematisierung Nette Überraschung! Layout

    I had to think hard to get an opinion for this coaster. It's not what you expect it to be. When I tried it for a second ride, I liked it more than the first time. Abyssus has a very unusual layout, and I like that. It's not high enough, fast enough, extreme enough to compete with Hyperion and Zadra in Energylandia, so what's the point in even trying? Abyssys gives a totally different experience, and that's a good thing. I like the theming and the original pace. Great coaster.

  • Ivan Claeys


    It's a standard, well themed family ride. Nothing special, but a decent coaster for the ones who don't need the extreme experiences.

  • Ivan Claeys

    First Drop Thematisierung Intensität Layout

    Hyperion is almost a perfect ride. It's the second highest coaster in Europe, and it's the absolute highest I have been on. So I was impressed about that. I like the theming. Good story that fits the ride perfectly. The lift upward goes fast and smooth, and for some reason I didn't have any nerves going up. I found this very strange, since I have them when I ride Silver Star in Europapark, and that one is 4 meters shorter. The First Drop is fantastic, and so is the hill after that. The rest of the ride is... allright. Decent, but nothing special. That's the reason that I do not give it a 5 star rating.

  • Ivan Claeys


    Vogelrok is a good family ride, I guess. The lines are short, most of the time. There's some interesting theming going on, not to much but enough to get the right feel. The ride itself is nothing special if you have already experienced dark coasters. I personally do not understand the appeal of coasters in the dark. I have the feeling that you are missing a lot. The combination of the speed of a coaster and the theming-elements in the dark place doesn't work for me.

  • Adrien Mathieu

    Airtimes Meisterwerk Layout

    Quel chef d'oeuvre ! Je ne m'attendais pas à une telle claque ! Il est passé top 1 de mon classement sans hésitation . Après 1 ride au first row et 4 au last le soir je peux dire que c'est un coaster de folie ! Tout est parfait dans ce coaster: les airtimes, inversions, une drop juste incroyable et un layout de génie, pour moi, c'est du jamais vu à tel point il est original . Un coaster incontournable en Europe .

  • Adrien Mathieu

    Airtimes Spaß Layout

    Très bon coaster avec près de 20 ans au compteur sensations toujours actuelles et jouissives . Quelques vibrations viennent accompagner le ride mais vraiment rien de gênant

  • Pierre Vaast

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität

    Lech m'a énormément plu ! Il s'agît d'un excellent coaster. La first drop est vertigineuse au first, bourrée d'airtime au last. L'enchaînement de celle-ci avec l'inversion et l'EGF-turn est vraiment intense, quelque soit la place dans le train. Le Camelback envoie une bonne dose de G-, tandis que l'inversion au dessus de la station passe superbement bien. La fin du parcours est un enchaînement de virages relevés, inversions et bosses à airtimes bien sentis. Du grand Vekoma, le meilleur coaster du constructeur ! La thema est également superbe et l'emplacement au dessus du lac parfait, on a l'impression de plonger dedans lors de la drop.