• Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität

    This may not have the whip of older inverts but honestly the insanity of this thing makes up for it. The drop absolutely flings you sideways and every inversion gives a mix of bone crushing positives and elite hangtime. The speed and intensity never let up on this thing and it's a super long ride. The rattle I also only felt on one of my 4 rides and it still wasn't even that bad. I wasn't sure what to expect going into a newer invert but I was absolutely pleasantly surprised.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Intensität

    For being over 100 years old this is better than a lot of newer coasters. This has a great airtime filled out and back layout with some strong sustained moments of strong floater and even ejector with lots of great hills and even a double up and double down. This also has some good laterals on the turnaround and some insane sustained ones on the final helix which still surprises me with its strength every time. The roughness of the ride also adds some nice character and this coaster as a whole is just really underrated probably mostly for the park its at.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Tempo Intensität Ejectors

    This thing is running better than ever this year and was already awesome in the first place. This has some awesome sustained moments and quick pops of powerful ejector air, an awesome drop and two really intense helices that usually cause greyouts for me. I also don't mind the straight section too much as it allows you to really feel the speed on it and the wooded setting really helps with that. One of the earlier intamin hypers but still honestly a great one.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Inversionen Intensität Zu kurz

    The most modern arrow looper definitely gave us an awesome preview of what could have been... Starting out with that ejector filled drop into the mountainside tunnel is awesome with all that speed from the pre drop speed going into it followed by a really wonky shaped but intense and hangtime filled loop and a high overbank that honestly slows to the point of lateral hangtime, the second loop and sidewinder are really intense and the second overbank is a lot more intense. I'm not sure how good the airtime on the brake run pop is in the front but its alright in the back. Between the fast pace, crazy good intensity and terrain usage this definitely is my favorite arrow looper and I have a feeling it will stay that way.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes First Drop Intensität Zu kurz

    This is the best dive that I've ridden by a fair amount and probably the best one out there. Both drops gives some awesome sustained ejector, the valleys and Immelmanns are really intense and those flips out of the inversions even give some floater. There are also some surprisingly good ejector pops in the second half to compliment that unique splashdown element. While it is a shorter ride it does what it needs to very well.

  • Bill D

    Unfortunately for me, the ride was disappointing. The 1st drop was pretty exciting but the rest of the ride was way too jarring. I felt like I was being jerked around like a rag doll. Not at all enjoyable for me.

  • Mikael Ekblom

    Nette Überraschung! Spaß Intensität

    I understand why it is the best in Europe!

  • Ivan Claeys

    Thematisierung Komfort Sanftheit Zu kurz

    I really like this one. It has the best theming of any Dive Coaster I know; A great boarding station, three pre-shows, and even real tickets to get in. The ride is pretty good for a dive coaster. I think it's to short (because it is) but this is the case with every Dive Coaster I've done.

  • Ivan Claeys

    Spaß Layout Kapazität

    This is a good kiddy coaster. One I can enjoy as an adult, though. Nothing special, but a nice fun ride.

  • Ivan Claeys

    Rütteln Unangenehm Schoßbügel

    I got on this one by mistake. It's a kiddy coaster, and they should forbid adults on this one. It's really painful for adults and in my opinion even dangerous. I avoid this one in the future.