• Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Intensität Dauer Kapazität Dead spots

    This reminds me a lot of twister at Knoebels and that is a great thing. All the hills, turnarounds and the helix throw around with some great airtime and laterals and while there are some slower moments it still manages to keep throwing some surprisingly good forces at you until the very end. More people should get out to this park to see just how good this thing is.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Nette Überraschung! Layout

    Talk about a ride that shattered my expectations. From the weird split up lift to the super compact and intense layout, this is a unique and fantastic woodie. From the drop to the brake run you are constantly barraged with very strong ejector and sustained laterals as you fly around some really fast turnarounds and that huge main helix. An absolutely relentless coaster that was also very smooth and just an absolute blast.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Standort Intensität

    This is one of the best B&M hypers out there and for very good reason. This has some of the most sustained floater ever in the back on those big camelbacks and the drop which are helped by the extra drag of the staggered seat trains. The smaller hills in the second half give some solid floater too and the valleys and turns give some of the better positives on a B&M hyper. The splashdown is also a super unique touch to finish out an amazing coaster. Diamondback even has some almost ejector level airtime in the front on those big camelbacks but I think I still prefer the back. The wooded setting also gives this a super dark and excellent night ride. Honestly this isn't too far off from being the best in the park, it's that good.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Tempo Layout

    This is an absolute masterpiece of a GCI and for sure my favorite one. Just an amazing mix of awesome ejector pops and lateral filled banked turns constantly changing and throwing you every direction possible. The station flyby is a really cool addition and it's just a super long, smooth and relentless coaster with a bit of terrain interaction. I'm not the biggest fans of millenium flyers but at least the older ones have those great couch like seats to absorb any blow you might get.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Abschuss Intensität Sanftheit

    This is the greatest 17 seconds of all time and I think most people would agree with me. That launch is just unbelievable and still my favorite one, that speed is something extremely hard to beat and experiencing it on a coaster is just mind boggling. The top hat is a blur of speed, positives, laterals and even some great ejector going over the top. Such a simple coaster but it's an absolute must do experience. A fair amount of people like ka more but the lap bars, lack of a trim making the drop better and smoothness just give this the edge for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Thematisierung Headbanging Irrelevant Dead spots


  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Inversionen Abschuss

    What a quick but incredible rush this thing is. The launch is sure to catch you off guard with it's pure power and every element will pretty much do the same. The top hat and drop gives some shockingly good sustained ejector with how it hardly slows down over it, the cobra loop pretty much feels like a weirdly profiled immelman and gives some great whip. The heartline roll gives some great hangtime and that leads right into a one of a kind inversion being the flying snake dive which is an absolute blur as it throws you sideways and downwards while inverting. There is also a really awesome upward snap into the brake run and there are some other great ejector pops both into the heartline roll and upwards into the brake run. There is really not much to this coaster but everything it does have is awesome and makes this my favorite intamin accelerator.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Inversionen Tempo Intensität

    My current favorite invert is a nonstop ride with some of B&Ms always amazing 90s invert inversions. The drop doesn't do much for me but it's not a huge deal, the loop, immelman and zero g roll are fairly typical for an older B&M invert but still really intense and fast paced. Nothing before on the ride can truly compare to the batwing however, the one on montu was trimmed and a bit dissapointing but this one was full force and absolutely insane with that much whip and positives at once with that really cool trench. The hill going over the station is the only breather on the ride but even still gives some good floater dipping you right into a crazy whippy corkscrew and an ending helix which gives maybe the best positives in the whole park. There is a reason this is my favorite coaster in the park and my second favorite B&M.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    Airtimes Ejectors Hangtime Zu kurz

    Twisted Cyclone is the definition of small but mighty. This packs some super strong typical RMC ejector and three great hangtime filled inversions. The wave turn is definitely the highlight with some crazy strong sustained sideways ejector as well as the drop is great with some awesome airtime and a twist in the middle that provides an unexpected lateral moment. This is definitely very short but that makes for some excellent pacing and for what it packs in it isn;t a huge issue for me.

  • Cooper Zimmerman

    First Drop Abschuss Rückhaltebügel Dead spots

    Pantheon isn't like ultra elite but still a super cool multilaunch coaster. The first launch is decent and that zero g winder hangtime is awesome, follow that up with some cool slower outer banks that feel like an RMC prelift that lead into the main treat of this coaster. The first swing launch is fun but nothing special but those second and third launches going over that airtime hill are absolutely incredible with negative and great positive g's. The spike is a really fun element with some sustained floater while looking straight down from around 150 ft up, the drop on this is one of my favorites for how long it lasts and the giant outer bank feels very interesting with how it's more about laterals than airtime. The rest is kind of weak and not all that intense but the stall is decent and the final little snaps are good in the front. Definitely a really unique coaster but suffers from some dead spots.