• Axel Terenos74


    Ce coaster est d’une folie parfaitement maîtrisée, sans jamais remonter bien haut on dévale cet aller retour comme si on était à bord de notre 4x4 à toute blinde dans un chemin defoncé !

  • Axel Terenos74

    Airtimes Komfort Layout

    Un Hyper BM comme on aime avec 1 first et 2 premières bosses exceptionnelles ! Le reste du layout est plutôt anecdotique mais reste très agréable tout du long!

  • Axel Terenos74

    Standort Dauer

    La légende ne m’a pas convaincu car je ne suis pas le client j’aime bien quand c’est extrême et là pour le coup c’est + une expérience à part entière pour le visiteur ! Une balade à toute blinde au fond des bois. Mention spéciale pour l’helix géante qui donne une impression tout va se disloquer à tout moment !

  • Axel Terenos74

    Komfort Intensität Layout

    Banshee est un Inverted vraiment a part, beaucoup plus ample que ses congénères il ne proposera pas les grosse « décales » brusque habituelles mais bien une expérience très planante tout en intensité ! Ça change et c’est franchement pas mal !

  • Jordan Badré

    Spaß Irrelevant

    Sympa pour les enfants.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Ejectors

    A non wheel seat ride on this is a fun and smooth airtime filled out and back trip but on a wheel seat it’s absolutely wild with some roughness that absolutely flings you on every hill and the airtime is insanely janky. A great coaster for its age.

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes First Drop Tempo

    Orion is an incredible B&M giga coaster. I've done both B&M giga's in the USA and Orion is superior to Fury 325 which is the other B&M giga in the USA. Orion has very strong airtime, especially in the front row. The drop in the backrow gives unbelievably strong airtime. The ride is actually really forceful and the pacing on it is amazing. The ride is also glass smooth. The ride also honestly has a very good layout. The ride may not be to long but it still packs a huge punch with its amazing airtime moments and pacing. Overall Orion is a incredible B&M and is for sure the best coaster at Kings Island

  • Coaster Demon

    Airtimes Tempo Ejectors

    Mystic Timbers is an amazing GCI. I went into this ride not expecting it to be a top tier wooden coaster like some people say and I was proven wrong. This ride is absolutely amazing. It has amazing ejector airtime on every hill. The pacing is incredible as it never slows down until the final brake run. And the setting of this ride is really good as you go back into the woods. Mystic Timbers is also extremely smooth which I honestly was very surprised about cause I thought it would be a tad bit bumpy. But no this ride is butter smooth. Overall Mystic Timbers is an incredible GCI.

  • Coaster Demon

    Inversionen Layout Hangtime Rütteln Rückhaltebügel

    Banshee is a really good B&M invert. However I think I had my expectations way to high for it. Was expecting a top tier invert and got a mid to low tier invert. The vest restraints are bad and the ride has a very noticeable rattle. However Banshee's layout is fantastic. The ride also features some great inversions and some really good hangtime. The 2nd half of banshee after the zero g roll pulls some really good forces. I also found the 2nd half to be more snappy than the first half. Although Banshee wasn't as good as I was expecting. Its still an amazing inverted coaster.

  • Jeff Pimp

    Abschuss Layout Dead spots

    The launch is awesome and the ride is great up to the mid course.